Friday, December 2, 2016


Subject: Aadhaar number to replace PIN, password very soon India4u: Very soon, The Aadhaar number is all set to become an alternative for all online and card transactions which require password and PIN as the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is developing a mobile app that can be used by shopkeepers, merchants or individuals for receiving payments. This move is part of the drive, anchored by Niti Aayog, to make India a cashless economy after the government scrapped high-value currency notes on November 08, 2016. The working of the system is simple. Online transaction can be executed between two people having bank accounts linked with Aadhaar by just feeding the 12 digit unique identification number in the mobile set equipped with the Aadhaar-enabled app which will be used for authenticating biometrics-fingerprints or eyes of person making payment. Aadhaar-enabled transactions are car-less and PIN-less. So folks wait and watch India as cashless society. Sunder Thadani. 20161202.