Friday, January 8, 2016

sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle

Symptoms of Greatness I have written these Symptoms of greatness to remind you of all I believe you are. Own these versus resisting them: *An acute and irreversible lust for learning. *Ridiculously beautiful goals dreams. *A fire in the belly to become relentless amid naysayers. *The ability to spot the finest in people and to fan their flames of excellence. *An uncommon adherence to politeness, punctuality and graciousness. *A heroic devotion to standing in full expression of creativity +originality. *No need to be like everyone else. *A breathtaking desire to become the undisputed heavyweight champion of their craft. *A capability to leverage pain into strength and heartbreak into joy. *Massive amounts of energy born of heightened inspiration. *A refusal to cling to the status quo. *A visceral desire to become a light to many. A devotion to being an game-changer, world-builder+a citizen of mastery. -Robin Sharma (wrote in DNA, a local paper and now for info. Of our members in sundercircle. Regards. Sunder T 2060108