Saturday, August 1, 2015


Love More, Judge Less True love is non-judgment. Do not see the faults of others. When you find fault with others and critise them harshly, you are drawing negative forces to yourself!. I read about a fashionable, rich yourng woman, who was taken around a poor locality of New York City. She was disgusted at the sight of the shabbily dressed, unkempt children on the streets. 'Look at these dreadful childrn!" she sneered. Why can`t someone wash and clean them up? Do they have no mothers!" Her guide explained to her partiently, Sure, they have mothers who love them- but they don`t hate the dirt. You hate the dirt- but you don`t love these childre. Untill the love for the children and hatred for their condition are found together in the same heart, the children will have to remain as they are!" So, let me not judge another`s deed: let me instead understand his ned. This is what Dada JP Vaswani in a local paper. It is now reproduced for the information and benefit of "sundercircle" members. Your comments are most welcome Kind Regards! Sunder T -