Tuesday, October 28, 2014

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10 Things to learn from Indian Prime Minister, Modi (as mentioned by Nandini Sharma) and for information of the members)

He came, he saw, and he conquered. Narendra Damodardas Modi is a name we all have heard of, and the Lok Sabha Elections were enough to prove the faith the country that happens to be the largest democracy of the world has put in this man.
1) Public Speaking Skills
The man has something in his voice that makes head turn. Even the people who don't happen to like him have agreed that they never miss a speech by the Indian Prime Minister. And we can't even say that this all is because of someone who writes his speeches, as the Independence Day saw him speaking without any written speeches, and this sure is going to be one of the most remembered speeches from an Indian PM.
2) Discipline
The 15
th Prime Minister of India has always led a disciplined life. Ever since he was in RSS, which is known to instill discipline in all its members, he has followed a disciplined regimen.
3) Determination
Ever since he was a child who used to help his father and brother in their tea stalls, he was determined to make it big for himself. He has been associated with RSS since an early age, and that shows the determination that eight-year old possessed and this 64 year old possesses.
4) Detailing
This is something for people who plan a lot. Learning from a meticulous planner that Mr. Modi is, you should care to have a love for detailing. For reaching out to the Indian population, Modi travelled more than 3.5 lakhs Kms and did 400 rallies, even to places where no one usually goes. This micro detailing helps a lot in efficient planning, leading to better results.
5) Love For Technology
The man is tech-savvy and likes to keep himself up to date with all the developments in the field. He tweets and posts important details of his life and journey within minutes of it happening. Even as I write this article, I can see that his Facebook cover picture has already been updated. While we can learn from this, we should also know the clear difference there is between love for technology and being a slave for it.
6) Love for Fitness

Modi is a big yoga enthusiast and never forgets to do it, no matter how busy he is. Perhaps, this is the reason why he is this active at this age. This is also something that we can and should learn from him.
7) Enthusiasm
Even at the age of 64, the enthusiasm with which Narendra Modi lives his life is commendable. Be it playing drums on his recent visit to Japan or answering questions of various Indian students on Teacher's Day, he has never left his enthusiastic persona.
8) Patience
After foolproof planning, which leads to his confidence, he is not a man who can be impatient and jump on to conclusions or be restless for results. This patience and the tendency of keeping his calm and not behaving like a kid, has proved to be very useful for him. It's a hard sight to see the man angry, overpowered by emotions, or losing his patience.
9) Leadership Skills
if you remember well, he promised to work one hour more than his subordinates did in a public speech. This is not something an inefficient leader would be able to say. He is an efficient leader and leads by his words; learning this skill from him can be beneficial for our professional lives.
10) Humbleness

Even though he is the Prime Minister of world's largest democracy, his position has not gone to his head. He comes across as a very humble human being and this is evident by the way he addresses the nation and answers all the questions he is put across. Being humble can take you places and this is also something to learn from him.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T