Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Be a 5-Star Person! The lobby of a 3-star hotel is less comfortable than a 5 star hotel and even less comfortable than a 7-star hotel. If we ask people what is the difference between all these lobbies, the various responses that we get is tha the service is better, the ambience is better and so on. But the real reason being the space that it offers. The same goes for our inner world. When we make more space within ourselves, the more staff (people) associate with us and the more stars we get (being liked and loved). The inner world has no limitations, it does`nt and with 3-star or 7-stars. It can go into billions of stars- Manoj Lekhi. This appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information of our members in "sundercircle". Regards. Sunder T. 20160113.