Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Life is all about connections. Our mental, emotional, physical and psychic selves only establish connections, be it with nature, people of things. We don`t know how to relate to them. We do not build relationships. When we connect with consciousness and awareness with what is around us, only then do we actually relate to them. Bu we do relate to something and that is our selfish nature. Any action based on the selfish motive will not endure long.
                                                                                  Kind Regards
                                                                                  Sunder Thadani.

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Sunderblogger.198 India is a funny place for business. Nitin Gadkari has proved it. Which other country can claim such a distinction...


India is a funny place for business. Nitin Gadkari has proved it.
Which other country can claim such a distinction, which showcases
Not only multitasking abilities, but also socio-economic equality? Can
Barack Obama`s chauffeur take on the job of a company director even
while continuing to drive the US president around? Can Mitt Romey`s
driver do both such jobs at the same time? Nope, It`s only in India
where such inspiring success stories are possible
Drivers, peons, munims(Accountants),  astrologers, who are part of the Gadkari
network of companies have all shown a commendable flair for
business affairs and have been suitably rewarded with high corporate
office. Moreover, the BJP leader is not the only one under whose
benevolent disposition such enterprise has been encouraged to thrive.
Similar success stories abound right across India`s political spectrum.
The reason for his is simple. Unlike elsewhere, in India the danda (stick)
of the law is accommodative of `h`s, as in `hera-pheri`(cheating).  This small
inclusion changes the danda (stick) of the law into the business of dhandha
(business) as usual
Kind Regards

Sunder Thadani.

Monday, March 9, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: Ethic of Responsibility : The principle spiritual exercise of Confucianism is self-cultivation whose practice leads to true selfhood. Thr...


Ethic of Responsibility: The principle spiritual exercise of Confucianism is self-cultivation whose practice leads to true selfhood. Through following this virtue, we embrace or enable family cohesiveness, social solidarity, national integrity, and world peace. It provides an authentic possibility of transcending selfishness, nepotism, parochialism, ethnocentrism, nationalism, regionalism, and anthropocentrism. Success in this matter is dictated by an ethic of responsibility informed by a transcendent vision. Indeed, our daily life is not merely secular but a response to an onto-cosmological decree. Since the Mandate of Heaven that enjoins us to take part in the great enterprise of cosmic transformation is implicit in our nature, we are Heaven`s partners, and thus we can embody the creativity and spirituality of heaven through person self-knowledge- Confucius. [This arricle appeared in a local paper and now it is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle" -http://sundercircle.wordpress.com/ - Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 2015.03.09.

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Sunderblogger.199 We as human beings have power - not just to cause harm and create terror but to help ourselves of this seemingly ho...


We as human beings have power - not just to cause harm and
create terror but to help ourselves of this seemingly hopeless
scenario of doom and gloom. It might seem contradictory that
people are empowered and empower others, merely by being
kind and compassionate and not because they are overbearing,
manipulative and unkind and force their view on others. A kind
word, a good deed, a cring gesture, a warm simile, all these
are like power kegs. Kindness and compassion spring from
inner security whereas aggression and hatred come from
inner insecurity. When our backs are up against the wall,
positive inner resources come to the rescue. Sometimes they
are invisible but in times of distress, they give us strength
and help us emerge as powerful game changers.
Kind Regards
Sunder T

Sunday, March 8, 2015



India is becoming a political circus where our leaders [Netas] beat our abhinayas (actors) anytime, their posturing making 70mm look small! For example the Lokpal Bill- 46 years after a nation awoke to its destiny, as Jawaharlal Nehru put it, and smelt the coffee-tops any film plot.
Another most heated topic in India is woman`s safety. BBC4 has released a documentary named as, "India`s daughter". 12 minute video has left several strong women-and men-in tears. The 2012 Delhi gang rape has sparked a new wave of feminism in India, on that was unapologetic and unflinching.  Today, a bunch of activists are working across the spectrum, defending internet freedom, keeping up the heat on sexual abursers in high places, and mobilizing public opinion on social media against everyday misogyny on the streets and at home.
Kind Regards!
Sunder Thadani

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Quest for Happiness: Now, on the contrary I enjoy life; I might almost say that with every year that passes I enjoy it more. Partly it is due to having successfully dismissed certain objects of desire as essentially unattainable. But very largely it is due to diminishing preoccupation with myself- Bertrand Russell
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani in Mumbai, India.

Thursday, March 5, 2015



Subject:  New Prime Minister of India from 2014 onwards
India needs its next prime minster to have big ideas and push them through.
The new prime minister could reduce reservation in education and jobs by
1-2 % every year, which will help banish casteism from our society by 2030.
It is time for India to have such a transformational prime minister –one who
will modernize India`s cities, solve agriculture and water woes, break the
shackles of casteism, bring about manufacturing revolution and improve
government efficiency. Such an agenda can decisively alter economic
fortunes of millions while simultaneously revamping the social fabric of
our country. This is what said N.V Krishnakumar in TOI on Jan.08, 2014.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T


A Confession: During the time I began to write from vanity covetousness, and pride. In my writings I did the same as in my life. To get fame and money, for the sake of which I wrote, it was necessary to hide the good and to display the evil. And I did so. How often in my writings I contrived to hide under the guise of indifference, or even of banter, those strikings of mine towards goodness which gave meaning to my life! And I succeeded in this and was praised- Leo Tolstoy [This was appeared in a in local paper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani. 0305

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


See God in All- This is the gist of worship- to be pure and to do good to others. He who sees Siva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Siva (Hindu God), and if he sees Siva only in the image, his worship is but preliminary. He who has served and helped one poor man seeing Siva in him, without thinking of his cast, creed, or race, or anything, with him Siva is more pleased them with the man who sees Him only in temples- Swami Vivekananda [This was published in a local paper and now it reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle." Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani. 0304

Tuesday, March 3, 2015



Realization in Love. 0303: There is a bond of harmony between our two eyes, which makes them act in unison. Likewise there is an unbreakable continuity of relation in the physical world between heat and cold, light an darkness, motion and rest, as between the bass and treble notes of a piano. That is why these opposites do not bring confusion in the universe, but harmony. If creation were but a chaos, we should have to imagine the two opposing principles as trying to get the better of each other. But the universe is not under martial law, arbitrary and provisional. Here we fin no force which can run amok, or go on indefinitely in its wild road, like an exiled outlaw, breading all harmony with its surroundings; each force, on the contrary, has to come back in a curved line to its equilibrium. So said Rabindranath Tagore. [This appeared in a local paper and is now reproduce for the members of "sundercircle". Your feed back will motivate me. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Monday, March 2, 2015


My computer room 
Life is Action: I do not know if you have noticed in the morning, high up in the sky, the big vultures, the big birds, flying without a movement of their wings, flying by the current of the air, silently moving. That is action. And also the worm under the earth, eating-that too is activity, that is also action. So also is it action when a politician gets up on the platform and says nothing, or when a person writes, reads, or makes a statue out of marble. that is also action when a man, who has a family, goes to the office for the next forty years, day after day, doing drudgery work without much meaning, wasting his life endlessly about nothing! All that a scientist, an artist, a musician, a speaker does, that too is action. Life is action from the beginning to the end; the whole movement is action.[This article was published in the local paper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Your feedback will motivate me for further move. Thanks. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Your Sacred Space: Everyone has a very personal and unique sacred space. When you are in your sacred space, you become peaceful and you come away at ease with yourself and the Universe, with minimal effort. You just need to be there and you are transported to a world of peace and joy. The sacred spaces are so varied- thus for instance, some will find a lake for her sacred space. For another it could be the seashore. For yet another it could be the top of a mountain. It could be a washing space and a whole lot of clothes to wash. What is important is for each one is to identify one`s unique sacred space and find some time every day to be there. It will sooth you. In the fast paced, competitive and inhuman lifestyle of the modern world everyone needs some space to recognise the Divine in oneself. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani. 2015.0228

Friday, February 27, 2015


E-office Government at Center?- It is possible only by 2025, unless Modi pushes and decides to push it as he did in Gujarat. It is a long road to e-office.
 In 2005, Previous government included e-office as a core mission mode project  under the National e-Governance Plan.
 In 2006, the National e-Governance Plan was approved by the cabinet and DARPG  was made the line department responsible for the e-office mission mode Project.
In 2009, NIC was selected for development of e-Office software and in September 2010, pilot projects were launched in DARPG, DIT (e-Gov division) and DoPT (training division).
Let us hope for the best.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani


Virtue and Gain: Unable to `forgive` someone when they hurt you? Failed to be `merciful` to someone when you could have shown mercy? Lost your cool because you lost your `patience`? Ignoring these vital traits, very often impacts relationships, jobs/businesses, positions and lives too. These invisible attributes of forgiveness, mercy, patience etc are some of the key factors that go a long way in building the visible things that make life worth living. Putting them into practice through your efforts will never be in vain as you will have planted seeds of high quality. For instance, if you choose to overlook you partners` imperfections, the rewards are healthy relationships be it in family or in business, abundant peace, and so forth.....Hannah. This was published in a local paper and now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 

Thursday, February 26, 2015


By 2018 how 500 million Internet users will transform India and could birth a US $ 200 -billion digital economy and rewrite many rules. But connectivity and languages are big challenges that need to be cracked writes Shelley Singh in Economic Times of February 26, 2015. Some of the facts which touch the impact on Economy & Financial are as under:
* 10% rise in internet penetration increases GDP by 1.08%
* If internet were a sector its weight in GDP would be greater than that of agriculture or utilities
* Increase in net maturity in the West led to rise in GDP per capita of $500 on average in the past
   15 years. It gook 50 years of industrial revolution to achieve the same.
* Aadhaar-linked mobile banking and payments will accelerate spread of banking pan-India. The
   have-nots will leapfrog into banking. Without the internet, increase in banking penetration could
   take 30 years.
* The internet will enhance market reach of products and services.
This is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle".
Kind Regards.
Sunder Thadani


And Astrology........Astrology and planetary positions give indications of the future. Yet, there is always an invisible), ie an unknown influence. It is the Grace element that can change anything, anywhere, anytime. This is the reason why spirituality is a step higher that this knowledge. Spirituality is related to the soul, while astrology is related to time. But the One beyond space and time is Lord Shiva (A Hindu God). That`s why for remedying any ill-effects of astrological movement of planets, just pray to God. Astrology is knowledge, it is necessary knowledge. However, there is something more remedial which is spiritual practice and devotion. Regards. Sunder Thadani.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


God Is In All: In the divine scales, vice and virtue are necessary experiences man goes through before attaining the supreme balance of Self-realization, which is beyond all opposites- good and bad. The negative experiences of the "bad", with its consequent suffering. Ultimately disgusted man and leads leads him to the positive force of "good", thus awakening divine love. Hence, the saints of the present are are sinners of the past. In the clarity of the understanding and knowledge they have gained they show true humility. They do not take pride in their achievements nor condemn the "sinner" whom they know to belong equally to God, but help him to remove the self created veil of ignorance and perceive his true identity- Mehar Baba. This article appeared in a local pepper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Power of Rectitude: Impure men consider life as it is reflected in options, events and persons. They cannot see the action, until it is done. Yet its moral element pre-existed in the actor, and its quality as right or wrong, it was easy to predict. Feeble souls look at the profit or hurt of the action. They never behold a principle until it is lodged in a person. They do not wish to be lovely, but to be loved. The class of character worship events; secure to them a fact, a connection, a certain chain of circumstances, and they will ask no more. The hero sees that the event is ancillary; it must follow him. Prosperity belongs to a certain mindset, and will introduce that power and victory which is its natural fruits, into any order of events. Rectitude is a perpetual victory celebrated not by cries of joy, but by serenity, which is joy fixed or habitual - Ralph Waldo Emerson. This was appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Monday, February 23, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Peerless Gratitude: Cicero said;: "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." A heart filled with gratitude is one that promotes joyous living. And the positive gifts with thankfulness confers upon us are many. It fills your life with peace, joy and serenity and banishes negative thinking- for gratitude  and complaints, worry or anxiety just cannot exists together! We take a lot of things for granted- we fail to appreciate them, or return good for good. In offering thanks to God we appreciate the here and now. We learn to stop wishing for what might have been and yearning for what-is-not, and enjoy what is, now, thereby experiencing the full wonder of the precious present moment. - Dada Vaswani [This article appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 20150223

sunderblogger: Blogger: sunderblogger.india4u

sunderblogger: Blogger: sunderblogger.india4u: Teesta Setalvad: Political vendetta is evident in the Gujarat police`s obstinate stance on arresting the activist in a case based primarily...

Friday, February 20, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.india4u

Teesta Setalvad: Political vendetta is evident in the Gujarat police`s obstinate stance on arresting the activist in a case based primarily on documentary evidence. It shows how te State has the wherewithal for single minded persecution of those who stand in opposition. Counter dissidents politically; quelling them with State power must become the hallmark of the new India that Prime Minister Mode in now seeking to build. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Spirituality is Inclusive.2015.0221
Human beings make every difference discriminatory simply because every human being is longing to be a little more than what he is right now. One unfortunate way he has found is to put down the person next to him. It is a very rudimentary mindset, but we have worked like that for a long time and we are continuing to work like that. If there is no sense of inclusiveness in individual human beings there is no way that the systems they create or actions they perform will lead to inclusiveness. If individuals do not experience this inclusiveness, they end up creating every exclusive processes. One basic aspect of spiritual process is that it makes one into an all inclusive human being. At the same time it will hugely equip the individual to be more efficient, more capable, more balanced and in turn more productive. [This material was published in a local paper and was written by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and now it is reproduced for the informative on the members of "sundercircle"]. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Lead Your Field - 2
Some of these rules, when remembered and practiced, have been a complete game-changers for the people and organizations.
* Energy is more valuable than intelligence. Health is more brilliant than gold.
* Where the victim sees  a problem a leader sees an opportunity.
* Don`t wait until you`re successful to work on your optimism. Work on your optimism and you`ll
   become a lot more successful.
* Small daily micro-wins when done continually over time lead to staggering results.
* Be the most honest person in every room.
-Robin Sharma
This appeared in an newspaper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercicle".
Kind Regards.
Sunder Thadani.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Prayer Should Be Short:
2015.0217- How long should one pray for?
You need not pray for hours and hours. Prayers should be short and sincere. It is a false notion that the longer you pray, the holier you are,. Pray for a short time, genuinely and regularly so that the choices you make in your day-t-day life are a result of the strength that you derive from prayer. Some people like to pray for a long periods of time- that is fine, provided it is sincere. Make sure you do not mutter, while your mind wanders everywhere else. Relax, concentrate and be happy when you pray.
Also, you need not visit a place of worship unless you want to encounter group positive energy. Praying at home is extremely helpful because you are cleansing the vibrations of the place where you spend most of your time. so pray wherever you are, in a car, at work, at school, anywhere.But when you pray at home, do try and pray at one specific place. Make that place your shrine by exercising your strong faith and pure motive- written by Khorshed Bhavnagri. [This article was printed in a local paper DNA, and it is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle (more than 4000 at present]. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Monday, February 16, 2015


Mobile Traffic Explosion. 2015.0216
A single smartphone can generate as much traffic as 37 basic feature phone, a tablet as much as 94, and a single 40G tablet can generate as much traffic as 132 basic phones.
Global mobile data traffic grew 69% in 204, reaching 2.5 exabytes per month at the end of 2014, up from 1.5 exabytes a month in 1013. Smart devices represented 26% of the total mobile devices and connections in 2014 and accounted for 88% of the mobile data traffic in 2014. On an average a smart device generated 22 times more traffic than a non smart device. Regards. Sunder Thadani


Mindfulness: 2015.0216
One stops doing any evil when one is mindful, in a state of meditation each moment. Osho observes; Mindfulness means being responsive to every situation in life each moment with total awareness. Mindfulness brings about a revolution in the life of an individual, who walks the path of life with full attentiveness He is able to relax in his awareness and enjoys his freedom by not reacting unconsciously- Swami Chaitanya Keerti. This article appeared in the newspaper, DNA, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Adrak (Ginger) | Short Film | By Sahirr Sethhi

Blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

What one calls a boring life

What one calls a boring life is what others are happy with.
So I barely drink, don’t touch drugs. Don’t party or sleep around. I refuse to sit all day gossiping about other people. I don’t back stab as a way of enjoyment.
Its called priorities I take pride in my home and keep it clean. I cook, bake, tend to the families veggie garden. I take care of myself and do all the household jobs, like cleaning, dusting, and cooking my own food. I am 84 years of age, a widower since last 14 years and have no kids. I like reading. Writing. Blogging. Video shooting on my mobile phone, and then transferring to my computer to go on the Net trhough my own channel, "sundermumbai".  Being creative. I stay home. I take care of myself by going to bed at a decent hour and sleeping. I like exercising. I take care of my physical and mental health. I am alive and kicking 24 hours and feel good, being the happiest person on earth. 
It all makes me feel more of a kind caring human. A man who says yes to fun with my best friend, my PC, stays home a lot but when I look back I’ll proudly be able to say, "ByeBye Boredom".
Kind Regards.
Sunder Thadani

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Body and Dharma; There is an anecdote to the life of Buddha. His disciple once came with a seeker. The disciple requested Buddha to help that man grasp the quintessence of Dharma. The visitor had failed in understanding the sermons of the disciple. Buddha then told his disciple, "give him same food first. He is hungry. He`ll understand Dharma only when his stomach has been filled. Talking about Dharma before an empty belly is only insulting it". The goal of Dharma is peace. Mahavir says all apostles who had been and will be have peace as their foundation. Peace should exist at the same time at all levels. If life is disturbed at one level then peace is not possible at the other levels. If the body is disturbed, then the mind is not quite peaceful. Mind perform its actions through body. So, in a sense, only through the body is all Dharma realised.- Roopchandra Jain. This article appeared in a newspaper and is now reproduced for information of the members of, "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani

Friday, February 13, 2015

blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

Invitation to join and get involved.
2015.0213- Worrying is Futile!
There is power in embracing your day, your situations, your life. Each day brings its share of light and shade and gratitude for the good times is a must. But mostly, this game of life runs on the balance of opposites. So, if you cannot always control the outcome, what is the point of losing sleep over it?
The energy you invest worrying about the results can be utilised in other ways. Plus, we all know that worrying or over thinking about the results has no bearing on the actual outcome. It is the effort you pu in that matter more. So learn to accept the lesser liked events as well because they create pathways for personal growth and strength. This is secret to a full life- Deepa Nanda. This article appeared in the newspaper DNA on 13th February 2015 and is now reproduce for the benefit of its member "sundercircle". This circle has reached its membership to 3500+ and growing by the day. You are welcome to join and share your experience with our members. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani - sunderkt@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.blogzsunder

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.blogzsunder: India: The current assembly election has created history in Indian politics. the AAP has halted Narendra Modi`s unprecedented run of succ...

sunderblogger: blogspot.blogzsunder

India: The current assembly election has created history in Indian politics. the AAP has halted Narendra Modi`s unprecedented run of success lasting 18 months. But the magnitude of the mandate raises expectation sky-high. The results are an emphatic recognition of an alternative politics that held out the hope of real change to the ordinary citizen. Kind Regards. sunderkt

Monday, February 9, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

2015.0219- May You Be Still!
Peace will not come to us by running after the things which the Earth gives and the Earth takes away.  Peace will not come to us by fighting circumstances and struggling against so-called difficulties and misfortunes. Peace will come to us when we ourselves enter into the Great peace of God. And to enter into the peace of God is to relax and is to relax and stand  still- to stand where you are.
Our age is an age of activity. We are busy- and often. I am afraid, fussy. We like to be us and doing; but our doing is distraction. And so we are not at peace with our neighbors- nor with ourselves. Sometimes we need to stand still! Kind Regards. Sunder T

Saturday, February 7, 2015


2015.0207- Finding Happiness; Trivial things in life can be great happiness and satisfaction. The idea of happiness is highly subjective and differs greatly from person to person. for me, happiness is the joy that comes from that beautiful sound that escapes the bat when the ball is perfectly timed (pardon my dramatization)- as I am a keen cricketer. Or the sound of the keys on a keyboard clicking away under the command of where my thoughts lead them. I am of the belief that happiness is the willingness to stay happy contented and lead a satisfied life, no matter what. That is what makes us human. And hope of better things to come, is what keeps us alive. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Friday, February 6, 2015


2015- India- Like the Musk Deer; God is always within our reach, provided you have faith. According to the saint and peoe Kabir the sweet -smelling musk is in the navel of the deer but the deer goes vaily searching for its frangrance everywhere in the forest. In the same way God dwells within us but we search for him everywhere else. A devout prayer from a sincere and humble heart never goes unanswered in the long term. Our offerings to God need not be opulent- a little water or even a leaf if offered with a devout heart will be accepted by God. It is the attitude or the inner-heart that is all important- Indira Satyanarayan. This article was published in the newspaper, DNA, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


20150205: Archievers` Routines- I set about seraching for some of the powerful-and sometimes accentric - moves that the best among us make.... * Ernest Hemingway: Up at 5.30 every morning to write. He wrote as a practice, not just when he felt inspired. * Padmastree Warrior (Cheif Technology Officer at Cisco Systems): Regular "digital detoxes" where she unplugs from technology to reboot her brain and replenish her reserves. * Peter Techaikovsky: Daily walks shifted his mindset from the mundane to the original. Neslson Mandela used to walk entire days for the excercise and the mind-clearing effects. * Mick Jagger: Excercises six days a week and includes ballet, pilates and yoga in his regimen. This was written by Robin Sharma in the newspaper, DNA and is now reporoduced for the information of the members "sundercircle". Your feedback will be very much appreciated. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


2015.0204- Learn More- Not all readers are leaders, but all learders are readers,"- Harry S.Truman, 33rd US President Go into the home of almost any wealthy, highly sucessful person and you will find a library of books- sometimes an actual room such as a den or a library, othertimes just lots of bookshelves or stacks on the floor of books that they have read,. In my own case I have read more than 3,000 books in a wide variety of fields that relates to my work as a trainer; speaker, auther; enterpreneur and leader. Reading - and applying what I read- has been a critical part of my success. I consider it one of my most important daily discipline. I read for at least an hour a day- sometimes much more, like when I am on a five-hour plane trip - Jack Canfield [this was appreared in a local newspaper, known as DNA and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 2015.0203- Violence/Non-Violence; Defending the weak is an important form of selfless service, and it is part of karma yoga , or the yoga...


2015.0203- Violence/Non-Violence; Defending the weak is an important form of selfless service, and it is part of karma yoga, or the yoga of action. Use of force, when necessary for this purpose, is completely justified as an indispensable instrument for the securing the desired objective. But any fighting undertaken to defend the weak must be without any selfish motives or hatred if it is to have unalloyed spiritual importance. It resembles, for example, a case of a man who defends a woman being attached by another man for vile purposes- thus saving the woman`s honour and life, and punishing the attacher and making him repent. Or, suppose, an aggressive nation invades a weaker nation for selfish purposes; and another nation, inspired sole by the noble desire of saving the weak nation, resists this aggressiveubvasuib by armed force. Fighting in defence of the wak nation can be called non-violence. Non-violence pure and simple, however, is base on Divine love. Here one sees all as one`s own Self and as such is beyond both friendship and enmity. Never under any circumstances does a single thought of violence enter one`s mind- Mehar Baba. This content appeared in a newspaper called DNA and the same is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle" for public good. Thanks. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Monday, February 2, 2015


2015.0202- How Prayer Hedlps-4 - How do prayers help us? A: You will experience a solution to illness: If you pray with faith and sincerity, you will be sureprised at its healing power Medicine is important, but nothing in this earthly world can match the power of prayer. If you believe in its power and if you desrves healing, it will be given to you. Make sure that your physical mind is calm and clear and learn to open your subconscious mind more. This will help you receive and accress that healling. You will get the strength to put your spiritual knowledge into action: Having spiritual knowledge is not enough. You may know the difference between right and wrong, but you need the strength to resist temptation and make the right choice. That is what prayer does for you. It gives you the streingh to manifest the will of your subconscious mind. - Khorshed Bhavnagri. This was printed in the newspaper known as DNA on 02 February 2015, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T

Saturday, January 31, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 2015.0131- Let `Hate` Go - Hating someone is like letting that person live in your mind rent-free. Hate is just an illusion created by ...


2015.0131- Let `Hate` Go - Hating someone is like letting that person live in your mind rent-free. Hate is just an illusion created by your mind. They say love is a strong word, but so is hate. I think we use the word `hate` too frequently. You can`t expect to have a positive life if your mind is like a room filled with hate. It`s okey to be mad at someone but anger is a very heavy emotion and it will eventually drag you down. So sometimes you have to accept the apology you never received and forgive the person with a clean heart. Just because you deserve peace- Lagan Maheshwari. This was in the newspaper DNA and it is reporduced for the information of the "sundercircle" members. Kind Regards. Sunder T. Your views, suggestions and comments are most welcome. sunderkt at gmail dot com -

Friday, January 30, 2015


20150130- A Vital Step Upwards: The purpose of human life on earth is consciousess evolution. for a child the school acts as a place for the evolution of his consciousness under the guidance of the teacher. Similarly, the physical world acts as a place to evolve human consicousness under the guidance of a living Sant Satguru. Sant Satgure is the one whose spirt is in direct communion with the Supreme Being (God). He uses the physical world as means to evolve man`s consciousness and to remove igorance. Man learns through his daily life experiencs and realises the temporal nature of the things here and that attchment to these leads to sorrows. As the importance of happiness can`t be realised in the absence of worrows, the imprtance of the Supreme Being can`t be realised in the absence of the physical world- Chhaya Satsang. This article apperard in the DNA newspaper, and is being reporduced for information of "sundercircle" members. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Thursday, January 29, 2015


20150129: The Best Governance- Currently a buzzword in India, good governance appears to have different meaning for different people. Most people consider governance to be the sole responsibility of those in power; but does an ordinary person have any role in good governance? Yes! Proper governance of the self enables each of us to contribute towards the governance of our counmmunity. How do we achieve that? "Man is prperty self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker," said Mary Baker Eddy. By turning for guidance to the Divine, we can make the decsions that contribute to individual and collective good and result in harmonyof heart and mind, body and soul- Annu Matthal. This is reporduce for the information of "sundercircle" members. Kind Regards. Sunder T


20150129: Grateful for Seva- How can we bring more light to the world and make people happy? The only way to make people happy is to bring them to knowledge. But suffering is different. People suffer because of natural calamities, or due to drought, or flood. In these circumstances, you should do sev (service). And any seva is the best seva if it is done with 100% attention. Seva is doing what is needed to be done at that moment. Right now somebody is in dire need of a glass of water. You may say giving a glass of water is not a big seva. Instead let me build a house for them. Right now he is dying out of thirst, he needs a glass of water. That is the best seva you can do. When you do seva, don`t think you are doing a favor to somebody. The seva you have done has rewarded you immediately. Its reward is for sure and is always more than your doings. This is what Sri Sri Ravi Shankar wrote in the newspaper, DNA on 28th January, 2015 and is now reproduced for the information of "sundercircle" members. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Monday, January 26, 2015


20150126: India Lives On- India lives on, despite the ravages of time, for it has to proclaim that there can be no true freedom without spirituality. The emphasis of the Hindu faith has always been on the unfolding of the inner powers, the atmashakti. It is precisely due to this atma-shakti, this inner soul power that India has been able to ride many a storm and quell many a tempest. When all other civilizations of yore have perished, when all other ancient cultures have been wiped away without a trace, India lives on, and its ancient spiritual faith is still vibrant and vital! The light of the Atman, the light of the Self, the Light of the Spirit- for India has profoundly believed, through the centuries, that God is One, but the ways to reach Him are many.This is why the Hindus of India not merely tolerate, but accept every religion - praying in the mosques of the Muslim, worshipping in the monasteries of the Buddhist, kneeling before the cross of the Christians, and bowing before the Fire of the Zoroastrians- Dada JP Vaswani. This appeared in the newspaper, DNA and is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercricle". Kind Regards. Sunder T

Saturday, January 24, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 20150124: Life is..... Life isn`t about keeping scores. It is not about how many people call your every day. It is not about who you have...


20150124: Life is..... Life isn`t about keeping scores. It is not about how many people call your every day. It is not about who you have dated for dating or haven`t dated at all. It is not about your hair or the colour of your skin or where you live or which school you have attended. It is not about grades or money. Life just inst`t about that. But.... Life is about whom you love and whom you have hurt. It is about how you feel about yourself. It`s about trust, happiness and compassion. It is about replacing inner hatred with immense love. It is about avoiding jealously and building confidence. It is about meaning what you say. It is all about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. These choices makes a life of worth- Sonia David. This was appeared in the newspaper, DNA and is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T

Friday, January 23, 2015


20150123: Law of Spiritual Love; When an individual passes from one period o life to another, a time comes when he cannot go on in senseless activity and excitement as before, but has to understand that although he has outgrown what before used to direct him, this does not mean that he must formulate for himself an understanding of life corresponding to his age, and having elucidated it, must be guided by it. I believe that such a time has now arrived, but that the inherent contradiction of human life has now reached an extreme degree of tension. This contradiction must be faced, and the solution will evidently not be favorable to the outlived law of violence, but to the truth which has dwelt in the hearts of men from remote antiquity: the truth that the law of love is in accord with the nature of man-Leo Tolstoy. Kind Regards. Sunder T.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


20150122: All is Truth-  There are really no liars or lies after all. Nothing fails its perfect return, and that what are called lies are perfect returns. And that each thing exactly represents itself and what has preceded it. (I realise) that the truth includes all, and its compact. And that there is no flaw or vacuum in the amount of the truth- but that all is truth without exception; And henceforth I will sing and laugh and deny nothing. (This is what is written on 22th January, 2015, by Walt Whitman in the newspaper known as DNA. This is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot: http://sundercircle.webs.com/ http://sundercircle.webs.com/ 20150121: Beyond Intellect- The logical intellect cannot approach dimensions of...


20150121: Beyond Intellect- The logical intellect cannot approach dimensions of the beyond because your logical intellect is unable to grasp it. That is why we are referring to it as mystical. Whatever we refer to an as the mystical has become mystical only because it is not within the grasp of the logical intellect.
Logical intellect is purely information technology. If you take away all the information from your memory; how will your logic function? It cannot function. A piece of information is something that you gather from outside. The only means of gathering this information are the five sense organs, and sense organs are not reliable, they are limited.
Creator is just pure intelligence. Intelligence beyond logic is what you are referring to as God. If you operate just within the limitations of your intelectual logic, then you will never know that which we refer to as   creator. This is what is written by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in the newspaper, DNA, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of, "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 20150120: Why Gossip? - First of all, why do we gossip? It is a form of restlessness, is it not? Like worry, it is an indication of a restl...


20150120: Why Gossip? - First of all, why do we gossip? It is a form of restlessness, is it not? Like worry, it is an indication of a restless mind. Why this desire to interfere with others, to know what others are doing, saying? It is a very superficial mind that gossips, isn't it? -an inquisitive ind which is wrongly directed. The questioner seems to think that others are revealed to him by his being concerned with them- with their doings, with their thoughts, with their opinions. But do we know others if we do not know the way of our own thinking, the way we act, the way we behave? Why this extraordinary concern over others? Doesn't it offer an escape from ourselves? I think, first of all, we gossip about others because we are not sufficiently interested in the process of our own thinking and of our own action. This was written by J.Krishnamurti in the newspaper, DNA on 20th January, 2015, and is now reproduced for the information of "sundercircle" members. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Monday, January 19, 2015


20150119- Remember This: Life`s best pleasures are life`s simplest ones.
* Growth happens when you push past your comfort zone.
* Gratitude is the antidote to fear.
* Action is the solution to procrastination.
* Dream big, Start small. Act now.
* As you become more successful, become more humble.
* As I teach : "Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results."
This was written by Robin Sharma in a newspaper, know as DNA on January 19, 2015, and is now reproduced for the information of members, "sundercircle". Your feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks. Kind Regards. Sunder T

Saturday, January 17, 2015

sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 20150117: True Love- For true love to exist between two or more individuals. It has to be unconditional. Unconditional love means that we l...

Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

20150117: True Love- For true love to exist between two or more individuals. It has to be unconditional. Unconditional love means that we love someone or something without conditions, without expectations. A mother`s love for her child is this gold standard against which you must compare your love and see if you pass the test. [This is what PV Vaidyanathan wrote in the newspaper, DNA and is being reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T

Friday, January 16, 2015

Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogpost

A Grateful Heart: Gratitude is an essential quality to access the empowerment of God. Our heart ti like a field, all our good qualities are like the seed. Our morality, integrity, spiritual practices, prayers and meditation are meant for watering the seed. But the fertility of the soil of our hear heart is our humility and our gratitude. Without being grateful, we con`t really receive. Real culture is base on the principle of gratitude. A person can never be happy in any situation unless he is grateful, But we should be as grateful for our failures as for our successes. We should be grateful for the dishonour that we receive as well as for the honour. Because we learn and grow from those experiences. Gratitude is the foundational principle for for all spiritual growth and the foundation for basic human kindness. This is what Radhanath Swami wrote in the newspaper, DNA on January 16, 2015, and is now reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards!. Sunder T

Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

20150115: Prayer Helps- How do prayers help us? You receive protection from the spirit world. Prayer is about you reaching out to the Creator. You have to ask for God`s guidance and protection. Without asking for it, you will not receive it. Even if something is good for you, and you deserve it, spirit souls cannot give it to you if you have not asked- they would be going against your free will. So make sure you ask God to do what is best. When you ask for protection, the healing energies that spirit souls send you, along with the positive vibrations of your own prayer, build a protective shield around you that will guard you from negative forces.
You will experience a solution to illness. If you pray with faith and sincerity, you will be surprised at its healing power. Medicine is important, but nothing in this earthy world can match the power of medicine combined with prayer. [This is what Khorshed Bhavnagri wrote in the newspaper, NDA on January 15, 2015 and it is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle"
Kind Regards
Sunder T

Thursday, January 15, 2015

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sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XTML 1.0 Transitional//EN “html://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/Transitional.dtd”> <html> &l...

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<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
India: Gender violence and discrimination is one of the symptoms of a social order riven by conflict, injustice and insecurity. While we demand justice and demonstrate our anguish, we must not lose sight of the broader, long-term goal; to create conditions where woman and men can work together towards a just and equitable social order.
Kind Regards
Sunder T

Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050.
Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample.
While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn’t work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other.
Kind Regards
Sunder T

Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least selfish thing you could do! This is when saying no to others means you are affirming yourself. The power of saying no is that you are empowered!
Best Wishes
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

Choose Your Options with Care.
Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge.
Which is the better option?                              
Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to an instant solution to the problem.
In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result.
“To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core, aren`t we all really divine beings?
Best wishes!

Sunder T

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

20150115: Makar Sankranti (An Indian festival)
Indian life is closely linked to two energies- those of the sun and of the moon. The role the sun plays can be gauged partly from the rol it plays in physical creation- plants use sunlight to make food and in turn provide nourishment to all being on earth, the water cycle, the winds, the ocean currents all are regulated by the warming effects of the sun, the planets are held in their respective orbits because of attraction of the sun. It is the sun that brings the change in day and season.  Makar Sankranti marks the day in Indian astrology when sun appears to enter the zodiac of makar (Capricorn). It is an extremly potent day, marking a major transition in energy. The science of yoga is a science of experience, the vedic seer had experienced the energies of the sun which provided luminescence and zest and so gave us the relevance of maker sankranti. This is written by Yogi Ashwini in the newspaper DNA, and is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot


2015.01.13- For the information of the members of "sundercircle"
Celebrate Milestones- Celebrating your progress along the way to your goal is
essential to staying motivated. I you set a goal that takes nine months to achieve
it`s hard to say motivated the entire time because there`s payoff. So build in milestones 
to celebrate along the way.
If you goal is to lose weight, celebrate every two pounds you lose. If you`re writing a book, celebrate every 20 pages you write. If your goal is to book 35 speaking gigs, celebrate every 5 engagements that your book. Celebrating milestones keep you inner child excited, because it feels rewarded for all of the efforts it`s mine.
This was written by Jack Canfield in newspaper known as DNA.                  

Monday, January 12, 2015



120115: Happiness & Misery- There is a saying in Sanskrit,
There is no giver of happiness or misery. You can create your own happiness and you become miserable on your own. If you are sensitive and your intention is not to hurt anybody, it is good enough. But sometimes in spite of your being cautious, some people get hurt. Some people feel that anything you say is to hurt them. You don`t worry about it. They have to deal with their hurt. From you side, don`t use harsh words and be courteous and caring. This is what Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has written in DNA newspaper on January 12, 2015 and is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot.sundercircle: http://sundercircle.wordpress.com http://sundercircle.wordpress.com/ Sunderblogger.008 -120115 In the next half century, with the world ...

sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot.sundercircle

Sunderblogger.008 -120115
In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050.
Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample.
While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn't work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other.
Kind Regards
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle...: http://sundercicle.wordpress.com/ http://sundercircle.webs.com/ Sunderblogger.007.120115   http://sundercircle.webs.com/ It's ofte...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

Sunderblogger.007.120115 http://sundercircle.webs.com/

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Choose Your Options with Care.110115
Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge.
Which is the better option?
Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to an instant solution to the problem.
In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result.
“To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core, aren`t we all really divine beings?
Best wishes!



sunderbloger: sunderblogger.blogspot.

110115.sunderblogger.005. Telecommuting is the new-age work mantra. Technology has made so many lives easier, and is constantly changing the way businesses are being done. Online text books, video conferencing, checking e-mail on your mobile phones, the list is endless. One such fast growing trend is that of telecommuting and tele-working. The basic equipment a remote worker needs is a telephone and a high-speed broadband connection. The technology like IP telephony allows telecommuters to send voice, fax and other information over the Internet. Best Wishes sunder.thadani

Saturday, January 10, 2015


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