Sunday, July 5, 2015

sunderblogger: blogspot.India4u

India4u: Solar power 100,000MW The target for solar electric capacity from 20,000MW to 100,000MW by 2022 at a cost of about US$ 100 billion need a through check up and thinking for the new government who has just finished 365 days of rule. Solar electricity is most promising. But it is also hugely subsidiezed today. Stripped of subsidies, solar pwer currently cost 14 cents/unit (abt. Rs.9.5/unit). India should opt for solar energy when it is cheaper and it is estblished as competitive and even then onlh to the extent it does not disturb the grid. Taking risk at this juncture is not very practical. Need second thinking on the subject. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani. - -