Sunday, January 10, 2016

sunderblogger: blogspot.NotProudToBeIndian

NotProudToBeIndian: An American lady, wishing to come over to India during the lean days of 1950, enquired of American officials as to what she should take with her to alleviate in some measure the miseries of the people. "Shall I take rice," she asked, "or what, or canned foods, or medicines?" The man in charge listened to her patiently, grinned and said: "Lady, what Indians need most is CASH." CASH! Tat cerainly is what we Indians welcome most. I am afraid we are, have been, and will long remain worshippers of what D.H.Lawrence rudely called the Bitch-Goddess. For us she is a shining deity. Regards. Sunder T. 20160110