Tuesday, July 1, 2014


What is the secret behind successful marriages?
One has to learn the art of commitment and not complain.
Firstly Marriage works when there is commitment but most marriages which fail, do so as
they get blown apart by complaints.
Secondly everyone has comfort and discomfort zones. Learn initially to avoid the
discomfort zone and log on to the comfort zone
Thirdly don`t let expectations control your lives but learn to give in a relationship more
than you demand or beg from a relationship.
How to adjust wisely, one has to learn. Don`t treat anything as a problem but an issue
to handle. Learn to accept things and improve on things. Learn the art of empowering and
beautifying the set-up.
Treat it as fun and not as a social obligation but a social challenge. Don’t look only at
equal rights but also at duties to be fulfilled.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T