Sunday, August 31, 2014


E-commerce in India.2014- Indian e-commerce sites are growing rapidly because of two factors- access to unlimited capital and the ability to provide a long tail without the investment needed in inventory. American and European`s bulging pension funds are looking for a better returns on their capital and for them Indian market in e-commerce is the best target. Amazon is investing about US 150 billion which is 8% of India`s GDP of US 1.8 trillion. Today has three tigers who have entered in huge and unlimited e-commerce market, they are Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal. Let us who wins in the end. With new government in power, this is an appropriate moment for these companies to establish themselves. "What you will see in the next five years is the most efficient transfer of wealth from rich investors to the lower middle class of India" Best Wishes for all. Sunder T