The subject is: Happiness Is Not Everything
The idea of happiness is a kind of ignorance. If your understanding is healthy,
then you will never give too much importance to happiness; we do so because
of our ignorance. Happiness is not the idea, purpose or aim of life;
happiness is a consequence, a fruit.
Happiness is a subject of the senses. The scope of the senses is limited and
the senses are completely unaware of the greatness of life.
If you are just following your senses, you are indulging them.
Understand the game of the senses, and then go beyond them.
Discover that portion of life, that part of life that can give us something permanent,
the highest knowledge of life, the highest clarity in life.
What we understand by happiness lies on the surface.
When you live at a deeper level, you give importance to clarity of consciousness
which gives you information on the purpose of your existence; it gives you purpose.
Once this is clear everything come to you, including contentment and balance.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani