Monday, August 25, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercicle.blogspot.2508

Digital India promises to transform India into a connected knowledge economy offering world-class services at the click of a mouse. The project that aims to offer one-stop shop for government services would use the mobile phones as the backbone of its delivery mechanism. The project also seeks to give every household in rural India access to bank account, along with a RuPay debit card and insurance cover of Re.1 lakh. Today India imports electronic goods worth Rs. 100 billion and by 2020, this import is going to be about Rs. 400 billion, outgrowing even the oil imports. On E-governance, Facebook has also expressed interest in partnering with the Indian government in delivering governance programmes. No wonder India is shinning now with lot of new things in the coming year. Thanks to Modi`s vision, and guidance to 1.25 billion people in India. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.