Thursday, December 22, 2016

sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu Microsoft`s new Web tool, dubbed Photsynth, gives viewers a zippy and cool way to share their photos online. A freely downloadable software crunshes images, looking for pixels that are the same in each phot, and stitches them together into a panoramic scene, called a synth. The synth shows one phot clearly as a time, while adjancent images appear faded, and ohter less closely related to the photo in focus are indicated with a ghostly scatter of pixels. Viewers can zoom in and out, and pan left and right through the scene created by over-lapping many different views of the same place or object. And yes, the whole thing can be easitly embedded into other istes, such as blogs. Try it out!. Regards. Sunder Thadani. 20161222.