Monday, November 16, 2015


DigiEdu4all, Fee-Free, Online, Anytime, Anywhere Mob: +91 9867201030, 9967219240 Contact: Managing Trustee, Sunder T Location: Mumbai, India. Sub: India on cusp of “whatsapp in Finance Aadhar card creator Nilekani believes, India is at the cusp of a big financial revolution, if it were to follow a route to cashless (therefore corruption-free) economy. Aadhar card has already been successful for direct benefit transfers and social security payments, and all these trends can culminate in a game-changing way. These game-changing milestones include the working of existing technologies that are enabling success to people and reducing procedure, paperwork and time. “eKYC makes sure anyone get a bank account without paperwork. The Jan Dhan scheme has opened bank accounts of 120 millions of Indians in a big way. With Pahal, LPG subsidies are now credited into bank accounts of 120 million families. The microATM is deployed in thousands of villages providing banking facilities and remittances using Aadhaar and biometric authentication at the last mile without the presence of the bank”. Today India is at the head of the technology curve. There are 12 projects and only two are approved (Aadhar and Pahal). The balance 10 projects are in the waiting list at present. These Are eKYC, payments, health, education, justice, transparent government expenditure etc. etc. Technology is the greatest equaliser of our times is no long a debate. Through the use of technology we can achieve change at speed and at scale. By understanding incentives, providing convenience and understanding the power of markets, we can root out corruption from all aspects of our society. It will not happen by appointing more Lokpals and more policing and more laws. It will happen through a systematic redesign of our processes. This article appeared in a local paper and is now re-produced for the information and benefit of our members –“sundercircle”. Your are most welcome to join, share your vies, offer suggestions, or comment, if any. Kind Regards. Sunder T. 20151116.