Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Mumbai, I love U Falling in love is easy, staying loyal is not. I fell in love twice. First got me my wife and the second an eternal fear. Fear of leaving my beloved Mumbai. Of the two, I have been more loyal to Mumbai. It maybe a mere name on the milestone to many and I sulk at the misfortune of those who descend on Mumbai every morning for their livelihood but leave in the setting sun utterly unaffected. What can be more condescending to the city of saints and souls of fire? I shudder at the sacrilege and thank God in the same breath. I thank because I am still around to imbibe the Mumbai air, drive on the canal and soak up the unrelenting sun. Mumbai, to me, embodies mirth and sorrow, heat and dust, the sun kissed mornings and aromatic evenings, a future wedded to the past and a gloriously resilient spirit. Regards. 20161214. Part 1 (part 2 will be next).