Thursday, January 7, 2016

sunderblogger: blogspot.NotProudToBeIndian

NotProudToBeIndia: An Indian may be a god or a devil. I have said, but he is definitely not a plain human being. Well, what makes him tick? It is not my intention to juggle with words. I am going to call a spade a spade. The Indian is said to be the most spiritual man on earth. This is worse than clotted nonsense. We have propagated the myth because we need something to boast about. Why should we not have a quality that the West is supposed not to possess? Our inferiority in many domains has compelled us to credit ourselves with wings. The fact is, and it had better be started without beating about the bush, we are the most materialistic people in the world. Matter and spirit may or may not be indivisible (let thinkers dispute about this), but our Indian knows that matter takes precedence over spirit.(will continue in next post). Regards. Sunder T - 20160107