Best Wishes!
This is a platform for light minded people, who wish to express their opinion suggest, or comment on any public issue. Everyone is welcome abroad. No bar for caste, creed, color, or belief. You may share your experience, adventure to all, and make this planet a worth living place, without any tension, voilence, and respect to other regions and human beings. Kind Regards! Sunder T - sunderkt at gmail dot com -
Indian worship money. Indians worship it because they think it is acquired not by intelligent labour but in some magical way. Being shirkers by nature, Indians like to think that others too are shrikers. Once Indians get hold of money, they stick on personal or family comforts. Indian wealth does not circulate
If Indians were to pool their resources, however small, and were to use them for productive ends, everyone of them could be richer year after year. But Indians do not do this, becuase each of them is fully convinced that the other fellow is out to trick him
India marches on, one step forward, and two steps backward. Where shall we end up? The progress we have achieved- and it is considerable- is not the result of the people`s efforts but imposed on the country from above. The mastermind at work has many assistants- at a price- and that`s all; there are no true followers among the vast multitudes, who are for the most part sunk in apathy or in ingnorance
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
This blog is starting as no.159- India`s great task at the moment is to infect the people with the will to toil, continuously and intelligently. Indians must be taught to use their heads not for carrying heavy loads but for thinking. The Anglo-Saxon is said to be a shirker of hard labour, but he is not only that; shirker he may be, but the fruits of hard work he wants, and he wants to improve his tandars constantly. What mean does he employs to achieve his ends? He uses brains and invents machines to do most of the trying and dirty jobs for him. That is how progress has been attained. The Indians have by-passed drugery, but wihout benefiting himself or his country. Are`nt we as Indians not entitled to conclude from his ways that he has put his intellect in cold storage? It is thee, but in a frozen, practicallyt de-vitaminised, conditon
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
This blog starts as n.155- Sometimes ago, in the West, specilization was looked upon as a meritorious acquirement; now it is realized that an expert in one domain cannot be a real export unless he is familiar wiht all that pertains to his subject. In India, however, the old attitude still goes on. Here an authority on a subject cannot see beyond his nose. His products rarely rise beyond the second-rate. Whereever there are exceptions, they are large men, masters of amy branches of learning, like C.V.Raman, the scientist
A German specialist in steel-making was sent forby the Government of India on a year`s contract. The planning officer had not marked out any work for him. After eight months, not even the foundation stone of the research insitute he was to organize had been laid. the man was compelled to idle. Tata-steel, seeing the situation, borrowed him to conduct some reaserches for them. In a conversation this expert said, "I am applalled at the Indian attitude to work. They do everything in a slipshod manner. Even the young scientists who are in training under me behave in this manner; they do not take pride in their job. If German steel mills were to function with this kind of peronnel, they would go bankrupt in six months."
Kind Regards
Sunder T