Monday, January 13, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sundervideoblog.130114

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sundervideoblog.130114: CM Maharashtra has sanctioned projects worth Rs. 1000 cr. bowing to the pressure from Dpy CM. Question is whether or not the plans will b...

sunderblogger: sundervideoblog.130114

CM Maharashtra has sanctioned projects worth Rs. 1000 cr. bowing to the pressure from Dpy CM. Question is whether or not the plans will benefit the Congress NCP combine in the polls. All the results of the projects will be known only after the polls in 2014. Indian politics is funny. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Sunday, January 12, 2014

sunderblogger: Blogger:sunderblogger-sunderinfonews.120104

sunderblogger: Blogger:sunderblogger-sunderinfonews.120104: Medinine Sans docotrs- Futureist say we are headed for a day when revolutionary medical technology will edge the doctor out of the clinic....


Medinine Sans docotrs- Futureist say we are headed for a day when revolutionary medical technology will edge the doctor out of the clinic. Not yet, say experts, as the most intelligent machine still needs to be guided. Experts say India is in a position to do to medical technology what it did to generic medicines: provided easy and cost-effective solutions for the masses. What technology can do is to offer the priceless oppoutunity for less trained healthcare providers to perform more sophisticated functions. Given the global scarcity of doctors, technology couldn`t have provided a better solutions. Kind Regards! Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.108

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.108: You will observe that The English instantly forger their party difference in the presence of an eternal danger. Not os in India. Today, fo...


You will observe that The English instantly forger their party difference in the presence of an eternal danger. Not os in India. Today, for example, follow-travellers are playing the role of pettery kings; they hope to climb to power on Russian roubles and rifles. Poor deluded beings! After a brief capering on the stage, liquidation will be theri lot. they are brilliant, they think, but thier brilliance is so bright that it does not show them what is happening from the fate of fellow-travellers in the baltic countries- Poland Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hundgry, Roumania, and so on and so forth. But to come to the Vaishyas- our trading classes. their individualism is not rugged but raaged; they are shrewd, hard-working, intelligent, daring, but lacking in the co-operative spirit. Their motto seems to be; "Each one for himself and the devil take the hindmost." Kind Regards! Sunder T

Saturday, January 11, 2014


India has learned one thing from British the exteranl of Eurpeanism: Indian kniw, atleast the sophiscticated amongst them, how to use knife and fork; how to do the latest dance; how to play bridge or rummy; hot to go to the races or to cocktail prties, but their inwardness-that which is called their nationa spirit and which makes them what they are- escapes to Indians altogether. The British are strong because fundamentally they are one. What is the difference between Mr. Harodl Wilson and Mr. Edward Heath? That of mere accent and emphasis; the larger goals to be achieved are the same. The Englishman, however much he hates another Englishman, will, rare exeptions apart, always give him preference over a foreighner. In India it is just the opposite. Indian have no respect for their own comariots. this is one of the paradoxes of Indian life. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Friday, January 10, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.106

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.106: The Kshtriya selfishness sowed the seeds of its own doom. An exeptional individual who had amition or a grievance and had a follwoing at o...


The Kshtriya selfishness sowed the seeds of its own doom. An exeptional individual who had amition or a grievance and had a follwoing at once set out to carve out for himself a kingdom. At times he invited foreigners, even enemies of the country, to help him to estabish a principality or to outst a rival. Very oftern the friend remained to rule, even his host. Here we touch a poisonous vulgarity of the Indian mind. It always prefers a foreiger to a native. It never looks to the credentials of the outsider. Kind Regards! Sunder T


The "chalega ie. anything goes" is the curse of India; it is the mortal enemy of efficiency, tneterprise, pride in one`s handiwork. It is putting the seal of approval on ineptitude. The Kshatriyas, builders of political power in India, tried tomonopolize the chief arm of the state- the army. They were so zealous of the privilage that they did not allow others to join their ranks. The result of the pernicious attitude was that the clannish armies were neither strong enough nor numerous enough nor united enought to withstand a determined invader. Their loyalties were not to the country but to some given individuals. We can now understand why, in so mnay Indian wars, the army fled when the leader was killded or taken prisoner. Thus, in our social set-up, the concept of a citizen army could not take root. It is one of the greatest contributions of British rule in India that we have now armed forces that owe allegiance not to this or that person but solely to the state. Kind Regards! Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.104

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.104: The English surf suffered for about eight undred years from 1066 to 1833; his brother in India has groaned for thousand of years and still...


The English surf suffered for about eight undred years from 1066 to 1833; his brother in India has groaned for thousand of years and still continues to groan. The point is, such has been the pressure of metaphysical scoundrelism that the victims have always accepted their lot as a devine dispensation. India`s social organization was veritabel nest of hornets. It stung everybody without benefiting itself in any way. The Braminis thought that by keeping all others in ignorance, in matters spritual and intellectual, they would be the sole beneficiaries of the rights and perquisities conferred by society. While, for a period, they did enjoy these benefits, they have in the long run proved to be their own and India`s worst enemies. the fact that the vast masses deliberately kept without light soon darkened their own minds. There was no stimulus to keep up to the mark or to take a leap forward. The noton of "chalega or it will do" crept in and rotted everything. Kind Regards! Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.103

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.103: In India how is it that a people who have developed great intellectual and spiritual powers, as also aestetic sensibilities, have become ...


In India how is it that a people who have developed great intellectual and spiritual powers, as also aestetic sensibilities, have become victims of self-hypnosis? It is a low of all conquest that conqueror tries to grab all possible advantages to himself and his followers. This may be called the spoil system. It has flourished at all times. India`s day is by no means free from it. Aryab invaders of India, despite their beautiful invocations to the verious deities, were throughly earth-bound, and took whatever they could lay ther hands on. But they did one thing which no conqueror in the history of the world has ever done or thought of doing; they codified, philosophized and spiritualized their villianies. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Blogzsunder.204 Subject: New Prime Minister of India from 2014 onwards India needs its next prime minster to have big ideas and push them through. The new prime minister could reduce reservation in education and jobs by 1-2 % every year, which will help banish casteism from our society by 2030. It is time for India to have such a transformational prime minister –one who will modernize India`s cities, solve agriculture and water woes, break the shackles of casteism, bring about manufacturing revolution and improve government efficiency. Such an agenda can decisively alter economic fortunes of millions while simultaneously revamping the social fabric of our country. This is what said N.V Krishnakumar in TOI on Jan.08, 2014. Kind Regards! Sunder T


sunderblogger: blogzsunder.129: Sunderblogger.129 subject: Political reforms in India. Situation: India, low At 134 positions [183 in the world list] Due to: Hig...


subject: Corruption vs inefficiency In India, more than corruption, it`s gross inefficiency that is the biggest problem. Corruption is only part of the cause of our failures on all these and other fronts. the other,if not major, reason for Indian being unable to get things done is our genius for bungling, for getting things wrong instead of getting them right. India has a lesson to learn from China and Thailand; be corrupt if your must, but with it be efficient; take the money, but deliver the goods. India`s biggest bane is not corruption, it is not that people in power steal money; it is that those who steal our money seem incabable of accormlishing anything- from building a user friendly highway to eliminating poverty through subsidies and other schemes. Arvind Kejriwal`s AAP has risen like a desi avatar of St George to battle the dragan of corruption. But it might have an even bigger ogre to combat in the form of system ineptitude which just can`t make things work. That`s the real job cut out for AAP. Will it be able to get job done? ref. Kind Regards! Sunder T


Blogzsunder.202 The human soul is not a just a passive spectator. It participates in our daily life by putting in a word in its shy and non-assertive way, but in a crystal-clear voice. The dynamic aspect of the soul is the psychic being. Soul is like the president of India. The president is at the highest level, but for the sake of dignity of office keeping a distance from routine affairs. For dealing with routine affairs, he appoints a prime minister. The `Prime Minister` that the Soul appoints is the `Ego1. The ego has three `ministers`- the Body, Emotions and Intellect- to take care of different portfolios. But, like the president, sometimes the Soul also feels like putting in a word. The president has a secretariat to take care of that. The secretariat of the soul is the Psychic Being. Follow Ramesh Bijlani at Speaking- Kind Regards! Sunder T

sunderblogger: blogzsunder.201

sunderblogger: blogzsunder.201: Sunderblogger.201 Lokpal bill has kindled hopes of curbing graft, but more needs to be done to banish the menace of Corruption. Nothing e...


Sunderblogger.201 Lokpal bill has kindled hopes of curbing graft, but more needs to be done to banish the menace of Corruption. Nothing emboldens the corrupt more than the belief that there will be negligible or no consequences for their corrupt behavior. The Lokpal will, hopefully, contribute in some measures to create the nexus between crime and punishment. The following steps are necessary. (1) Reform of funding and financial accountability of political parties. (2) A systematic increase in the neutral intervention of technology into as many as possible where the common man has to deal with government. (3) Finalization of model legal framework ensuring transparency and fair play in all transactions relating to the disposal and acquisition of national resources and government procurement processes. (4) Instituting deterrent action in a time bound and exemplary manner for all acts of corruption, which in turn, presupposes substantive judicial reforms. The seed of corruption is the link between Politian’s and political parties and unaccounted money. Anna Hazare has taught us that public pressure is a potent weapon in compelling reform. The onus to put that pressure lies on the people of India. Kind Regards! Sunder T