Friday, January 22, 2016


sunderblogger.blogspot.NotProudToBeIndian Indian tragedy is that one Indian destroys another Indian, not in self defence (which would be bad enough), but our of sheer devilry. There is something in the makeup of the Indian that drives him to foul his own nest. "Dog does not eat dog," we have heard,; but we have all seen an Indian making mincemeat of a fellow Indian and enjoying it.  An Indian hates to see a countryman of his going up or prospering. It makes him mad, and he does his best to pull down the follow who is climbing. Have you ever seen a fisherman carrying on his head an open basket full of live crabs? None one gets out, Why Simply because its pals dran it down. Well India is like that basket of crabs. The result of this charming attitude is that no Indian is allowed to make the best of his position or to do the work that is dearest to him. He is always being sniped at. Regards Sunder T 20160122