Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Sunderblogger.012 In so many ways, our minds are involved in constructing the world we find ourselves in. Our perceptions and the concepts we hold determine the social reality we see and create. The very patterns of our thought influence how we interact with and shape this reality. Thus, our conceptions of who we are, the interactions and discourses that inform our thinking, and our experiences in applying ideas and ideals, all serve to define the parameters of social existence Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


This blog starts as no.160.

Indian worship money. Indians worship it because they think it is acquired not by intelligent labour but in some magical way. Being shirkers by nature, Indians like to think that others too are shrikers. Once Indians get hold of money, they stick on personal or family comforts. Indian wealth does not circulate

If Indians were to pool their resources, however small, and were to use them for productive ends, everyone of them could be richer year after year. But Indians do not do this, becuase each of them is fully convinced that the other fellow is out to trick him

India marches on, one step forward, and two steps backward. Where shall we end up? The progress we have achieved- and it is considerable- is not the result of the people`s efforts but imposed on the country from above. The mastermind at work has many assistants- at a price- and that`s all; there are no true followers among the vast multitudes, who are for the most part sunk in apathy or in ingnorance

Kind Regards!

Sunder T

Monday, April 28, 2014


This blog is starting as no.159- India`s great task at the moment is to infect the people with the will to toil, continuously and intelligently. Indians must be taught to use their heads not for carrying heavy loads but for thinking. The Anglo-Saxon is said to be a shirker of hard labour, but he is not only that; shirker he may be, but the fruits of hard work he wants, and he wants to improve his tandars constantly. What mean does he employs to achieve his ends? He uses brains and invents machines to do most of the trying and dirty jobs for him. That is how progress has been attained. The Indians have by-passed drugery, but wihout benefiting himself or his country. Are`nt we as Indians not entitled to conclude from his ways that he has put his intellect in cold storage? It is thee, but in a frozen, practicallyt de-vitaminised, conditon

Kind Regards!

Sunder T

Sunday, April 27, 2014



This blog starts as 158. There is a pecularity in an Indian. If he gets profits pretty quickly it is all right; long term views are not appreciated by hi. In the late war Indian workers were paid three or four times their previous wages. How did they respond to this opportunity? Most of Indians were in the factories for half or two-third of the month and absented themselves for the rest of the time. Had they not earned sufficient in fifteen or twenty days to give them the standard they were used to? The remaining portion of the month they spend in bed or in visiting parents and relations. As long as they adopted this attitude there was no room for improving their lot. And this lot cannot be improved today so long as the masses of India are unable to sustain their amition with steady work. Kind Regards! Sunder T.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Sunderblogger.010 Being hooked thrives on the underlying insecurity of living in an unpredictable world. We experience this insecurity as unease or restlessness. Wanting some kind of relief from this, we turn to what we enjoy, what comforts us. Perhaps it`s food, alcohol, drugs, sex, work or shopping. In moderation, these are delightful; we can appreciate their taste, their presence in our life. But we empower any of them with the idea that this will bring us comfort, that it will remove our unease, then we get hooked. And stay hooked. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.009 Heart palpitations, tremors, insomnia or unexplained fatigue may well signal overstimulation, just as confusion, unusual irritability, profound lassitude and panicky sense that things are slipping out of control are psychological indications. By observing ourselves, looking back over the changes in our recent past, we can determine whether we are operating comfortably within our adaptive range or pressing, its outer limits. Having done this, we can also begin consciously to influence it- speeding it up or slowing it down- first with respect to small things, the micro-environment, and then in terms of the larger, structural pattern of experience. We can learn how by scrutinizing our own unpremeditated response to overstimulation. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani from Mumbai


This blog starts as n.157- Being human, our Indian wants every possible comfort, for which he needs money, but he refuses to labour for it. However, to achieve his desire, he seeks to acquire cash by all sorts of questionable methods. Thus we have in this great land of India millions who are busy scheming how to transfer bank notes fromsomeone else`s pocket to their own; but hey never think of increasing the general wealth of the country by hard and intelligent toil. So What happens? Indi has no industrialists in the real sense of the word, but only speculators. India has no inventors either; Indians are content to copy, and that also poorly, as long as Indian can palm off their inferior product at a greater profit. You can find another peculiarity of an India. If he gets profits pretty quickly it is all right; long term views are not appreciated by him. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Friday, April 25, 2014


This is no. 156 in the series of blog under heading -india_withoutmakeup. In India the way regarding te tasks is unhealthy and anit-social. No domain of activity is free from it. India never strive for perfection. India seem to say that many lives are ahead of us for achievement, so why rush things? Yet Indians are always hurrying, but that is in the pursuit of money. To get it quickly without sweating in the least-how wonderful! Indian attitude to money is the direct outome of Indian attitude to work. If the latter is wrong, as one can hope how can the former be right? If a man does not work for full eitht hours a dayand does not produce to the best of his capacity, his returns, by way of wages, salary or profits, will naturally be low. No political, economic or other thaumaturgy can give him more for less work. This fundamental truth has to be driven home to every Indian and Asian. Kind Regards! Sunder T [wait for next no.157. Thanks]

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


This blog starts as n.155- Sometimes ago, in the West, specilization was looked upon as a meritorious acquirement; now it is realized that an expert in one domain cannot be a real export unless he is familiar wiht all that pertains to his subject. In India, however, the old attitude still goes on. Here an authority on a subject cannot see beyond his nose. His products rarely rise beyond the second-rate. Whereever there are exceptions, they are large men, masters of amy branches of learning, like C.V.Raman, the scientist

A German specialist in steel-making was sent forby the Government of India on a year`s contract. The planning officer had not marked out any work for him. After eight months, not even the foundation stone of the research insitute he was to organize had been laid. the man was compelled to idle. Tata-steel, seeing the situation, borrowed him to conduct some reaserches for them. In a conversation this expert said, "I am applalled at the Indian attitude to work. They do everything in a slipshod manner. Even the young scientists who are in training under me behave in this manner; they do not take pride in their job. If German steel mills were to function with this kind of peronnel, they would go bankrupt in six months."

Kind Regards

Sunder T

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Sunderblogger.008 In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050. Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample. While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn’t work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani

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sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4livin...: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4living.007 : Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be...

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sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4livin...: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4living.007 : Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be...


Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care, but we may have little to give, are tired, overworked, or need alone time. Do you feel that if you aren't there for someone, they may reject you? Or that you're somehow obliged to help as it makes you a good' person, parent or friend? Do you ever feel validated by being needed? It's easy to believe that any time you take to relax or meditate is time that could be used elsewhere. But taking time out doesn't mean it is selfish or even wasted time. Think about what happens when your day is spent constantly caring for others. Do you get resentful, irritated, or even angry? Do you find stress building up? Does the quality of care that you offer become affected by that inner tension? Or are you so used to being this way that it seems impossible to imagine being any other way? You may even think you're not the relaxing type, or that if you do relax you won't be able to cope with all the things you have to do. However, by taking time for yourself, by lowering your blood pressure and releasing stress, you are immediately creating a more harmonious environment that can only benefit all those around you. When you take time out to be quiet it means you don't get so angry, resentful, or frustrated; instead, you connect with who you really are. Then what you share with others is coming from that peaceful space. When you are energized and feeling good you will be able to do far more than if you are dragging yourself through your day with little energy or in a bad mood. So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least selfish thing you could do! This is when saying no to others means you are affirming yourself. The power of saying no is that you are empowered! Best Wishes Sunder Thadani

Monday, April 21, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4living.007

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4living.007: Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care,...


Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care, but we may have little to give, are tired, overworked, or need alone time. Do you feel that if you aren't there for someone, they may reject you? Or that you're somehow obliged to help as it makes you a good' person, parent or friend? Do you ever feel validated by being needed? It's easy to believe that any time you take to relax or meditate is time that could be used elsewhere. But taking time out doesn't mean it is selfish or even wasted time. Think about what happens when your day is spent constantly caring for others. Do you get resentful, irritated, or even angry? Do you find stress building up? Does the quality of care that you offer become affected by that inner tension? Or are you so used to being this way that it seems impossible to imagine being any other way? You may even think you're not the relaxing type, or that if you do relax you won't be able to cope with all the things you have to do. However, by taking time for yourself, by lowering your blood pressure and releasing stress, you are immediately creating a more harmonious environment that can only benefit all those around you. When you take time out to be quiet it means you don't get so angry, resentful, or frustrated; instead, you connect with who you really are. Then what you share with others is coming from that peaceful space. When you are energized and feeling good you will be able to do far more than if you are dragging yourself through your day with little energy or in a bad mood. So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least selfish thing you could do! This is when saying no to others means you are affirming yourself. The power of saying no is that you are empowered! Best Wishes Sunder T


Sunderblogger.006 Choose Your Options with Care. Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge. Which is the better option? Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to an instant solution to the problem. In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result. “To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core, aren`t we all really divine beings? Best wishes! Sunder T


Sunderblogger.002 Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues on the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office work spouse, if you will. Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide blog support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair. Your comments are most welcome. Best Wishes Sunder T


Sunderblogger.005 Telecommuting is the new-age work mantra. Technology has made so many lives easier, and is constantly changing the way businesses are being done. Online text books, video conferencing, checking e-mail on your mobile phones, the list is endless. One such fast growing trend is that of telecommuting and tele-working. The basic equipment a remote worker needs is a telephone and a high-speed broadband connection. The technology like IP telephony allows telecommuters to send voice, fax and other information over the Internet. Best Wishes sunder.thadani


Sunderblogger.004 In order to impact society, our individual development, whether spiritual or material, must contribute to collective development. What good is individual growth and development if it remains inside the boundries of our own skin? Would`nt the world around us change dramitacally if we turned our inwards orientation outward- and reflected our development through servie to society? Best Wishes! Sunder T