Indian mindset: For an average Indian, Love, kindness, friendship, decency, fair-play, coperation, civism are like lichen on a rock; they do not penetrate to the root of his being. But why be squeamish? Our Indian is essentially a gogetter. Success-he must have that any cost. And this success must always appear in the form of the Mighty Rupee.
The Americans, it is said, despises failure; American thinks that this ignoble condition is sign of heave`s displeasure. The Indian is not quite like that: he understands failure, and coolly puts it down to his bad deeds in the past life; but what he seeks and glories in triumph. This simply means more respect here below and a better prospect whenhe has gone to the other world. All said and done, he must have a lable, the more glittering the better.
The big fish, said Chekhov, live upon the small, Why? Nobody knows. It is nture`s way. One Indian, big or small, devours another Indian. Wherefore? This is a dread secret. All you cany say is that strict vegetariansm seems to lead, by some cosmic perversity, to a dutiful cannibalim. [will continue]. Thanks. Sunder T.
The Americans, it is said, despises failure; American thinks that this ignoble condition is sign of heave`s displeasure. The Indian is not quite like that: he understands failure, and coolly puts it down to his bad deeds in the past life; but what he seeks and glories in triumph. This simply means more respect here below and a better prospect whenhe has gone to the other world. All said and done, he must have a lable, the more glittering the better.
The big fish, said Chekhov, live upon the small, Why? Nobody knows. It is nture`s way. One Indian, big or small, devours another Indian. Wherefore? This is a dread secret. All you cany say is that strict vegetariansm seems to lead, by some cosmic perversity, to a dutiful cannibalim. [will continue]. Thanks. Sunder T.