Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Indian Mindset

Is there such a creature as an India? There may be, but you will rarely find him/her. An Indian pure and simple is rare as a griffin or an Assyrian bull.
How it should it b otherwise? The Indian is not a person, but a patchwork. Indeed, he reminds you of Ibsen`s famous onion-one layer, then another, then another, and finally, nothing.
It is the peeling of the various layers that causes much trouble. Each layer tells its own tale and, what is unbelievable, is not part of an organic whole. The result is that the so-called Indian is the most contradictory of persons. He is perpetually at war with himself.
Not knowing himself, he is unable to understand others. Our metaphysics, wonderful as they are, have tried to solve this confusion, but in vain. Our multilayered soul remain hidden and unfathomable. [will continue ...]
Sunder T - 20160726