Friday, June 20, 2014


A focused mind succeeds no only because it can solve problem with greater dispatch, but also because problems have a way of somehow vanishing before its focused energies, without even requiring to be solved. A focused mind often attracts opportunities for success that, to less focused (and therefore less successful) individuals, appear to come by sheer luck.
Concentration awakens our powers and channels them, dissolving obstacles in our path, literally attracting opportunities, insights and inspirations. In many ways, subtle as well as obvious, concentration is the single most important key to success.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Thursday, June 19, 2014


The difference between ego and will is that the ego is blind but the will has vision. Will has its source in the pure Self. Ego springs from avidya, a false sense of identification with the external world, and is usually concerned with preserving self-image and self-identity. Ego is characterized by stubbornness, selfishness, and unwillingness to compromise.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


becoming successful in the world requires a strong will, and that strong will needs to be properly guided so we develop a strong personality rather than a trivial, egotistical one. A strong personality exhibits tolerance and endurance. It has the power to `vanquish` an opponent, but chooses to forgive and forget instead. When egotistical, on the other hand, we demonstrate our weakness by answering a pebble with cannon. We lose composure the moment our feelings are even slightly bruised. We have received from others, but an even harder time remembering how much we have injured others.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


we find that everything is absolutely based on a fundamental ultimate law: nothing ever geos wrong. Yes, sometimes it looks to us as if it has gone wrong, because we were expecting something else. That`s a problem-we do one thing, we sow one seed and we expect something else. We sow the seeds of one kind of flower and we expect some other kind of flower, so when the flowers come we are frustrated. But flowers come through the seed, not our wishes.
Life is our project. We are our life`s creators. God has created men, but as freedom. So there is an essential freedom inside; now it is up to you to choose what you would like to happen to you in life and then you will see that it starts happening.
One thing is linked with another, one thing leads to another, and slowly you have taken a certain rout; then all other alternatives are dropped.
Life is a small affair a 70 year affair in which one-third will be gone in sleep, another one-third will be gone in earning bread and butter, another one-third in other stupidities…..
It is not a big thing, compared to death it is nothing. Death is eternity.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


In India, the big `C` stands not so much for `Cancer` as for `Corruption. Corruption, which seems to thrive at all levels, is perhaps the single biggest threat to our national economic and ethical health.
Abolish corruption? It`s like saying `let `a abolish gravity`. Corruption has become as essential factor in our lives as gravity, which keeps everything in its place. Any suggestion that it could be done away with sounds like a joke, and not a particularly funny one at that.
OK, so corruption is something unavoidable, something that we have to learn to live with. But who`s responsible for it? How does the spiral of corruption begin? Who`s at the beginning of the ghoos story? The other day, the answer to that question was revealed tome. I realized who the source of corruption is: it was me.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


William Blake said:” He who bends to himself a joy/Does the winged life destroy; /But he who kisses the joy as it flies/Lives in eternity`s sunrise”
Being is consciousness without the attached strings of attachment and ego. Being is a way of seeing the world, and everything in it, through the consciousness of a poet, or an artist, or a sage. Being has no title deed, no desire of possession, no stamp of ownership...
The polar opposite of being is consciousness in the mode of having. The world and everything in it- beauty, wealth, power, and fame- is perceived as possession, something to have, and to hold on to at all the cost.
If being is pure consciousness without ego, having is pure ego without consciousness. In having the ego becomes all consuming my wishes and desires that must be fulfilled, my ideal home, my perfect family, my enviable collection of art and beauty, my good name and reputation, the world as  my private property to do with as I will.
Thanks for your attention and time given to this page. Your comments are most welcome,
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Religion travel is the largest segment in India`s domestic tourism. Close to 60 percent of those travelling within India combine it with a stop at a shrine or an important place of worship. This segment has been growing by at least 35 per cent.
High-end spiritual tourism is the in thing. With increased connectivity and availability of quality accommodation at religious place in India, there has been an increase in this segment.
High-end spiritual tourism includes foreigners from UK, France, Germany, and other European countries. NRIs too form a significant share of the market. However, the biggest proportion is still formed by the affluent businesspersons and their families within India.
Your comments are most welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


we are what our father ate….before our birth
you`re what your father eats, says a new study. An International team has found that a father`s diet while growing up can affect the future health of his offspring-in fact, paternal diet influences lipid metabolizing genes of his children. Researchers discovered that a father`s lifestyle can be passed down to his children because it “reprograms” his genes.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.112

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.112: We all have two identities, the identity that we project to the outer world, and the identity that we believe to be us in the inner world. ...


We all have two identities, the identity that we project to the outer world, and the identity that we believe to be us in the inner world. Your fight is nothing but the fight between these two worlds. This conflict between the personalities that you show to the outer world and the personality that you reveal in our inner world are called `tension ‘the uneasy feeling between these identities creates disease. Both the identities are pure myths; both are lies! You are something beyond these identities. The basic truth is that you are much more than these two identities. When you are not clutched from these two identities, you will suddenly realize that you are beyond the two identities. When that happens, these two identities can never bind you again.
Best Wishes!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


What is important to me in my life is respect and self-esteem.
In order to get through life, I feel that a person has to have
respect for others and themselves.  By respecting what others say and do,
even though I may not agree with them, I still respect their point of view.
This has helped me carry on in life without letting what they say or do
affect me physically or emotionally.  Realizing that everyone has their
own personal view of something or someone is important to me.
Self-esteem is something that I feel can carry a person through life.
Always having high self-esteem about you puts up a shield from put-downs
and abuse from other people.  This high self-esteem will help a person
stay strong and let the remarks go in one ear and out the other.  
Following this philosophy will help me live a happy and successful life.
By not letting other people bring me down, but at the same respect them;
I will have a better understanding of individuals and life in general.
Best wishes!
Sunder thadani


Subject: Self is Pure Consciousness:
The self is pure consciousness. Your true self is the purest of pure. It is the witness. Even if you are not aware of the Self, it will not lose its identity. But when identification of the Self happens with the body and mind then the self is n a state of delusion, and this false identification and delusion makes you suffer.
Your body is constantly changing; through pure knowledge you could understand how many different bodies you have had and yet you are the very same existence; how many births you took and all those bodies died but you always remained untouched by death.
You are consciousness, pure existence and this body is mortal. The Self is pure existence and a witness. In Self-awareness there is immense joy and in not knowing the Self there is a lot of pain and suffering.
Be a witness. Remain detached. You just be a watcher, a seer; be aloof from all this paraphernalia of the world and the body. Then only you really enjoy otherwise you will suffer as no scenario is ever going to remain in unchanged
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Subject: Life is for living
Nature created a human form and from this human form we have to become human beings. Nature gave a tool to our human form: the mind. And from this mind our discovery begins. When we go inside ourselves, we can discover our potentials, our capacities and our nature. We must organize our lives with our minds. If we know ourselves, slowly our human form will progress, will grow. The capacities and the quality of our consciousness will grow.
Age has nothing to do. Ask yourself if you want to live a better life or not. If you want to know more about yourself, or not; if you want to live this life knowing yourself or without knowing yourself. This is what we must learn. Don`t live a life with ignorance; live with awareness, with knowledge. Then you can grow, and then you can progress and fulfill the purpose of life.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Happiness depends on balance. If our external and internal lifestyles are balanced the, assuming we have the potential to get well, all the conditions necessary for healing are in place. How to establish external balance? We should develop a good diet, drink plenty of water, get enough rest and sleep, have regular exercise within our capacity and we need to have an enjoyable or purpose in life or learn to enjoy it. Also it helps to live in a clean and healthy environment. We also need supportive and healthy relationships and should avoid substance abuse…
Happiness or fulfillment is just a state of mind – it comes from within so it is impossible to find lasting peace of mind in only the external world. Sometimes illness could be a blessing in disguise because it can help to start us on that inner journey towards wholeness and ultimate healing…
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Jealousy destroys those envying roots and enjoys lasting peace. Just be aware when the feeling of
 jealousy arises, and you will be surprise, it simply disappears. Jealousy cannot be overcome
either by escaping from it or hating the object of jealousy.
Understand the way out of jealousy is not be surprising it or denying its existence.
Expressing and encouraging it is also not the way because then you are not ready
to face he jealousy with awareness. Just watch how jealousy arise in you,
how it develops into hatred for the object of jealousy, how it creates restlessness
and frustration inside you and make you lose all of your peace and calm.
Do not condemn the object of jealousy. The object has not generated the
emotions from outside. The jealousy is happening inside you. The fire of jealousy
can just consume you completely if you don’t control it with the fire extinguisher of
you awareness. Once you witness your jealousy with awareness, you will realize
that it does not have a basis for existence at all.  When this happens, jealously
will drop automatically. You won`t have to drop it.
Best Wishes!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Stress management is one of the most important factors in health and vitality. Emotional and mental stress can often have a direct effect on your physical state. Research shows that chemicals produced over years from unhappy emotions feelings can disrupt the body`s physical balance and lead to disease. Stress and unhappiness has even been known to cause depression, gastrointestinal disorders and fat formation and storage. Stress directly affects the immune system leaving the body more susceptible to colds and flues.
Yours views, suggestions, and comments are most welcome
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Through history one impression of human nature has been consistent: that man has a multiple nature. Most often it has been expressed as a dual nature. It has been expressed mythologically, philosophically, and religiously. Always it has been seen as conflict: the conflict between good and evil, the lower nature and the higher nature, the inner man and the outer man. "There are times," Somerset Maugham, "when I look over the various parts of my character with perplexity. I recognize that I am made up of several persons and that the person at the moment has the upper hand will inevitably give place to another. But which is the real one? All of them or none?. Kind Regards! Sunder T. (for members of sundercircle only)


Subject: Inviting Wisdom to Stay
Our experience tell us that too much human conflict, distress and suffering comes from lack of wisdom. So we would like to have more, and for others to have it too. While a basic definition is that wisdom consists of making the best use of knowledge, it leaves out other aspects, which we can put together by examining various traditions.
While intelligence, cleverness or the ability to appear dynamic is something a person is born with, wisdom is not. One way to increase in wisdom is to move from raw to refined thinking, feeling, reflecting and acting.
Wise being embody the essence of wisdom that is discernment- discernment of right from wrong, just from unjust, wholesome from destructive, truth from delusion. They are usually regarded as compassionate towards others, content in themselves.
They have learnt what is truly important.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani


Subject: Inviting Wisdom to Stay
Our experience tell us that too much human conflict, distress and suffering comes from lack of wisdom. So we would like to have more, and for others to have it too. While a basic definition is that wisdom consists of making the best use of knowledge, it leaves out other aspects, which we can put together by examining various traditions.
While intelligence, cleverness or the ability to appear dynamic is something a person is born with, wisdom is not. One way to increase in wisdom is to move from raw to refined thinking, feeling, reflecting and acting.
Wise being embody the essence of wisdom that is discernment- discernment of right from wrong, just from unjust, wholesome from destructive, truth from delusion. They are usually regarded as compassionate towards others, content in themselves.
They have learnt what is truly important.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani


If a man has lived his whole life making every moment and every phase of it a beauty, a love, a joy, naturally his death is going to be the ultimate peak of his life`s endeavor.
If death is ugly; that mans your whole life has been a waste.
Death should be a peaceful acceptance, a loving entry into the unknown, a joyful goodbye to old friends, to the old world. There should not be any tragedy in it.
Do not make things small and big, trivial and important. Everything is important. At this moment any death is as important as the two squirrels running on the roof, there is no difference. In existence it is all the same. There is nothing which is great or small; it all depends on you, what you make out of it.
Throw out all the rubbish you are carrying. Life is simple; it is a joyful dance. The whole earth can be full of joy and dance, but there are some who are determined that nobody should enjoy life, smile, or laugh; that life is a sin, that it is a punishment.
Life is a reward, and it is given only to those who have earned it, who deserve it. It will be against existence if you don`t beautify it, if you leave it just as you have found it. So leave it a little happier, a little more beautiful, and a little more fragrant.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani