Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Fatwas issued by sharia courts or muftis had no legal base and hence could not enforced has created news in India. It came after a public litigation came up for questioning the jurisdiction of sharia courts, Supreme Court of India has clarified this and asserted that fatwas had no place in the country`s constitutions. One example on the subject is banning an all-girl Kashmiri rock bank, purportedly on religious grounds. Girls were compelled to disband their group due to community  pressure.On the face of it fatwas were harsh on women. Another example is from Muzaffarnagar, where a woman was raped by her father in law, and she was asked to treat her husband as her son. In modern Indian democracy, these things are taken as a serious issues as women has an equal status as per the constitution of India. Any such fatwas and other extrajudicial community announcements or rulings reinforce patriarchal biases and militate against reason and justice. Besides the danger is that these things can be easily manipulated to suit some people. Kind Regards.