Friday, July 11, 2014


Stress is a disease of the 21st century. Everyone seems to be in stress from a child to a retiree.
What disturbs the mind? You believe a bad boss, nagging spouse or the weather causes you grief. The truth is that nothing in the world can disturb you except yourself. Stress is defined as mental turbulence caused by unfulfilled desire. As long as a desire remains unactualised you will be in stress. Yet desire is being recklessly fuelled and people are n stress.
When you rise above desire and work for something beyond, the object of desire comes to you. Then you can enjoy it thoroughly with a calm mind.
So what is the way out? The first step is to manage desire with intellect. If the intellect approves, go ahead and fulfill the desire without fear or guilt. But if the intellect vetoes it, keep away. This gives relief. The next step is desire reduction by upgrading desires. Pick up a higher desire. The lower one drops. Finally, when the lure of the Infinite grips you all desires vanish. You are in Bliss.
Kind Regards
Sunder T

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Fatwas issued by sharia courts or muftis had no legal base and hence could not enforced has created news in India. It came after a public litigation came up for questioning the jurisdiction of sharia courts, Supreme Court of India has clarified this and asserted that fatwas had no place in the country`s constitutions. One example on the subject is banning an all-girl Kashmiri rock bank, purportedly on religious grounds. Girls were compelled to disband their group due to community  pressure.On the face of it fatwas were harsh on women. Another example is from Muzaffarnagar, where a woman was raped by her father in law, and she was asked to treat her husband as her son. In modern Indian democracy, these things are taken as a serious issues as women has an equal status as per the constitution of India. Any such fatwas and other extrajudicial community announcements or rulings reinforce patriarchal biases and militate against reason and justice. Besides the danger is that these things can be easily manipulated to suit some people. Kind Regards.


There is lot of misconceptions about rape, which is why those concerned by the increasing
prevalence of this crime. Rape has nothing to do with sexuality as perverse as it may be.
It is the demonstration of the total dominance of men over all women, and is the
logical extension of an entrenched patriarchal society fighting against any form of
empowerment for women. Rape, the so-called `dishonoring` of women, who,  `belong` to an
adversarial group or tribe has long been an instrument of war, in most parts of the world.
By `despoiling` their women, the rapist besmirches the masculine pride of his enemies,
and symbolically castrates them by taking away their dominant manhood and replacing it
with his own
Kind Regards!


That many of us are apt to equate happiness and success with money, material wealth and possessions,” is a belief born of sheet ignorance. You cannot be happy just because you live in a mansion or a penthouse apartment. You cannot be achieving peace and inner harmony just because you drive a Mercedes or a BMW. You cannot be considered `successful` just because you are a millionaire
the happiest people are not the ones who make money, buy property and own stocks. The happiest people are those who cultivate the higher mind and think in interesting thoughts.
Kind Regards
Sunder T


that many of us are apt to equate happiness and success with money, material wealth and possessions,” is a belief born of sheer ignorance. You cannot be happy just because you live in a mansion or a penthouse apartment. You cannot be achieving peace and inner harmony just because you drive a Mercedes or a BMW. You cannot be considered `successful` just because you are a millionaire.
The happiest people are not the ones who make money, buy property and own stocks. The happiest people are those who cultivate the higher mind and think in interesting thoughts.
Kind Regards
Sunder T


our attitude towards other in our workday life reflects like this “Day after day countless creatures are going to the above of heaven yet those that remain behind believe themselves to be immortal”. We believe that what happens to others will not happen to us. We apply different stands to evaluate our own behavior and that of others in all fields of activity.
The `other`, across cultures, has been seen variously as a friend- an extension of oneself- or as a foe posing a threat to one`s freedom. The other has been seen by some as deserving our concern or respect, by some as an opportunity for solidarity or mutual transformation, and by some typically as an unwelcome practical, political or cultural limitation. The other can be the ethnic, other, the cultural other, the religious other, the national other or simply the other gender.
Kind Regards
Sunder T

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


¤ If I have curves, I'm fat.
¤ If I don't then I'm flat.
¤ If I wear makeup, I'm fake..!
¤ If I don't I'm a behenji
¤ If I dress up, I'm a Show off..!
...¤ If I don't bother, I am a villager..!
¤ If I say what I think, I'm a bitch.
¤ If I say nothing, I have 'attitude problem'.
¤ If I cry sometimes, I'm a DRAMA QUEEN..!
¤ If I don’t, I'm emotionless..!
¤ If I have guy friends, I'm a Slut..!
¤ If I don’t, I'm narrow minded..!
¤ If I stand up for myself, I'm mouthy.
It’s like you can't do anything these days without being labeled

so why bother! Give a Damn! Proud of it who you are ;)
Best Wishes
Sunder T


In our life we seem to assume and ascribe false identities.
We tend to hold a person responsible for what he did; good or bad,
when spiritual wisdom says that we are not the doers; the divine
phenomenon behind creation, the doer. Thus, we deify someone when he
obliges us in a significant way. On the other hand, if are hurt
in some way by someone`s act of commission or omission. We nurse
an enmity against him.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T


Indian Men go for looks
Looks-conscious Indian males take to grooming & beauty treatments.
Shaving, waxing and laser, the three modern warheads in mankind`s timeless fight against bod hair, are being aggressively deployed these days in a country where facial and torso hair once separated the men from the boys
Disposal income spent by men on grooming is growing at a faster rate than by women. This can be estimated from the fact that, most men`s personal care categories are seeing faster growth
 At  one skin clinic, the average billing by male consumers in the past few months has overtaken by a small margin that of female clients who spend around r.7000
Kind Regards
Sunder T

Sunday, July 6, 2014


India_after Modi:  To cut short procedures and putsh decision-making, PMO has issued fresh instructions to ministries say that after sending the final Cabinet not to the PMO and Cabinet secretariat for the internal assessment and their comments, ministries should wait for only three days. If the PMO does not revert with comments, then the ministries can send proposal for consideration in the Cabinet meeting. Your comment please. Regards! Sunder T


Seriousness is a disease, but seriousness has been praised, respected, honored. It was absolutely essential to be serious to be saint; hence only people who were incapable of laughter become interested in religion. And people who are incapable of laughter are not human yet- what to say about their being divine? That is impossible- they have not yet become human. Hence I have tremendous respect for the sense of humor; for laughter.
Laughter is far more sacred that prayer, because prayer can be done by any one, It does not require much intelligence, Laughter requires intelligence. It requires presence of mind, a quickness of seeing into things. A joke cannot be explained; either you understand it or you miss it. If it is explained it loses the whole point; hence no joke can be explained. You get it immediately or you can try to find out the meaning of it; you will find out the meaning, but the joke will not be there. It was in the immediacy.
Sunder T


To attain wisdom, we must purify the mind by making It free of all impure thoughts. First empty your mind; only then you can make room for wisdom to come in. Prepare the mind to face situations in a way that enables you to harness its potential. Living with a mind that is narcissist will impede progress. A life that is full of ego leaves no room for receptivity as one thinks about nothing else other than its own self.
In order to receptive to truth, one must make the effort to be ready to recognize and receive the truth. Human beings have become conditional entities on account of habit. It is this conditioning that is a major obstacle on the path. To be able to overcome this hurdle, we must be ready to revisit existing ideas; be willing to rise above all kinds of biases and prejudices and become receptive to truth that may come from anywhere.
Kind Regards
Sunder T


 Religion has been missing one very fundamental quality; the sense of humour; It`s unfortunate, because it has made religion sick.
A sense of humor is an essential part of the wholeness of man. It keeps him healthy, young and fresh. And for centuries the sad people have dominated religion. They have expelled laughter- from churches, mosques and from temples. The day laughter enters back into the holy places they will be really holy, because they will be whole.
Laughter is the only quality that distinguishes man from other animals. Only man can see the ridiculous, the absurd. Only he has the capacity and the consciousness to be aware of the cosmic joke; it is not a serious affair. [will continue in next].
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Awareness is one of the greatest gifts that existence has given to human beings.
All spiritual masters tell their students, “Become aware, increase your awareness,”
and they suggest various methods to do so. Animals too have awareness, but that
is more instinct driven. They are aware of hunger or thirst, or of danger and death,
but purely by instinct. Animal awareness is mostly about the present, although some
awareness does come to them from past conditioning too.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


in India, only one-third population lives in towns and cities. In Bihar in 2001 it was only 10%.
 India`s towns and cities desperately need fixing. Half of Mumbai lives in slumps, which is a
natural disgrace. At the same time, we may have to think of building completely new cities
and destroying older ones. That is a scary thought, but a time may come when it is better
to destroy than to rehabilitate. Human habitation is not permanent, and India has several
examples of urban settlements that were abandoned. We need to look long and hard at the
future of urban policy and contemplate the best and the worst.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Wednesday, July 2, 2014



Pubs, & bikinis to be banned as per  Goa minister, Mr. Ramkrishna Dhavalikar has called for a ban on pubs, swimming in bikinis on public beaches, massage parlours and illegal casinos since they were against "Indian Cultures". He also spoke against the culture of pubs, where girls in miniskirts and other skimpy dresses, drink alcohol and dance till early in the morning. Any comment? Regards. Sunder T


India: cyber crimes up across India. Maharashtra tops with 62% rise. Mostly Youngsters at fault, think they won`nt be caught. This is what National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report.
During 2013 the fact are following: Sexual harassment=233(101 in 2012)), Fraud=210(147 in 2012), Cause disrepute=75(38 in 2012), Extortion=14(5 in 2012), Revenge=15(6 in 2012). It is observed that increase in computer and smart devices have fuelled a spurt in cyber crimes of social nature such as abuse, intimidation, pornography, fake emails, etc. Unless law is strict the crimes will increase. Younger people know that the social media is un-policed and believe they have a right to say whatever they want., and still get away with it.
Your views, and comments will be highly appreciated. Kind Regards. Sunder T -<>


Sub: Think India.
India thrives on contradictions like no place else; any visitor, tourist, or business representative can expect the unexpected. Relying on a trusted Indian friend to act as buffer and to protect one from culture shock is helpful in this sometimes highly confusing country. At your hotel, they may not serve beef because of the reverence Hindus hold for the cow. Yet you may hear the conversation of Hindu man from Kerala seated at a nearby table telling his wife on a cell phone that he will return home tomorrow and would prefer a beefsteak for dinner.
In a temple, where you might expect more familiar rules and behavior, you could be truly shocked to witness a sadhu (a holy man who customarily wears orange) amble in nonchalantly completely nude.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


India’s Unlimited Opportunities.
With an average GDP growth rate of 8% each year there has been a lot to cheer abut in India. During this phase, there has been a massive increase in the growth of individual wealth in India. It is reported that India’s HNWI (High Net worth Individual) population grew by 23% which makes it fastest growing globally. At the end of 2007, the number of HNWI was at 1.23 lakh. HNWIs are defined as individuals with more than $1 million (it was INR 4 crores then) in net assets, excluding what they have as primary residence and consumables.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.

Best Wishes,
Sunder T