Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Subject: Digital Dabbawalas (Mumbai`s lunch tiffin carriers).It is more than a decade since the world realised that Mumbai`s lunch-dabba system is an act of urban genius. Now the dabbawalas are also offering click-based services at your doorsteps. This is the most indigenous food delivery system in the world. The Forbes magazine gave the lunchbox delivery men a Six Sigma performance rating or a 99.999999 percent of precision, which means they make one error in 16 million deliveries! Since last 125 years, there has not been a single instance of a lunchbox that has been delivered to its destination. Around 5,000 dabbawalas travel over 60 to 70 kms daily to delivery over 2,00,000 lunchboxes across Mumbai. Sunder Thadani. 20161129.