Sunday, July 27, 2014


subject: infonews from sundercircle
* India incurred General election in 2014 Rs. 30,000 crores. and one third was in black money.
* Number of deaths worldwide from alcohol overdose in 1990 was 750,000 and in 2012 it was 2,500,000.
* E-visa services for India are expected to kick off
* With online retailers such as Flipkart having burst onto the scene, bookstores are rapidly becoming
    obsolescent, as more and more people in India are resorting to ordering their books online.
* China`s progress should force India to think constructively about her position globally.
* India lok sabha has so many scenes to be shown to the world, especially a war of words and personal
   attack on each other. Now top businessmen getting caught in political wars in the 2014 Lok Sabha
Kind Regards
Sunder T.