Monday, February 23, 2015

Blogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

Peerless Gratitude: Cicero said;: "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." A heart filled with gratitude is one that promotes joyous living. And the positive gifts with thankfulness confers upon us are many. It fills your life with peace, joy and serenity and banishes negative thinking- for gratitude  and complaints, worry or anxiety just cannot exists together! We take a lot of things for granted- we fail to appreciate them, or return good for good. In offering thanks to God we appreciate the here and now. We learn to stop wishing for what might have been and yearning for what-is-not, and enjoy what is, now, thereby experiencing the full wonder of the precious present moment. - Dada Vaswani [This article appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 20150223