Monday, January 25, 2016


NotProudToBeIndianAn Indian must conspire against an Indian. Without that he loses all zest for life. Working against someone or something-how wonderful. Such being the case, no Indian, really speaking trusts another Indian. It is all worse than Hitlerism or Stalinism. A husband in India does not trust his wife; the wife does not trust him; brother has no confidence in brother; and so it goes on through all the intervening relationships. Each Indian in sure that his friend or neighbour is out to diddle him. Back we come to our old friend Cash. It has corroded all human links in India. We might have escaped this fatality if we had been gifted with intelligence. Unfortunately, the gods were unkind to us in this respect. But what about our super metaphysics? It is high time we saw there in proper perspective; they were the work of out-size men who are gone and who have never been replaced. We have produced for ages, barring some exceptions, nothing but accomplished copyist. Because Indians do not think for themselves. Indian take an easy way out. Indians repeat authoritatively what is supposed to be Respectable or Fashionable. Regards. Sunder T- 20160125