NotProudToBeIndian: A foreigner in England gradually and imperceptibly acquired British British phlegm- that is he becomes sedate: the same person, if he had lived in France, would have turned light-hearted; and if he had been transplanted to the States he would get to be as agitated as a Yank.
Now whatever hands, the changes in him would be mostly in behaviour. His core would remain what it was- Nordic or Slavonic, as the case be.
The point I am trying to make is that whoever comes
and lives in India undergoes a subtle change of psyche. His values alter. The boundaries of good and evil, so clear before, now begin to melt and move. He floats in a void.
This is a terrifying experience, but, fortunately, one is not aware of it while in India. One notices it when one is abroad and is looking at things from a distance.
The brown earth of India and her blue skies are tempting; their lure is like the lure of the Dhaturs flower, at once exquisite and enslaving. Whoever shares the life of India ceases to be human and humane. He may become a god (a wonderful sight); he may more often turn into a devil (interesting phenomenon); but the warm pulsating blood of man dries up in his veins.
An Indian is above or below man; he is rarely just man. To deal with him, we have o deal with new species.
Sunder T