Monday, November 9, 2015

sunderblogger: blogspot.suncercircle

Sunderblogger.220 you are that: Everything in this world can be divided into two categories- perishable and non-perishable-that which go through cycles of change and that which does not change at all. There is no third category! One category is that of truth and the other of falsehood. One category is of the sentient and the other of the non-sentient. So everything is sentient or no-sentient, true or false, perishable or no-perishable. We become whatever we connect ourselves with. If we connect ourselves with the perishable, we become perishable. What is perishable? Whatever comes to an end, whatever changes and whatever has change as its basic essence is perishable. Can we change nature? No, we cannot do that. The intrinsic nature of things cannot be changed. You, inn\ your core, are immortal and imperishable- this cannot change Now the question is, where do you position yourself? In the category of the `imperishable` or that of the `perishable`. Regards. Sunder T.