Monday, August 29, 2016

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu: Useful info. for the members of `sundercircle` - software4u- If you are the forgetful type, here`s is a simple little tool ...


Useful info. for the members of `sundercircle` - software4u-
If you are the forgetful type, here`s is a simple little tool for you `Urge Me` is a service that allows you to set a self-reminder in three steps: Type out out your email address; specify the job; and select the date to do it by. the site will then send you periodic reminders to ensure you finish your tasks on time. Regards. Sunder Thadani - -

Sunday, August 28, 2016


For the information of the members of `sundercircle`- New software feefree4u- www.useinterfaceicons- Icons are a crucial element of design, be it for Web layouts, software development of simply to give your PC a makeover. -offers for download over 500 high quality and completely free icons, ranging from regular desktop art to more complex ones that will suit designers. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani -

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu


For the info. of the members of `sundercircle`. new software4u, Fee free.
Apart  from audio and video codecs for Windows, Linux, Mac, consoles and mobiles, www.afreecodec applications that are bound to make your multimedia usage easier. And yes, if you need some help, do avail of the codec and video support offer here. Regards! Sunder Thadani.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


New software4u- WWW.MAGMYPIC.COM
Ever wondered what you would look like on the cover of Time magazine? Well, you can find out at MagMyPic: A site that lets you create fake magazine cover with your picture! Just upload one of your images, and make your own cove using one of the mag cover on offer-such as National Geographic, Cosmopolitan, Vogue etc. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani - 20160827

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu: DigiEdu. [Self learning is fun. Learning feefree by sitting at home] Spreading online education is a mission of Sunder Foundation which is...


DigiEdu. [Self learning is fun. Learning feefree by sitting at home]
Spreading online education is a mission of Sunder Foundation which is a local base with a global vision to educate all and make this world a better place to live, work and relax.
This infomation is on a new software which you  can download and the name is AFREECODEC. Apart from audio and video codecs for windows, Linux, consoles and mobiles,, features a collection of freeware applications that are bound to make your multimedia usage easier. And yet, if you need some help, do avail of the codec and video support on offer here. Kind Regards!
Sunder Thadani - -

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu: DigiEdu Fee Free: Anywhere, Anytime, 4 ALL. Newsletter:  UPI (United Payment Interface in India. The g...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.digiedu: DigiEdu. 20160826- New software4u. WWW.WRITINGHOOD.COM Today`s web site is a `must bookmark` for budding writers. The user-powered resourc...

Friday, August 26, 2016


DigiEdu. 20160826- New software4u. WWW.WRITINGHOOD.COM
Today`s web site is a `must bookmark` for budding writers. The user-powered resource provide s tips on a  variety of writing topics, including style, literature, how to write reviews, etc. What is more, it encourages reader-participation and allows patrons to comment and rate all individual articles which can be browsed using popular tags, categories- or based on authors. Check it out. Sunder Thadani. 20160826 -

Tuesday, August 9, 2016




sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.DigiEdu4all

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.DigiEdu4all: GST Windfall Logistics sector could see savings to the tune of $ 200 billion annually on implementation of goods and services tax (GST)...


GST Windfall
Logistics sector could see savings to the tune of $ 200 billion annually on implementation of goods
and services tax (GST), which will ensure faster movement of goods and less idle hours.

Contribution of the logistics sector to GDP = 14%
Annual loss at toll plazas due to delay extra fuel consumption according to survey= Rs. 1 lakh crore
The figure estimated by survey= Rs. 87,000 crore
Distance covered by trucks in India in a day = 280 km
Distance covered by trucks in USA = 800 km
Organized service providers could save – 30% to 50%

sunderblogger.blogspot.Indian mindset

Indian mindset: 20160809
(in continuation) Now the tragedy is that one Indian destroys another Indian not in sef-defence (which would be bad enough), but out of sheer devilry. There is something in the make-up of  the Indian that drives him to foul his own nest. "Dog does not eat dog," we have heard, but have all seen an Indian making mncemeat of a fellow Indian and enjoying it.
An Indian hates to see a countryman of his going up or prospering. It makes him mad, and he does his best to pull him down the fellow who is climing. have you ever seen a fisherman carrying on his head an open basket full of live crabs? Not one gets out. Why? Simply because its pals drag it down. Well, India is like that  basket of  crabs.
The result of this charming attitude is that no Indian is allowed to make the best of his position or to do the work that is dearest to him. He is always being snaped at.
Sunder T

Monday, August 8, 2016

sunderblogger.blogspot.Indian mindset

Indian mindset: For an average Indian, Love, kindness, friendship, decency, fair-play, coperation, civism are like lichen on a rock; they do not penetrate to the root of his being.  But why be squeamish? Our Indian is essentially a gogetter. Success-he must have that any cost. And this success must always appear in the form of the Mighty Rupee.
The Americans, it is said, despises failure; American thinks  that this ignoble condition is  sign of heave`s displeasure. The Indian is not quite like that: he understands failure, and coolly puts it down to his bad deeds in the past life; but what he seeks and glories in triumph. This simply means more respect here below and a better prospect whenhe has gone to the other world. All said and done, he must have a lable, the more glittering the better.
The big fish, said Chekhov, live upon the small, Why? Nobody knows. It is nture`s way. One Indian, big or small, devours another Indian. Wherefore? This is a dread secret. All you cany say is that strict vegetariansm seems to lead, by some cosmic perversity, to a dutiful cannibalim. [will continue]. Thanks. Sunder T.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.mumbai4u

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.mumbai4u: Things you will love About Mumbai, India *You will love culture of Mumbai *You will repsect Mumbaikars (citizen) for the privacy they give,...


Things you will love About Mumbai, India
*You will love culture of Mumbai
*You will repsect Mumbaikars (citizen) for the privacy they give, at the same time, if you need some    help, there is always a helping hand. One  feels safe in this city. woman`s sarety here is much better    than in any other city of India.
*The Mumbai nightlife: You will love how people here are passionate about getting out and enjoying    their time off with their family and friends. After working for entire day, people still have
   enthusiam to unwind and partyfreely.
*Mumbai`s professionalism: This city is very rare in any other city. Once people commit here there is
  no going back and that`s what makes it really amazing.
Mumbai in 5 words: It is an amazing city.
This is what Manoj Bajpayee (Bollywood actor said in DNA newpaper)
Sunder T. 20160807

Friday, August 5, 2016

sunderblogger.blogspot.Indian mindset

Indian mindset: Because of abnormal stree on money, Indians tend to live beyond their means. Why? Indians must impress others. face-saving is known to the West as a Chinese peculiarity. The credit seems to have gone to a  wrong people; Indian have always tried to appear more than they actually are.
Yest, Indians are worshippers of money. the Indian who is not, is, psychologically speaking, hardly an Indian. He has some other layer ofhis personality stirring within him.
Matter is, we know, feminine. Think of Prkriti.So our Indian, like a woman, has his with and weill; he cannot reason detachedly. He is imprisioned in his emotions like a fly in amber.
The Indian is, thus feminine, and because he is feminine in character ge finds it hard to make up his mind;he likes sitting on the fence arguing about the ego and the id. The truth is that, by temperament and tradition, he is neutralbefor great issues. He will worship, without blinking, God and Mammon at the same time. Is it then surprising that today he is enamoured of both capitalism and communism? After all, these systems, however antipedal, are forms of materiliasm. The is, says our Indian, just as it should be. In the persuit of cash our Indian is prepared to secrifice almost anything. Humanism-what`s that? One has to live.

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Indian government is cracking the whip  on traffic voilators.
Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill 2016 is likely to be introduced in the ongoing Parliament session.
OFFENCE              Existing fine in Rs.          Proposed fine  in Rs.  
Drunken Driving
.     2000                                 25000
Dangerous driving.  1000                                  5000
Overspeeding.           400                                   1000 for light and 2000 for medium vehicle.
Red light jumping     100                                   1000 and licence scraped for three months.
Driving, No licence   500                                   5000.
Driving, No permit   5000                                10000.
Overloading 2 wheel  100                                  2000 and licence scrapped for three months.
Hefty fines:
Juvenile Driving                                               25000 3 year jail for gaurdian.
Aggregators                                                      25000-100000 fine.
Not giving away to emergency vehicle            10000 fine.
Overloading of passengers                                 1000 per passenger.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T

Monday, August 1, 2016



sunderblogger.blogspot.Indian mindset

Why Indians crawling for mone? Indians could not help their soil and climate, could they? Because things could be gown easily and plentifully in India and because the weather did not impose continuously hardships, the mass of the people exerted themselves but little. However, there were wiser folk, and these, by dim of toil, succeeded in accumulating wealth.Naturally, in times of famine and bad days they came to be looked upon as fortunate beings. Gradually, those who had savings, earned or inherited, came to dominate the imagination of the multitudes as people who inherently great by virtue of the cash they possessed. Ultimately, the man who had money began to symbolize everything desirable. Indeed, he was a favourite of the gods.
That this was known to Indian ancestors is beyond doubt. A poet of the sixth century, Bhavabhuti, has put the matter in a nutshell: "All qualities cling to gold." A man with money is handsome, wise, young, what not. Many an Indian father or mother even today, marries off a pretty daughter to an ugly toothless man because he is rich. Wealth in India covers a multitude of sins. [will continue]

Sunday, July 31, 2016


sunderblogger.blogspot.Indian mindset

Indian mindset.20160731
An Indian may be a god or a devil, but he is definitely not a plain human being. Well, what makes him tick?
The Indian is said to be the most spiritual man on earth. This is worse than clotted nonsense. We have propagated the myth because we need something to boast about. why should we not have a quality that the West is supposed not to possess? Our inferiority in many domain has compelled us to credit ourselves with wings.
The fact is, and it had better be started without beating about the bush, we are the most materialistic people in the world. Matter and spirit may or may not be indivisible (let thinkers dispute about this), but our Indian knows that matter takes precedence over spirit.
An American lady, wishing to come over to India during the lean days of 1950, enquired of American officials as to what she should take with her to alleviate in some measure that the miseries of the people. "Shall I take rice," she asked, "or what, or canned foods, or medicines?"
The man in charge listened to her patiently, grinned and said; "Lady what Indians need most is CASH."
Cash! That certainly is what we Indian welcome most, I am afraid we are, have been, and will long remain worshippers of what D.H.Lawrence rudely called the Bitch-Goddess. for Indians she is a shining deity. [will continue]
Sunder T

Friday, July 29, 2016


sunderblogger.20160729- A father is a son`s hero and daughter `s role model
Time has changed, but love hasb`t. The love of a father for his child only grows
with time. It deepens with age and never fades.
a father may no say to his child that loves her. He may be strict, angry, criticising,
but deep inside he has only love and affection. He is soft to the core. The bon thata child shares with his father is one of the most wonderful relationship in the world.
This is reproduced for the info. and benefit of the members of sundercircle.
Kind Regards

sunderblogger.blogspot.India mindset

Indian mindset.20160726
Why Indian are what they are? Aryanism, of which we have become particularly proud since independence, is, if we examine matters without partipris, integumentary. the essence lies elsewhere.
The Indian spirit is basically pr-aryan. The Dravidian element in it is predominant, (as we see today.) but the total influences go further back. We have heard the phrase "Mother India"; India is much more than that; she is the Granny of Nations. Her soul (there is, repeat, no "it" about it) is steeped in the leadings and misleadings of many civilizations..
Sunder T

sunderblogger.blogspot.Indian mindset

Indian mindset.20160725
Is there such a creature as an Indian? There may be, but you will not find it. An Indian pure and simple is rare as a griffin or an assyrian bull.
How should it be otherwise? the Indian is not a person, but a patchwork. Indeed, he reminds me of Ibsen`s famous onion-one layer, then another, then another, and finally, nothing.
It is peeling of the various layers that causes much trouble. Each layer tells its own tale and, what is unbelievable, is not part of an organic whole. the result is that the so-called Indian is the most contradictory of persons. He is perpetually at war with himself.
Not knowing himself, he is unable to understand others. Our metaphysics, wonderful as they are, have tried to solve this confusion, bu in vain. Our multilayered soul remains hidden and unfathomable.
Sunder t

sunderblogger.blogspot.Indian mindset

Indian mindset.20160729 [continued from previous]
Whatever races came to India-they were attracted to her like moths to a flame-had one peculiarity; they refused to be integrated. despite the terrific pressure of the anonymous multitudes around them, they remain undigested chunks.
Hence the Indian paradox; one Indian reacts like a Scythian, another like a sumerian, a third like a Greek, a fourth like an Arab, and so the complicated tale continues.
But let us not run away with the impression that our Indian Sumerian is a pure Sumerian. Only the dominant layer in him is that; his other layers are in constant conflict with the Sumerian.
[will continue in next]

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

sunderblogger.blogspot.indian mindset

Indian Mindset: Why are Indian what Indians are
Aryanism, of which we have become particularly proud since independence, is, if Indian examine matters without partipris, integumentary. The essence lies elsewhere.
The Indian spirit is basically pro-Aryan. The Dravidian element n its is predominant (as you see today,) but the total influences go further back. Indians have heard the pharase 'Mother India"; India is much more than that; she is the Granny of Nations. Her soul (there is, no "it" about it) is steeped in the leadings and misleadings of many civilizations. [will continue....] Sunder T -20160727

sunderblogger: sundermumbai

sunderblogger: sundermumbai:


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Indian Mindset

Indian Mindset: 20160726
Is there such a creature as an Indian? There may be, but you will never found it. An Indian pure and simple is rare as griffin or an Assyrian bull
How should it be otherwise? The Indian is not a person, but a patchwork. Indeed, he reminds you of Ibsen's famous onion-one layer, then another, then another, and finally, nothing.
It is the peeling of the various layers that causes much trouble. Each layer tells its own tale and, what is unbelievable, is not part of an organic whole. The result is that the so-called Indian is the most contradictory of persons. He is perpetually at war with himself.
Not knowing himself, he is ubable to understand others. Our metaphysics, wonderful as they are, have tried to solve this confusion, but in vain. Our multilayered soul remains hidden and unfathomable.
But why are Indians what they are?
[will continue ......]
Sunder T

Indian Mindset

Is there such a creature as an India? There may be, but you will rarely find him/her. An Indian pure and simple is rare as a griffin or an Assyrian bull.
How it should it b otherwise? The Indian is not a person, but a patchwork. Indeed, he reminds you of Ibsen`s famous onion-one layer, then another, then another, and finally, nothing.
It is the peeling of the various layers that causes much trouble. Each layer tells its own tale and, what is unbelievable, is not part of an organic whole. The result is that the so-called Indian is the most contradictory of persons. He is perpetually at war with himself.
Not knowing himself, he is unable to understand others. Our metaphysics, wonderful as they are, have tried to solve this confusion, but in vain. Our multilayered soul remain hidden and unfathomable. [will continue ...]
Sunder T - 20160726

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.ditiedu4all

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.ditiedu4all: Subject: Digital Payments in India: Digital payments soon to be US $ 500 billion 2020 for about 15%. 40% -Non cash contribution i...


Subject: Digital Payments in India:
Digital payments soon to be US $ 500 billion 2020 for about 15%.
40% -Non cash contribution in the consumer payments segment.
81% -of existing digital payment users prefer it to any other non-cash payment methods
50% of India`s internet users will use digital payments>
70% of the gross merchandise value would be driven by top 100 million users.
90%  of consumers are likely to use digital payments for both online and offline points of sale.
50% transactions expected to be under Rs. 100 value.
Non-cash transactions exceed cash transactions by 2023
Issued for the info and benefit of the members of "sundercircle"
Sunder T

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Dear Friends
The following is reproduced for your info. & use.
Subject: Plan in advance  to have a good and meaningful day by PP Wangchuk as appeared in HT.
In the chaotic world that we live in today, it is imprtant to see what can calm us down and how to keep ourselves happy and entertained on a daily basis. Since we can`t disassociate ourselves from the rest of the maddening world, we must find ways to keep ourselves in sanity and good cheer.
It could be rewarding yourself with a visit to your favourite cafe for a few joyous moments. Or doing any other thing that gives you a big boost.
Perhaps it was in this context that Chinese philosopher Confucius was very particular on the need to plan and have a good, meaningful day. He had said that a person who was reluctant to plan his day can`t escape trouble at his door.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T

Thursday, July 14, 2016




sunderblogger: India: Politics play strange ways when it comes to the exercise of the powers of the governor's (given by the Center). One particular e...

India: Politics play strange ways when it comes to the exercise of the powers of the governor's (given by the Center). One particular example which comes to mind is the dismissal of the Kashmir government in 1984 by governor Jagmohan. The consequences of that fateful move were felt for years to come in the sensitive and volatile state.
The role of the governor is meant to ensure checks and balances in democracy, but over the years they have played a partisan role in exercising authority in contravention of the elected government. There is much truth in the claim that this once exalted constitutional office has become one of the grace and favour from the government of the day. Sinecures are provided to those seem to be useful to the government of the day, a trend which was very visible during the Congress regime of Indra Gandhi during which a number of CM`s were removed on spurious grounds. Some of words are reproduced from a local editorial page for the information of our members in "sundercircle". You are welcome to comment and oblige.
Kind Regards
Sunder T. 20160714

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

Loneliness- an opportunity to discover yourself. You can turn into a celebration- the celebration of being alone, and free to do anything that will make you happy.The boredom can turn into a good for nothing fellow. One should take loneliness positively so that the opportunity provides you with a way to act on your creative talents.You can`t be creative while being a part of a mob. Creativity blooms best when one is left alone to look within and explore the possibility of discovering things or getting ideas that make a difference to the quality of life.
.Being lonely and enjoying such a state of mind also means you are celebrating your individuality in a manner that you can judge your own strengths and weaknesses to make your battle ready for difficult times ahead.
To live a good and purposeful life we much be aware that loneliness is the only time when you can get to discover ourselves. And, discovering yourself is discovering others because you can`t hope to know others until you know yourself.
Loneliness is a human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow. Never expect to outgrow loneliness. The best you`ll ever do is to understand yourself.
Sunder T - 20160622 (For information of the members of sundercircle only. Reproduced from inner voice-HT)

sunderblogger: sunderblogger:

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: DigiEdu4all Money Muling - Money Mule is a term used to describe innocent victims who are duped by fraudsters into laundering stolen/illega...


Money Muling- Money Mule is a term used to describe innocent victims who are duped by fraudsters into laundering stolen/illegal money via their bank account. Whether or not the account holder is aware of it, the account is used to fraudulently transfer money to the fraudsters. The use of intermediaries makes it difficult to figure out the identity of the fraudster
Why is it significant now?. An idle account of a labourer in Punjab was used for receiving and transferring funds without he knowledge of the account holder. The case cam to light when tax authorities served a notice to the account holder.
RBI is taking action against Money Muling.
This is an information to the members of sundercircle and is reproduced from ET in the classromm.
Sunder T - 20160622

Thursday, June 16, 2016





Once a man was stuck on his roof of his house during a flood while other people tried to escape the rising water whichever way they could. But this man believed that he heard a message from god to wait there and he that would be rescued. That's what he did. He waited and waited as the water rose higher and higher. Ultimately he drowned. God will help those who are willing to help themselves.
Sunder T- 20160616

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


sunderblogger: Subject: Orlando killing- As long as Arab petro dollars keep the `jihad factories` in business, there will be suicide killers, writes Brahm...

Subject: Orlando killing- As long as Arab petro dollars keep the `jihad factories` in business, there will be suicide killers, writes Brahma Chellaney in a local paper.
In the wake of the worst mass shooting in US history, it is pointless to debate whether the Orlando killings constitute an act of Islamist terror or also an act of hate directed to the LGBT community. Every act of terror springs from hatred of its target, be it a nation or government or community. The real question, given the spate of recent    terrorist attack from Brussels and Paris to Pathankot and San Bernardino, relates to the ideology that inspired such terror.
The late Singaporean leader Lee    Kuan Yew righty said in 2003 that success in the war on terror hinges more on controlling the `queen bees`- the preachers` of the deviant form of Islam` -than on just killing the `worker bees` (terrorists). As long as Arab petrodollars keep `jehad factories` in business, there will be suicide killers. Dismantling the Saudi, Qatari and other Wahhabi religious-industrial complexes that are spreading jihadism has become more imperative than ever.
Sunder T -for information of the members of sundercircle.20160614

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Subject: Startup India
Startup India is a flagship initiative of the government of India intended t build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and startups in the country that will drive sustainable economic growth and generate large-scale employment opportunities. Mr. Modi, the P.M said, "I see startups, technology and innovation as exciting and effective instruments for India's transformation."An action plan addresses all aspects of the startup ecosystem and government hopes to accelerate spreading of the startup movement from digital/technology sector to a wide array of sectors, including agriculture, manufacture, social sector, healthcare, education, etc. Besides it also intends to spread the movement from existing Tier 1 cities to Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, including semi-urban and rural areas.
Sunder T -20160608

sunderblogger: Blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: Blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: What one calls a boring life Posted on  February 15, 2015 6 What one calls a boring life is what others are happy with. So I bare...


New Battery Norms for Indian mobile phones since June 01, 2016
New BIS norms are introduced from June 01, 2016 that requires batteries used for devices and laptops to be separately certified. Under these norms batteries imported as a component will require certification. Rule also mandate BIS authorised imprint on the device box and carton. Approximately 850 models of mobile handsets are getting launched every year and this number is estimated to grow further with the entry of more players. India has on 12-13 BIS-certified laboratories which are inadequate to meet the growing demand for testing in a time bound manner.
Best Wishes for the government for protecting the Indian customers on this issue.
Sunder 20160608

Monday, June 6, 2016


[A unit of Sunder Foundation to create awareness for Digi Education, Free Free, Online].

Indian Currency Notes -may be history soon.
Hard cash and credit cards will soon be passe in India. All you need is a smart phone and a financial identity, like an email id from a bank, to undertake transaction up to Rs. 1 lakh.
The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), supported by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), is all set to launch the Unified Payments Infrastructure (UPI) later this month, which will initially link up 19 banks and later extend to a number of other players.
UPI is as easy as handling  over cash or credit card, you simply tell the retailer your virtual identity which is an email id. The shop keeper, who will also have financial id, will generate an in voice through the UPI, which you need to approve sing you mobile phone. It will facilitate instant money transfer by invoking the virtual identity of the beneficiary and transfer money real time.
Sunder T

Sunday, June 5, 2016

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

Dropbox Tutorial 2015 - Quick Start

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: DigiEdu (Unit of Sunder Foundation to groom a netizen into a good human being, to live well, with confidence). Managing Trustee: Sunder ...


(Unit of Sunder Foundation to groom a netizen into a good human being, to live well, with confidence).
Managing Trustee: Sunder T – Mailto: –,
Phone: +91 2445 88752 – Mobile: +91 99672 19240, +91 986721 01030.
Smoking can cost you Rs. 1 crore.
A cigarette cost Rs.12. If you smoke five cigarettes a day, that`s Rs60 spent every day, or Rs.1800 per month. This cost will keep rising every year as prices of cigarettes and taxes go up.
Monthly Cost
Yearly increase
Cost in 30 years
If invested at 9%
Rs. 1800
24.47 lakh
69.23 Lakh
Rising Medical Expenses

Monthly Cost
Yearly increase
Cost in 30 years
If invested at 9%
1.65 lakh
7.5 lakh
Higher Insurance Costs

Monthly Cost
Yearly increase
Cost in 30 years
If invested at 9%
1.65 lakh
7.52 lakh

Kind Regards
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: India driving global internet growth. The internet growth is stalling globally, but is skyrocketing in India, which is now the second-large...

Friday, June 3, 2016


India driving global internet growth.
The internet growth is stalling globally, but is skyrocketing in India, which is now the second-largest behind China, passing the U.S, with over 277 million users, says the internet trends report by acclaimed analyst Mary Meeker.
>40% rise in internet usage this year
>33% the figure last year.
>9% global users growth year on year
>3 billion of 7 billion people on the planet are now online
>80% of users` mobile time is spent in three apps, and the average global mobile user user accesses    > The most commonly used apps in 2016 globally are Facebook, WhatsApp and Chrome.
>Messaging will shift from being simple social interactions to expensive over time and will include
   more business-related.interactions>Millennials communicate with text, but Generation Z prefers to
   communicate with images.
>Messaging apps are moving from simple but tools to communicate with friends to platforms for
>Generation Y is the first generation to prefer chatting over the web or social media to talk to
   businesses, rather than over the phone.
>Commuter recognition of speech has gone from about 70% to 90% accuracy in the last 5 years.
>About 65% of US smartphones owners now use a voice assistant.
>By 2020, at least 50% of all searches online will be through voice or image search.
>71% of the time spent on mobile in China is divided  between properties owned by three companies
   Tencent, Alibaba, and Baidu.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T

Sunday, May 29, 2016

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: Mumbai's evident cultural history is more than 2,000 years old and the existence of its rivers, the Dahisar, Poisar, Oshiwara and Mithi...


Mumbai's evident cultural history is more than 2,000 years old and the existence of its rivers, the Dahisar, Poisar, Oshiwara and Mithi (on Salsette Island along) along with the smaller streams and rivulets, is ever older. The island city then described as ` the city of seven islands` with hills, had its fair share of these natural monsoon water flows.
Worrying numbers: 504,000,000 liters - Estimated total volume of waste water polluting our rivers.
                                 600 to 800 MT Daily - Estimated total solid waste finding its way into rivers.

Kind Regards!
Sunder Thadani

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Bappi Da Ke Gaane Ka Nasha! - 91.9 FM (Mumbai)


Subject: Single women in India
India has 73 mn single women. Single women, include divorces, and widows form 21% of India`s population. Latest Indian government is to empower women. The women and child development (WCD) ministry comes under Maneka Gandhi.
It is common knowledge that taboos, that surround single women include social ostracization and institutional indifference.
2011 census date, found single women form 21% of India`s population and are close to 73 million in number. In the US single women outnumbered married ones.
In India, single women face multiple problems due to lack of social acceptace. WCD minster has receive many complaints where single women have struggled to rent an apartment, get passports, or register their children in schools.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani

Monday, April 25, 2016


What is failure? As the old proverb goes, failures are pillars of success. Only a person who tries to do something will taste success and while trying to do so, one may encounter obstacles too. Our life is full of surprises. Trab these moments. The surprises make the game of life interesting.
 Admitting one's mistake is not easy and requires courage. Nevertheless, oce we are strong enough to admit our failures, half the battle is won. We have to embrace failure in order to be successful in life- Tamina Tiwari
Sunder T