Saturday, January 23, 2016


Reasons Why You Should Never Drink Soda Again JANUARY 22, 2016 — By Joe Welkie We've all learned by this point that soda is not the best thing for you to drink. Despite the constant ads for different sodas on television, more people than ever are shying away from the beverage in order to lead healthier lifestyles. If you need an extra push to stop drinking soda, we have a few reasons why you should never pick up the bubbly soft drink again. If you've already quit drinking soda, here are some more reasons to rub it in your soda-drinking friends' faces. 1. Drinking soda alters your metabolism and makes it harder for you to burn fat and lose weight. 2. Sodas contain hefty amounts of caffeine, which can negatively impact a wide variety of illnesses ranging from heart palpitations to incontinence. 3. Drinking just one soda per day can dramatically increase your risk for type-2 diabetes. 4.Drinking sodas (even diet sodas) can cause you to gain a ton of weight. 5. If you pour milk into a bottle of Coke and let it sit for 6 hours, this is what you'll find at the bottom of the bottle. Would you want to drink something that does this to milk? 6. Soda is linked to asthma. Researchers performed a scientific study on soda drinkers and found an association between a heightened risk for asthma and other breathing conditions and drinking more than half a liter soda every day. 7. Soda consumption is also linked to teen violence. A recent study has shown that teens who drink soda regularly are most likely to get involved in violent altercations. Regards Sunder T – 20160123.