Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Subject: Orlando killing- As long as Arab petro dollars keep the `jihad factories` in business, there will be suicide killers, writes Brahma Chellaney in a local paper.
In the wake of the worst mass shooting in US history, it is pointless to debate whether the Orlando killings constitute an act of Islamist terror or also an act of hate directed to the LGBT community. Every act of terror springs from hatred of its target, be it a nation or government or community. The real question, given the spate of recent    terrorist attack from Brussels and Paris to Pathankot and San Bernardino, relates to the ideology that inspired such terror.
The late Singaporean leader Lee    Kuan Yew righty said in 2003 that success in the war on terror hinges more on controlling the `queen bees`- the preachers` of the deviant form of Islam` -than on just killing the `worker bees` (terrorists). As long as Arab petrodollars keep `jehad factories` in business, there will be suicide killers. Dismantling the Saudi, Qatari and other Wahhabi religious-industrial complexes that are spreading jihadism has become more imperative than ever.
Sunder T -for information of the members of sundercircle.20160614