Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Avoid Negtivity: Here are two negative traits (amongst many others) that you should absolutely avoid; Jealousy: One of the things that robs people of happiness is jealousy. When you constantly compare your journey with someone else`s , it holds you back. Be content with your gifts, and also learn to derive joy and inspiration from the accomplishments of others. Tht is how spirit sould live, and it brings us true happiness. Thank God for all you and learn the art ofcontenment. Blaming others: Always look within yourself and you will recognise the source of your pain. Pain can be triggered by someone else only if it already exists within you. So go to the root of the pain. do not focus on the other person. Correct the imbalnce within you, improve yourself, and then try to help others. This appreared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercirlce" - http://sunderblogger.wordpress.com/, - https://groups.google.com/group/sundercircle, - Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani - 20150526