Monday, June 30, 2014


Medication is the journey from movement to stillness, from sound to silence.
The need is present in you to meditate because it is our natural tendency to
look for undiminished joy and love that does not distort or turn negative.
Medication is food for the soul. When you are hungry, spontaneously you eat something. If you are thirsty, you drink water. Similarly, the soul yearns for
meditation and this tendency is in everyone.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Work on Bringing Balance to your life.
Work-life balance is one the most misunderstood concept in our pressure-laden times. Balance means finding that optimum point where the person working in a perfect condition, in perfect harmony with his environment. Balance does not mean giving equal priority to everything.
Often, people working wrongly believe that a work-life balance means dividing their time equally between work and family. Its fallacy is evident in the dissatisfaction people feel despite efforts at that `misunderstood` balance.
The answer to work-life balance is not in balancing one`s work with one`s family, for that simply means more work; it means balancing one`s work with one`s life. Your life includes you, your health, spiritual evolution, mental vigor, attitude and tenacity social presence, friends AND your family.
This sudden expansion in your life can be a shock and lead you to spin on all these factors. Let me tell you a secret; you don`t have to work at the balance, the balance work at you.
You will be amazed that we all have an inherent mechanism that warns us when our life is going off balance.
Make no comprises on your health or your body will make you a slave.
Kind Regards
Sunder T


India`s soil, climate and vegetation have played their part in molding Indian.  As there is a lot of nonsense talked on this subject, let me linger over it a little.
Every country affects its dwellers in a particular way. A psychologist has observed that a monkey sent to Germany for scientific observation begin to brood and behave like a Teuton, while the same monkey dispatched to the United States reacts like a restless American, always on the go.
Whatever comes and lives in India, undergoes a subtle change of psyche. Is value altering. The boundaries of good and evil, so clear before, now begin to melt a move. He floats in a void.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.164

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.164: Destroy those envying roots and enjoy lasting peace. Just be aware when the feeling of  jealousy arises, and you will be surprise, it sim...


Destroy those envying roots and enjoy lasting peace. Just be aware when the feeling of
 jealousy arises, and you will be surprise, it simply disappears. Jealousy cannot be overcome
either by escaping from it or hating the object of jealousy.
Understand the way out of jealousy is not be surprising it or denying its existence. 
Expressing and encouraging it is also not the way because then you are not ready
to face he jealousy with awareness. Just watch how jealousy arise in you,
how it develops into hatred for the object of jealousy, how it creates restlessness
and frustration inside you and make you lose all of your peace and calm.
Do not condemn the object of jealousy. The object has not generated the
emotions from outside. The jealousy is happening inside you. The fire of jealousy
can just consume you completely if you don’t control it with the fire extinguisher of
you awareness. Once you witness your jealousy with awareness, you will realize
that it does not have a basis for existence at all.  When this happens, jealously
will drop automatically. You won`t have to drop it.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Sunday, June 29, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.163

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.163: Let us not run away with the impression that our Indian Sumerian is a pure Sumerian. Only the dominant layer in him is that; his other laye...


Let us not run away with the impression that our Indian Sumerian is a pure Sumerian. Only the dominant layer in him is that; his other layers are in constant conflict with the Sumerian.
Fantastic, it will be said. Not quite. Take for example, His fundamental reaction to life and thought –patterns was Western, particularly British, yet he was no more than an Englishman than I am the Khan of Tartary.  He was a complex personality, and affords the best example of my contention. Nehru could identify himself closely with almost every type of Indian: he felt with the Naga: with the Brahmin like a Brahmin: with the Muslim like a Muslim: with the untouchable like an untouchable; yet at heart he was none of these. What he was, I am sure, he himself did not know. He had deep urges and large dreams –that`s all. Here was our typically complex and contradictory Indian.
There is no doubt that our various racial strains have made us what we are at present-a people with no distinctive soul, but with only a many-colored psyche. But to say this is not to say all.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Arianism, of which we have become particularly proud since independence, is, we examine matters without priories, integumentary. The essence lies elsewhere.
The Indian spirit is basically pre_Aryan. The Dravidian element in it is predominant (as we see today,) but the total influences go further back. We have heard the phrase “Mother India”; India is much more than; she is the Granny of Nations. Her soul (there’s, I repeat, no “it” about it) is steeped in the leadings and misleading of many civilizations.
Whatever races came to India- they were attracted to her like moths to a flame- had one peculiarity: they refused to be integrated. Despite the terrific pressure of the anonymous multitudes around them, they remained undigested chunks.
 Hence the Indian paradox: one Indian reacts like  Scythian, another like a Sumerian, a third like a Greek, a fourth like an Arab, and so the complicated tale continues.
Best Wishes
Sunder T

Saturday, June 28, 2014


TOI editor has well said about BJP that “it has diluted its anti-corruption stance by admitting tainted leaders. Realizing the pitfalls some among the BJP`s central leadership including Advani, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jailtley, have tried to distance themselves from the UP state leadership. But passing the buck is pointless. Only practicing for itself what it preaches to others can help. It`s a young, 21st century electorate out there-intelligent enough to see through cynical manipulations by the political class. It won`t help at all to be seen as a chip off the old block”.
Best Wishes
Sunder T


One of the favorite sports of India`s middle classes is bureaucracy bashing. It is an easy game to play and can be quite a lot of fun. Everyone has their favorite, outrageous story about an encounter with the bureaucracy. The inefficiency, corruption, insensitivity, stupidity and Kafkaesque circularity of bureaucratic procedures and rules are legendary. That India`s bureaucracy is one the most stifling and difficult to deal with has now been revealed in a survey. Over a thousand expatriate business executive rated India`s bureaucracy the most annoying in Asia.
The problem with India is no, as we in the middle class imagine, that we have too many idle and corrupt bureaucrats.  The problem is that we have too many rules and regulations and too few officials to implement and monitor the regimes, and bring to book those who flout the rules and regulations. As India`s population grows, the disequilibrium is only going to grow: more rules and regulations to be applied to more and more people by a bureaucracy that is not high enough.
A conclusion: either we expand the bureaucracy or else the government will gradually wither away to the point that India will join the ranks of failed states. That would be a calamity for the Indian people.
Best wishes!
Sunder T

Friday, June 27, 2014


As human beings, according to our inborn qualities, we are complete beings. But we are dependent on two external influences; nature and society. From one major point of view, we depend complete upon nature. Water, sunlight, oxygen, food, all parts of the life-support system is supplied by nature. We cannot afford to disassociate ourselves from these natural resources.
Living in a society means living with constant challenges. This perturbs people and they become individualists. But this kind of individualism is little more than escapism. Differences could be a boon, for if everyone thinks alike, no one thinks very much. So difference means diversity just like different trees enhance the beauty of a garden.
We cannot afford to live in a cocoon. For the larva living in a cocoon, it is a life before an impending transformation but for us human beings, it is no less than death. Social living means living through experiences, meeting challenges, learning lessons, teaching and learning. Society is like a living university. One who tries to go against society will commit social suicide. No one can afford to opt for either natural suicide. No one can afford to opt for either natural suicide or social suicide. Therefore, complaint is a futile exercise. Adjustment to achieve mutual benefit is the only possible formula.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


As human beings, according to our inborn qualities, we are complete beings. But we are dependent on two external influences; nature and society. From one major point of view, we depend complete upon nature. Water, sunlight, oxygen, food, all parts of the life-support system is supplied by nature. We cannot afford to disassociate ourselves from these natural resources.
Living in a society means living with constant challenges. This perturbs people and they become individualists. But this kind of individualism is little more than escapism. Differences could be a boon, for if everyone thinks alike, no one thinks very much. So difference means diversity just like different trees enhance the beauty of a garden.
We cannot afford to live in a cocoon. For the larva living in a cocoon, it is a life before an impending transformation but for us human beings, it is no less than death. Social living means living through experiences, meeting challenges, learning lessons, teaching and learning. Society is like a living university. One who tries to go against society will commit social suicide. No one can afford to opt for either natural suicide. No one can afford to opt for either natural suicide or social suicide. Therefore, complaint is a futile exercise. Adjustment to achieve mutual benefit is the only possible formula.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


One of the favorite sports of India`s middle classes is bureaucracy bashing. It is an easy game to play and can be quite a lot of fun. Everyone has their favorite, outrageous story about an encounter with the bureaucracy. The inefficiency, corruption, insensitivity, stupidity and Kafkaesque circularity of bureaucratic procedures and rules are legendary. That India`s bureaucracy is one the most stifling and difficult to deal with has now been revealed in a survey. Over a thousand expatriate business executive rated India's bureaucracy the most annoying in Asia.
The problem with India is no, as we in the middle class imagine, that we have too many idle and corrupt bureaucrats.  The problem is that we have too many rules and regulations and too few officials to implement and monitor the regimes, and bring to book those who flout the rules and regulations. As India`s population grows, the disequilibrium is only going to grow: more rules and regulations to be applied to more and more people by a bureaucracy that is not high enough.
A conclusion: either we expand the bureaucracy or else the government will gradually wither away to the point that India will join the ranks of failed states. That would be a calamity for the Indian people.
Best wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.154

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.154: Change Attitude, Not Lifestyle In life, everyone is denied a few things. But all of us have been blessed with millions of gifts. If you fo...


Change Attitude, Not Lifestyle
In life, everyone is denied a few things. But all of us have been blessed with millions of gifts. If you focus on what you do not have, you will be unhappy, if you choose to focus on the things you have, you are grateful and you develop an irresistible share, contribute, and give. This makes you happy. The most precious things come for free, which you do not even consider! Hence, you live life feeling deprived and deficient when, in fact, you could be totally fulfilled and abundant.
Do you have conflict with the people you love most? Do you blame the 1other person for it? May be it has to do with your attitude. Do you have expectations of you family members? Do you make demands on your spouse and children? This is not love.  It is attachment. Love tainted with selfishness is attachment. You only love yourself. You claim to love because they happen to cater to you in some way. This causes conflict and untold suffering. In the end you support  them. Attachment is the single most important cause for breakdown in relationships.
So change you attitude, not lifestyle. Your life will change from drudgery to revelry. From mediocrity to Excellence.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.153

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.153: Indians, by and large, have an aversion to anything dark. Whether it`s sugar, flour or skin complexion, dark is out and white is in, the wh...


Indians, by and large, have an aversion to anything dark. Whether it`s sugar, flour or skin complexion, dark is out and white is in, the whiter the better. The exception to this color is coded scheme of things is money.  Indians or, at least some Indians have a distinct preference for so-called “black” money over” white” money.
Best Wishes
Sunder T

Thursday, June 26, 2014


I have a very simple definition of integrity:
 I saw a romantic greeting card which showed a couple kissing in the front seat of a car. The message said, ‘If you can kiss while driving safely, you are not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.’ Anything that is worth doing is worth doing with a whole heart, mind and body.
We get into the trouble not because we do things that are wrong, but because we approach our activities with divided intentions. Our body is doing one thing while our heart is elsewhere. We go to jobs wet rather not be at, we sleep with people we don’t love, we go to parties we secretly find boring or repulsive. At the same time we love people we don’t express our love for, we deny ourselves food we would really enjoy, and we know truths we do not act on.
You are doing on the outside matches who you are on the inside. I respect people who do things I don’t agree with, or wouldn’t do myself, but I respect them for being 100 percent who they are.
They are in integrity.

Sunder T


it is well said, “Politics is to be left only to politicians”.
India has been like a house owned by a householder who leaves the day-to-day running of the house –keeping the place clean, buy provisions for the kitchen, maintaining a daily account – to the servants. Left unregulated-except for a check on their activities every five years-the servants inevitably come to feel that the house belongs to them and not to the householder. As times goes by they become increasingly lazy and corrupt with no money to pay for the upkeep.
The householder blames the servants for having cheated and defrauded her. She concludes that all servants are cheats who are not to be trusted. But the householder forgets that it was only because she abdicated her own responsibility for adequately supervising the servants that they could behave the way they did, bringing the house to the sorry state it is in.
The Indian public is like that over-trustful householder who has let her house be run, with virtually no monitoring, by politicians who, feeling that there is no one to hold them to account for their actions, have done exactly as they pleased, holding to ransom the house that call India.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


A major culprit for crime and corruption is addiction to drugs and alcohol. Addiction starts with the repeated experience of the same sense object and this creates a sense of craving for it. Leaving the habit becomes painful, but having it does not give you any bliss, or ecstasy. Nobody is born with a craving, but you have started a habit within you that has created the craving. An intelligent person spends his time in knowledge, music, literature, science and in bringing people together. But the foolish always enjoy spending their time indulging in addictions, altercations and fights. All these recreational drugs just destroy your body. It will temporarily give you a high that takes you off from the mundane to a seemingly subtle feeling. To overcome addiction you have choice of Love, fear, and greed. This is an extract from a discourse by Shri Ravi Shankar in Art of living for of “sundercircle” Sunder T