Tuesday, September 8, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life-think of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, musles, nerves, every part of your body, be ...


Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life-think of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, musles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to succeed- Swami Vivekananda. This appered in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of our members, "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T. -

Friday, September 4, 2015


"Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them. Le me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. Let me not look for allies in life`s battlefeild but to my own strength. Let me not cave in"- Rabindranath Tagore. This appeared in a local paper and now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". You are welcome to comment. Kind Regards! Sunder T. - https://sundercircle.wordpress.com/ - 20150904.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Indian helath care. $73.9 billion -the size of sector in 2011. 3.6 million workforce in 2013. 7.4 million workforce likely in 2022. 4.2% o...


Indian helath care. $73.9 billion -the size of sector in 2011. 3.6 million workforce in 2013. 7.4 million workforce likely in 2022. 4.2% of GDP spend in on healthcare. 1% of it comes from the public sector. The share of healthcare FDI has doubled since 2011. This will reach to $ 280 by 2020. This is for public information. Kind Regards! Kind Regards! 20150901

Sunday, August 30, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.maharashtra4u

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.maharashtra4u: sunderblogger.html smart villages Maharashtra govt. is planning to develp one smart village in every district of the state The aim...



smart villages

Maharashtra govt. is planning to develp one smart village in every district of the state

The aim was to develp villages including concrete roads, dranage, system, soldi waste management and other amenities.

Kind Regards!

Sunder T


Saturday, August 29, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle: Sunderblogger- 20150828 Spiritual Process- Spiritual process is not a divorce from life. It is an irrevocable love affair with life. Just ...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle: Sunderblogger- 20150828 Spiritual Process- Spiritual process is not a divorce from life. It is an irrevocable love affair with life. Just ...

sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle

Sunderblogger- 20150828 Spiritual Process- Spiritual process is not a divorce from life. It is an irrevocable love affair with life. Just in everything that you touch-the food that you eat, the air that you breathe, the earth that you walk upon-the hand of the Creator is obvious for someone who pays enough attention to it. The biggest thing that a human being can do is to be in tune with that intelligence and ensure that he does not distort the hand of the Creator. You can do everything that you wish to do and still not distort the hand of the Creator- if you are in tune with it. If you are not in tune with it, you become an exclusive intelligence. Creation does not make room for that. Initiation into a spiritual process means to stir up that intelligence within you which is the source of creation- you allow it to function. The word yoga means “union” Union means inclusiveness, to become an inclusive intelligence, so that your intelligence does not in any way distort the intelligence which is the source of creation within you and in everything. This is what Sadguru, Isha Foundation said in DNA, a local newspaper. This is now reproduced for the info. And benefit of the members of “sundercircle”. You feedback is most welcome. Kind Regards! Sunder T. https://sundercircle.webs.com/ -https://groups.google.com/group/sundercircle

sunderblogger: Mumbai

sunderblogger: Mumbai

Monday, August 24, 2015

sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle

20150824-The infinite sky is motionless overhead and the restless water is boiterous. On the seashore of endless world`s children meet with shouts and dances. They build their houses with sand., and they play with empty shells. With withered leaves they weave their boats ans smilingly float them on the vast deep. Children have their play on the seashore of worolds. They know not how the swim, the know not how to cast nets. This was written by Rahindranath Tagore and it appeared in a local paper. It is now reporoduce for the info. and benefit of the members of "sundercircle" - Rgrds! Sunder T

Sunday, August 23, 2015

sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle

20150823- Nothing is forever! The winds continued to wihisle as rain came smarthering down against the window pane. The typhoon was raging outide as a famly remained safe in the shelter of theri home. A little girl lay in her bed afraid of the rolling roar of the thunder. She closed her eyes tightly and prayed to God. she slowly flet the reassurance of her mohter`s arms around her. "Dont worry it`s just a storm. It will soon pass. "But mummy why does God make storms?" she asked. The mother replied softly, "To make up appreciate the sunny days." Friends, many times, we too are faced with storms, difficulies and depressing times in our lives. And we allow ourselves to be carried away by these storms. We forget that the storm will surely pass and give way to yet another bright, sunny day. We live in a world in which nothing abides forever. Nothing abides because life is a movement in waves, waves, come and waves go. Everything comes to pass. These problems that come to us, the difficultues that we find in our ways, the obstacles that are set up on our path they will all pass. If only you remember this teaching that this is too shall pass, whenever you are surrounded by a problem, you will see what stregnth and courage you get to face that problem. This is reproduced (written by Dad JP Vaswani), for the benefit and information of our members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: sunderblogger Plan, Visualize- Before you leave work or go to bed, take a few minutes to plan schedule for the following day. Doing so s...


sunderblogger Plan, Visualize- Before you leave work or go to bed, take a few minutes to plan schedule for the following day. Doing so sets you up for success, as you`ll be able to get right to work as soon as you begin your day. After planning your schedule, take a few additional minutes to visualize your day going exactly as you want it. See yourself performing at your best in every situation you will encounter. This gives your subconscious all night to work on creating ways to make it happen just as you visualized it. Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what else is happening. This is what Jack Canfield said in a local paper. This is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards Sunder T 20150819

Thursday, August 13, 2015





sunderformation.html Mumbai 20150813

Saturday, August 1, 2015

mumbai4u, sundermumbai, public

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: Love More, Judge Less True love is non-judgment. Do not see the faults of others. When you find fault with others and critise them harshl...


Love More, Judge Less True love is non-judgment. Do not see the faults of others. When you find fault with others and critise them harshly, you are drawing negative forces to yourself!. I read about a fashionable, rich yourng woman, who was taken around a poor locality of New York City. She was disgusted at the sight of the shabbily dressed, unkempt children on the streets. 'Look at these dreadful childrn!" she sneered. Why can`t someone wash and clean them up? Do they have no mothers!" Her guide explained to her partiently, Sure, they have mothers who love them- but they don`t hate the dirt. You hate the dirt- but you don`t love these childre. Untill the love for the children and hatred for their condition are found together in the same heart, the children will have to remain as they are!" So, let me not judge another`s deed: let me instead understand his ned. This is what Dada JP Vaswani in a local paper. It is now reproduced for the information and benefit of "sundercircle" members. Your comments are most welcome Kind Regards! Sunder T -

sunderblogger: sunderblogger:blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger:blogspot.sundercircle: Guru Purnima This July has been blessed with two full moon nights. The first wa sin early July and the second was on 31st July, 2015, whi...


Guru Purnima This July has been blessed with two full moon nights. The first wa sin early July and the second was on 31st July, 2015, which is being celebrated as the Curu Punnima, the full moon night dedicated to the guru, the master. A real guru ia the one who liberates us and with whom we are in deep love, faith and reverence. A guru is a pressence. Through him one gets the first glimspse of divinity. A guru creates, transforms and gives a new birth to a seeker so that with complete trust one can follow his guru while travalling through many unknown paths. This is what was written by Swami Chaianya Keeri in a local paper and is now reproduce for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Learning to Listen How do we gain a perspective on what is appropriate and sensible to do in a situation? Sdhguru, of Isha Foundation said in a local paper (which is reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". "If you do not have a direct perception, you must be willing to listen- to anything and everything. Someone seems to be talking utter nonsense, but still you listen because most the geniuses in the world spoke utter nonsense as far as the rest of the world was concerned at that moment. It is just that you are willing to listen. It does not matter who is speaking. Whether a child is speaking or a great man or a menial is speaking, you learn to listen". Kind Regards! Sunder T

Sunday, July 5, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.India4u

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.India4u: India4u: Solar power 100,000MW The target for solar electric capacity from 20,000MW to 100,000MW by 2022 at a cost of about US$ 100 billio...

sunderblogger: blogspot.India4u

India4u: Solar power 100,000MW The target for solar electric capacity from 20,000MW to 100,000MW by 2022 at a cost of about US$ 100 billion need a through check up and thinking for the new government who has just finished 365 days of rule. Solar electricity is most promising. But it is also hugely subsidiezed today. Stripped of subsidies, solar pwer currently cost 14 cents/unit (abt. Rs.9.5/unit). India should opt for solar energy when it is cheaper and it is estblished as competitive and even then onlh to the extent it does not disturb the grid. Taking risk at this juncture is not very practical. Need second thinking on the subject. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani. - -

Friday, July 3, 2015


Mumbaikars: Mumbai Municipal Corporation chief Ajoy Mehta has decided to make WhatsApp messenger service an official mode of communication within the civil body. These instructions are directed towards all BMC deputy municipal commissioners, directors, deans of civi hospitals, chief engineers and assistant commissioners in charge of 24 wards in Mumbai. It is high time Indians public servant (today some of them are taken as owners of India) should wake up to save time and public money. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani -

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Mumbai: (Vehicles) Spot e-challans for traffic offences are being implemented in Mumbai city. [1] The drawback is that the initiative fo...


Mumbai: (Vehicles) Spot e-challans for traffic offences are being implemented in Mumbai city. [1] The drawback is that the initiative forced software and other glitches, such as the tablet batter dying after about an hour of usage, forcing conps to go back to the station or chowki to recharge them; the screen not being readable in sunlight, and even spotty 3G connectivity. [2] The device works best with a smart card issued by RTO; manual input is time consuming, slowing down process when drivers show paper RC books, which RTOs are now issueing. Mumbai (Auto/Taxis): Auto/Taxi meters in Mumbai are being rigged and new help line has come on mobile no. 9869691666 [Available on WhatsApp]. The very fact that yet another government department is being forced to set up yet another helpline indicates that the existing mechanism is not working. Commuters are as angry with rogue drivers as they ar with government agencies not giving any redress. The legal metrology department, hopefully, will be more proactive that other agencies like cops and RTOs. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani/

sunderblogger: mumbai4u, sundermumbai, public

sunderblogger: mumbai4u, sundermumbai, public

mumbai4u, sundermumbai, public

Monday, June 22, 2015


Woman & Sprituality Generally in this culture, there have been more women on the spiritual path than men, but they carried on their spirituality quietly. In terms of numbers, the bhakti movement was difinetely more lalive in the women than in the ment. Yet, one thing that must be understood is, once you are on the spiritual path, regardless of what role you play in your family, you must just look at yourself as a life- Sadhgur, Isha Foundation [ this appreared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircl". Thanking you. Regards! Sunder Thadani -

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Love is Action I make strong demands on love, call for witnesses to prove it, and noble scrifieces and grand achievements as its results.... Love cannot be a mere abstraction, or goodness without acitivity and power. As a human quality, the glorious significance of affection is more than words: It is the unselfish deed done in secret; the slient, ceaseless prayer; the self-forgetful heart that overflows. -Mary Baker Eddy, the author (1821-1910) was the founder of The Christian Science Monitor (This appeared in a local paper and now typed for the info. and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! sunder.thadani at gmail dot com - https://groups/google.com/group/sundercircle [You are most welcome to contribute your few lines, photos, video clips, and you need not even a member. We shall appreciate your attention and time given to the members. If you on WhatsApp, then you may invite Sunder Thadani on +919867201030 - Thanks!

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Who or What is God? Who or what is God? The reality is that this is something which cannot be explained, but rather one has to delve within to know it. Know it for sure God is not a person. God is not a supreme human being sitting somewhere up in the sky on his goldern throne. God is beyond the limitations of the mind and body. God is a reality. See, realty is different from the phenomnon of how w perceive things. What we are seeing in this world is so different from what it really is. Similarly, when I say God is a reality, this reality is the esence, the experience of which comes through meditation- Anandmurti Gurumas (This appeared in a local paper DNA, and is now reproduced for the informatin and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.


India: E-waste- Wasteful quantity- Mobile handsets getting dumper every year = 300,000,000 nos. Tonns of garbage genrated every day = 15,000 nos. Plastic waste generated every year = 20 mn Sewage from western suberbs going into sea= 50% It is high time somebody may look into this dangerous situation and do something about it (no in words but in actual action). Indian can go to moon, or have bullet trains running at the speed of 300 but what is seeing before is more important than being no. economy in the world. Is somebody listening? Kind Regards! I shall appreciate if anyone can give some figures from his/he country, and how these coountries have solve the problem of e-waste issue. Thanks.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: Shift of the Axis What is the shift of the axis? Nature is a reflection of human beings. It shows what is within you. All the upheavals t...


Shift of the Axis What is the shift of the axis? Nature is a reflection of human beings. It shows what is within you. All the upheavals that are taking place in your world are an indication ofthe unrest within humans. Also what emanates from you is absorbed by Nature- if you send out positive energy, Nature will reflect that in the form of peace and harmoney. If you send out negative energy, Nature`s res[pmse wo;; ne megative. If you carry out nuclear fests in one place,the result will be an earthquake in another place. god`s law are made in such a way that when human beings go beyond a cetain limit, Naturewill give them warnings that they are following the wrong path. Evenually, god`screation must exist as pure, generous and peaceful creations.- Khorshed Bavnagri. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani 20150609


Channelise Time Please know that self-control (scientists refer to it as "self_regulation") has been found to be a lot like a muscle; the more you excercise it, the stornger it grows. You should be using almost all of your time for developing a core skill, scaling your business, gettingultra-fit, nourishing a gorgeous family life or strenghing your internal world- Robin Sharma. Kind Regards! sunderktat gamil dot com- Sunder Thadani- 20150609.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: Simple Happiness Happiness is the gentle breeze blowing through the branches of a tree where the leaves seem to sway with joy...birde` ch...


Simple Happiness Happiness is the gentle breeze blowing through the branches of a tree where the leaves seem to sway with joy...birde` chirping around the bird bath... a drive on a beautiful road in a foreigh land, a phone call from a lved one, the red roses you got yourself for no particular reason, the moment you have just finished doing up your room exactly how you like it... we all yaarn to be happy, yet we must realise that the present moment is the perfect moment for happiness- Dimple Mishra [this appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! sunderkt at gmail dot com - https://groups.google.com/group/sundercircle-

Friday, June 5, 2015


India: Fuel Consumption- India`s growingmiddle class will make it the third-biggest oil consumer this quarter, overtaking Japan, as lower prices boost consumption, Internatinal engergy Agency estimates show: 4.1 million barrels likely to beconsumed in India this quarter (while Japan consumption is barely 3.8 million barrels). Will appreciate if you can give some info. on your own county to benefit the members of 'sundercircle". https://groups.google.com/group/sundercircle


Astrology and DeathCan astorlogy predict the exact time of death? In every hyroscope there are periods when death is ligkely to accur. And if you are forwarned, you can be very careful and so can avoid death. The undersigned has known cases in which the faith and will power of the person concerned, has helped the person to tide over the crisis. Once the period is crossed over, conditions become normal, until another such period enters your life. There are periods when the soul is likely to leave the body, but not necessarily bound to do so. We must not adopt a fatalistic attitude. A person is infinetely more than planetary infulences- DadaJP Vaswani [this article appeared in a local paper DNA and is now reporduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani 20150605 - https://groups.google.com/group/sundercircle - https://sunderblogger.wordpress.in - sunderkt at gmail.com

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Mumbai People Mumbai PeopleThe people of Mumbai are considered to be a chirpy, tireless lot who are streamlined for a fast paced life in the city. Colloquially known as 'Mumbaikars' or 'Bombayites', the inhabitants of this city are often considered as hard-working, cultural, witty, modern people, who are passionate about their lives and are very approachable. It is hard, or almost impossible to define a true Mumbaikar, because a true Mumbaikar is one who is the perfect transfusion of North-meets-South, one who is passionate about cinema, one who loves food, shopping and can be quite pompous about the typical life led in the city every day. Distances from one place to another never seem to bother Bombayites, because it is very common to travel for hours in order to reach one place from another. Mumbaikars are very particular about time and love to be punctual. A blend of different communities, religions and customs, the diversity of the city enables the inhabitants to live life to the fullest and work extremely hard to make all ends meet. Although technologically and industrially advanced, the people of Mumbai are deeply enrooted to their values, religion and principles. Read on for more information on the people of Mumbai.Kind Regards! -Sunder Thadani -https://group.google.com/group/sundercircle

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Sunderblogger.067 Sub: Think India. India thrives on contradictions like no place else; any visitor, tourist, or business representative can expect the unexpected. Relying on a trusted Indian friend to act as buffer and to protect one from culture shock is helpful in this sometimes highly confusing country. At your hotel, they may not serve beef because of the reverence Hindus hold for the cow. Yet you may hear the conversation of Hindu man from Kerala seated at a nearby table telling his wife on a cell phone that he will return home tomorrow and would prefer a beefsteak for dinner. In a temple, where you might expect more familiar rules and behavior, you could be truly shocked to witness a sadhu (a holy man who customarily wears orange) amble in nonchalantly completely nude. Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani 20150526


Avoid Negtivity: Here are two negative traits (amongst many others) that you should absolutely avoid; Jealousy: One of the things that robs people of happiness is jealousy. When you constantly compare your journey with someone else`s , it holds you back. Be content with your gifts, and also learn to derive joy and inspiration from the accomplishments of others. Tht is how spirit sould live, and it brings us true happiness. Thank God for all you and learn the art ofcontenment. Blaming others: Always look within yourself and you will recognise the source of your pain. Pain can be triggered by someone else only if it already exists within you. So go to the root of the pain. do not focus on the other person. Correct the imbalnce within you, improve yourself, and then try to help others. This appreared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercirlce" - http://sunderblogger.wordpress.com/, - https://groups.google.com/group/sundercircle, - Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani - 20150526

Friday, May 22, 2015


Sunderblogger.065 India’s Unlimited Opportunities. With an average GDP growth rate of 8% each year. there has been a lot to cheer abut in India. During this phase, there has been a massive increase in the growth of individual wealth in India. It is reported that India’s HNWI (High Net worth Individual) population grew by 23% which makes it fastest growing globally. At the end of 2007, the number of HNWI was at 1.23 lakh. HNWIs are defined as individuals with more than $1 million (it was INR 4 crores then) in net assets, excluding what they have as primary residence and consumables. Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome. Best Wishes, Sunder Thadani 20150522


Real Compassion: If I am concerned with compassion, with the real feeling of something sacred, then how is that feeling to be transmittted? If I transmit it through the microphone, therough the machinerary of propaganda, and thereby convince another, his/her heart will still be emty. Where are we to find this quality acturally? There must be freedom, and freedom comes only when you understand the whole problem of envy, greed, ambition, and the desire for power. It is freedom from those things that allows the extraordinary thing called character to flower. Such a person has comassion, has love -J Krishnamurti. (This appreared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the benefit and information of the members of, "sundercircle." Kind Regards!. Sunder Thadani

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Yoga Has No Religion: What religion you belong to has nothing to do with your ability to make use of the yogic systems, because yoga is a technology. Technology does not make any distinction as to what you believe in and what you do not believe in. Whatever you may believe in or not is purely a psychological process- it has got nothing to do with making use of a technology. Yoga is Hindu just the way gravity is Christian. Just because the law of gravity was propounded by Isaac Newton, who lives in a Christian culture, does it make gravity Christians? So, Yoga is a technology. Anybody who is willing to make use of it can make use of it. It is ridiculous to even think that there could be a religious tinge to yoga. The fundamental process of my work has been just to take away the cultural tinge from the yogic sciences and to present yoga as a pure science, as a technology that everybody can benefit from. Author- Sadhguru, Isha Foundation. (This appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the info. And benefit of the members of “sundercircle”. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani. 20150519

Monday, May 18, 2015


Independent Truth: Dependent or relative truth means that truth which is interdependent on a previous truth to exist. Now, the source of all relative truths cannot be a relative truth; it has to be the absolute truth or independent truth. Ultimately, we have to study that absolute truth. The holy Scriptures are the scientific study o that absolute truth. When we come to the level of the absolute truth, then there is no beginning and no end. This is because they are the source of all relativity, and are transcendental- beyond relativity- Radhanath Swami. This is reproduced for the information of the members of “sundercircle”. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Sunderblogger.061 Subject: Bandra-Mahim Promenade The beautification of promenade is being undertaken in a way that will depict the many historic as well as recent landmarks, if will give Mahim bay a new identity. The Bandra side of Mahim Bay, now more famous as a lovers` haunt, will get an iconic glass tower, joggers` tract, cyclists` path, and an amphitheatre for cultural evens in a new promenade. The classic promenade feel is not lost but enhanced more with ornamental and accent lighting and paving materials. The promenade will be at the crossroads of the new road system and the old Causeway. The amphitheatre is in straight alignment with the Mahim Fort. The beautification project is scheduled to cost Rs. 8 crores. While work on the gardens, parks, and tracks s expected to be completed in six to eight months, the rest of the project will take over a year to be completed. Best Wishes to Mumbaikars. Sunder Thadani 20150516

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Sunderblogger.060 One of the favorite sports of India`s middle classes is bureaucracy bashing. It is an easy game to play and can be quite a lot of fun. Everyone has their favorite, outrageous story about an encounter with the bureaucracy. The inefficiency, corruption, insensitivity, stupidity and Kafkaesque circularity of bureaucratic procedures and rules are legendary. That India`s bureaucracy is one the most stifling and difficult to deal with has now been revealed in a survey. Over a thousand expatriate business executive rated India`s bureaucracy the most annoying in Asia. The problem with India is no, as we in the middle class imagine, that we have too many idle and corrupt bureaucrats. The problem is that we have too many rules and regulations and too few officials to implement and monitor the regimes, and bring to book those who flout the rules and regulations. As India`s population grows, the disequilibrium is only going to grow: more rules and regulations to be applied to more and more people by a bureaucracy that is not high enough. A conclusion: either we expand the bureaucracy or else the government will gradually wither away to the point that India will join the ranks of failed states. That would be a calamity for the Indian people. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani 20150513


Sunderblogger.059 Sub: shopping on woman’s minds as much as sex on men’s. A fascinating survey has revealed that most of the young women think about shopping as often as men think about sex. Between the ages 19-45, 74 per cent of them thin abut shopping every minute. While young men think about sex every 52 seconds. Best wishes! sunder.thadani 20150513

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Sunderblogger.058 Life4living.0710India today is the world`s second largest wireless market. India has surpassed the US as the world`s second largest wireless network in the world after China with the addition of 10.16 million wireless subscribers at the end of March, 2008The total number of wireless subscribers stood at 261.09 million at the end of March 2008. India has overtaken the US. Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome. Kindly join the group, and contribute content. Best Wishes, Sunder Thadani 20150512


Solitude and Society: A man must be clothed with society, or we shall feel a certain barrenness and poverty as of a displaced and unfurnished member. He is to be dressed in arts and institutions, as well as in body garments. Solitude is impracticable, and society fatal. We must keep our head in the one and our hands in the other. The conditions are met, if we keep our independence, yet do not lose our sympathy. We required such solitude as shall hold us to its revelations when we are in the street and in places. Society and solitude are deceptive names. It is not the circumstance of seeing more or fewer people, but the readiness of sympathy, that imports; and a sound mind will derive its principles from insight. With over a purer ascent to the sufficient and absolute right, and will accept society as the natural element in which they are to be applied- Ralph Waldo Emerson. (This appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of “sundercircle”. Regards! Sunder Thadani. 20150512.

Monday, May 11, 2015


Sunderblogger.058 Life4living.0710India today is the world`s second largest wireless market. India has surpassed the US as the world`s second largest wireless network in the world after China with the addition of 10.16 million wireless subscribers at the end of March, 2008The total number of wireless subscribers stood at 261.09 million at the end of March 2008. India has overtaken the US. Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome. Kindly join the group, and contribute content. Best Wishes, Sunder Thadani 20150511

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Sensitive as an Opal: A tourist was looking at the display at a jewellery store. Exquisite stones dazzled the eye. But his attention was drawn to a dull stones, completely lacking in lustre, “That`s not a beautiful as the rest,” he exclaimed. “Just a moment,” said the jeweler, taking the stone from the tray and closing his palms around it. Moments later, he opened his palm and the stone glowed with beauty. “This is an opal,” the jeweler explained. “It`s what we call a sensitive jewel. It needs only to be held with a human hand to bring out its radiance and lustrous beauty.” Doesn’t this strike a parallel to emotions that we share with people around us? The warmth, affection and love we give them brings out the beauty in all human relations. Even a glow of happiness in the other person`s eyes and in your heart. Dada JP Vaswani. This content appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information, and benefit of the members of “sundercircle”. Sunder Thadani. 20150506

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Sunderblogger.057 Freedom from sex is not repression of sex: it the understanding of sex; by understanding, one goes beyond it. But that ...


Sunderblogger.057 Freedom from sex is not repression of sex: it the understanding of sex; by understanding, one goes beyond it. But that does not mean that you will be angry, against it and antagonistic. You will be blissful. You will bless everybody with the hope that someday, they will also go beyond it. Sex is not a sin. Nobody is ever punished or sent to hell for sex. God has given it to you, you are born with it; you have not created it- like the atom bomb, bayonet, sword, money or politics- these are inventions of the ugly human mind. These people will go to hell, certainly. But sex is God-given gift, and it is a great seed. Once it starts sprouting and finds the right soul, it will become a big tree. Millions of flowers will come to it. Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome and will be appreciated. Best Wishes Sunder Thadani 20150505

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Honour Loyalty In life, we all have our loyalties. We need to look into where our loyalty lies, where our preferences are and where our at...


Honour Loyalty

In life, we all have our loyalties. We need to look into where our loyalty lies, where our preferences are and where our attention is, and set it right. Loyalty is needed both in the material and spiritual plane. Loyalty is the way in which a mature and integrated mind behaves. It indicates undivided wholeness of consciousness and shows richness of the mind. Honouring commitment is loyalty- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. This appeared in a local paper, and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani. 20150505.


Sunderblogger.056 about My Mumbai [for your information] –Grouped in: My City Like Mumbai has always been a powerhouse of Indian business industry, and trade with a proven track record when compared with other cities in India, or for that matter even with Shanghai. On the financial front, over 92% of the country`s stock exchange turnover is conducted from BSE and NSE. In addition to Reserve Bank of India, most of the headquarters of financial, banking institutions and insurance companies, both in public and private sector are headquartered in Mumbai. Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome, and will be appreciated by members. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani. 20150505.


Sunderblogger.055 Head understands head and heart understands heart. We try to put the heart in the head and head in the heart and it doesn't seem to work. Your heart feels something beautiful, and you can feel it. When head says something is beautiful, we cling on to the word; it`s there in the mind, but we might not feel what we feel when the heart says the same thing. We repeat the word ‘beautiful’ in the head but it doesn’t seem or feel beautiful the way it would have if it had come from the heart. Let us talk about love. It`s the same thing- you talk too much about love, the word love` gets stuck in the head, but somehow there no depth of feeling. That`s because it`s in the head, not in the heart. In silence, love emits, radiates. We experience ourselves in the things we love more. That is why, when we lose the things we love, we feel hurt; we fee unhappy. We are all floating in an ocean of life; a big life. It is not just empty space all around us; it is lively big life. And in the big sea of life there, all shells are floating and each shell has got a little water in it which is not the water separate from the water in the sea. so, we come out of our shells and experience, “I am not just in the body, but I am expanded all over; everywhere, it`s me there and it`s me here, I see myself in everybody”. Best Wishes Sunder Thadani 20150505.

Monday, May 4, 2015


Sunderblogger.054 On Hollywood –MGM Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the legendary 86 year-old Hollywood studio, is filling for bankruptcy. This relates to Hollywood`s style of functioning, marred by overblown budgets, unreal plots, unsure narratives and seeking novelty mixed with realism. In contrast stands Bollywood, the Hindi film industry steadily expanding over the globe. Bollywood`s themes are constantly energized by everyday culture and mythology while increasingly including edgy, experimental stories. Winner of 205 Oscars over the years, it is extraordinary that a studio of MGM`s stature should see such days. Despite holding 4,000 film titles including the sparkling James Bond series, the studio, bought in 2005 by a Sony-led consortium, has been plagued by debts of four billion dollars. It is anticipated that its lenders will now take over most of MGM, forcing it to re-scale operations. MGM`s crisis reflects greater troubles within Hollywood itself. In recent years, American cinema has increasingly been treated not as ‘show business` but pure business. Films have been based on market strategy, distribution networks and commercial calculations as opposed to simply being cinema that delights and thrills viewers through the forceful creativity driving it. Once, MGM made iconic films like Gone with the Wind, Ben Hur, The Wizard of Oz and Rocky. In recent times, despite the hype and hoopla surrounding Hollywood, it is hard to think of many movies which will live beyond their times, seeping into popular memory the world over. Your views, contributions, or comments are most welcome. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani Mailto: sunderkt@gmail.com 20150504

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Kindness: Being kind is actually being scientific because science is based on facts and reason. It has been proved that people who are kin...


Kindness: Being kind is actually being scientific because science is based on facts and reason. It has been proved that people who are kind are more satisfied in life. Moreover; their good acts are reciprocated in some way or the other. This is way it is said; "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and blind can see." We must learn the art of being kind to people without expecting anything in return. Then our society will become more cohesive- Sayed Neda. This appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards Sunder Thadani. 20150504

Saturday, May 2, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Himalayan disaster: The devastating earthquake which rocked Nepal has left many people dead and thousands gravely injured. Earthquakes and...


Himalayan disaster: The devastating earthquake which rocked Nepal has left many people dead and thousands gravely injured. Earthquakes and other natural calamities are just a reminder of how fragile human life is. Man often thinks that he is very great. Sometimes there is no end to man`s ego. He thinks that he owns the world. But even the to scientists and seismologists become powerless in the face of such calamities. Such tragedies often show us our position in the world. We are just mere mortals and we have no control over so many things. We humans are quite helpless many times as we can never be hundred per cent sure about what`s going to happen next even though we do have loads of data and charts to read. Sometimes plans can go awry and Nature can teach us very valuable lessons. Earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural tragedies only reaffirm our faith in a Supreme Power and show us that our position and place in this world is very limited. Destiny can change any minute. We must always learn to show gratitude to one and all and live peacefully with everybody. We never know what is going to happen and when our time and on this Earth is going to be over. –Sandhya Ramachandran. This article was published in a local paper and it is reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of “sundercircle”. Sunder Thadani. 20150502.

Friday, May 1, 2015


Life is Within You. We consider bibles and religions divine- I do not say they are not divine, I say they have all grown out of you, and may grow out of you still, It is not they who give the life, it is you who give the life, Leaves are not more shed from the trees, or trees from the earth, than they are shed out of you. -Walt Whitman This appeared in a local paper and is reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 20150501


Sunderblogger.053 The subject is: Happiness Is Not Everything The idea of happiness is a kind of ignorance. If your understanding is healthy, then you will never give too much importance to happiness; we do so because of our ignorance. Happiness is not the idea, purpose or aim of life; happiness is a consequence, a fruit. Happiness is a subject of the senses. The scope of the senses is limited and the senses are completely unaware of the greatness of life. If you are just following your senses, you are indulging them. Understand the game of the senses, and then go beyond them. Discover that portion of life, that part of life that can give us something permanent, the highest knowledge of life, the highest clarity in life. What we understand by happiness lies on the surface. When you live at a deeper level, you give importance to clarity of consciousness which gives you information on the purpose of your existence; it gives you purpose. Once this is clear everything come to you, including contentment and balance. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani 20150501


Sunderblogger.051 India is emerging as managerial number one in the world. In 2009 Indian companies have raised billions from global markets, to finance foreign takeovers, and internal expansion. This far exceeded the inflow of foreign direct investment [around $10 billion]. This is the real revolution of 2006, India as left behind the stage of being seen as global suppliers of soft ware, generic drugs and auto components. It is now seen as a global managerial power, one that can take over multinationals across the world and improve their performance. So, global financiers are tripping over one another to fund foreign acquisitions by Indian companies. The world now believes that Indian are excellent managers, better than those in several American and European countries Hundreds of Indian companies have become MNCs with growing empires. Day is not far, when ICIC Bank takes over Citibank, when Infosys acquired IBM, when Reliance takes over Exxon; and Tata Motors take over General Motors, and of course Times of India should take over the New York Times. Best Wishes, sunder.thadani 20150501


Sunderblogger.051 India is emerging as managerial number one in the world. In 2009 Indian companies have raised billions from global markets, to finance foreign takeovers, and internal expansion. This far exceeded the inflow of foreign direct investment [around $10 billion]. This is the real revolution of 2006, India as left behind the stage of being seen as global suppliers of soft ware, generic drugs and auto components. It is now seen as a global managerial power, one that can take over multinationals across the world and improve their performance. So, global financiers are tripping over one another to fund foreign acquisitions by Indian companies. The world now believes that Indian are excellent managers, better than those in several American and European countries Hundreds of Indian companies have become MNCs with growing empires. Day is not far, when ICIC Bank takes over Citibank, when Infosys acquired IBM, when Reliance takes over Exxon; and Tata Motors take over General Motors, and of course Times of India should take over the New York Times. Best Wishes, sunder.thadani 20150501