Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Freedom & Punishment There is a myth among people that the Almighty punishes us for our wrongdoings. But the fact is that HE does not punish anyone; punishment is an automatic process of universal rebalance working itself out through time. It is actually a simultaneous process of realisation and responsibility. Hence we should not really call it punishment, but justice. However, above justice, there is one power that cancels the debts, the imbalances, the sorrow. That power is Love, which in its pure form is called Divine Love and comes directly from Supreme. With great compassion, Divine Love cancels the past, dissolves our debts and releases the soul from its various accounts, provided we love and respect others to the extent we love and respect ourselves. But, if we return to our old habit of misusing our freedom, then there is no alternative but punishment- Brahmakumar Nikunj Ji (this is reproduced for the information and benefit of our members in "sundercircle". Your comments are most welcome. Kind Regards. Sunder T.