Thursday, June 16, 2016


Once a man was stuck on his roof of his house during a flood while other people tried to escape the rising water whichever way they could. But this man believed that he heard a message from god to wait there and he that would be rescued. That's what he did. He waited and waited as the water rose higher and higher. Ultimately he drowned. God will help those who are willing to help themselves.
Sunder T- 20160616

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


sunderblogger: Subject: Orlando killing- As long as Arab petro dollars keep the `jihad factories` in business, there will be suicide killers, writes Brahm...

Subject: Orlando killing- As long as Arab petro dollars keep the `jihad factories` in business, there will be suicide killers, writes Brahma Chellaney in a local paper.
In the wake of the worst mass shooting in US history, it is pointless to debate whether the Orlando killings constitute an act of Islamist terror or also an act of hate directed to the LGBT community. Every act of terror springs from hatred of its target, be it a nation or government or community. The real question, given the spate of recent    terrorist attack from Brussels and Paris to Pathankot and San Bernardino, relates to the ideology that inspired such terror.
The late Singaporean leader Lee    Kuan Yew righty said in 2003 that success in the war on terror hinges more on controlling the `queen bees`- the preachers` of the deviant form of Islam` -than on just killing the `worker bees` (terrorists). As long as Arab petrodollars keep `jehad factories` in business, there will be suicide killers. Dismantling the Saudi, Qatari and other Wahhabi religious-industrial complexes that are spreading jihadism has become more imperative than ever.
Sunder T -for information of the members of sundercircle.20160614

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Subject: Startup India
Startup India is a flagship initiative of the government of India intended t build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and startups in the country that will drive sustainable economic growth and generate large-scale employment opportunities. Mr. Modi, the P.M said, "I see startups, technology and innovation as exciting and effective instruments for India's transformation."An action plan addresses all aspects of the startup ecosystem and government hopes to accelerate spreading of the startup movement from digital/technology sector to a wide array of sectors, including agriculture, manufacture, social sector, healthcare, education, etc. Besides it also intends to spread the movement from existing Tier 1 cities to Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, including semi-urban and rural areas.
Sunder T -20160608

sunderblogger: Blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: Blogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: What one calls a boring life Posted on  February 15, 2015 6 What one calls a boring life is what others are happy with. So I bare...


New Battery Norms for Indian mobile phones since June 01, 2016
New BIS norms are introduced from June 01, 2016 that requires batteries used for devices and laptops to be separately certified. Under these norms batteries imported as a component will require certification. Rule also mandate BIS authorised imprint on the device box and carton. Approximately 850 models of mobile handsets are getting launched every year and this number is estimated to grow further with the entry of more players. India has on 12-13 BIS-certified laboratories which are inadequate to meet the growing demand for testing in a time bound manner.
Best Wishes for the government for protecting the Indian customers on this issue.
Sunder 20160608

Monday, June 6, 2016


[A unit of Sunder Foundation to create awareness for Digi Education, Free Free, Online].

Indian Currency Notes -may be history soon.
Hard cash and credit cards will soon be passe in India. All you need is a smart phone and a financial identity, like an email id from a bank, to undertake transaction up to Rs. 1 lakh.
The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), supported by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), is all set to launch the Unified Payments Infrastructure (UPI) later this month, which will initially link up 19 banks and later extend to a number of other players.
UPI is as easy as handling  over cash or credit card, you simply tell the retailer your virtual identity which is an email id. The shop keeper, who will also have financial id, will generate an in voice through the UPI, which you need to approve sing you mobile phone. It will facilitate instant money transfer by invoking the virtual identity of the beneficiary and transfer money real time.
Sunder T

Sunday, June 5, 2016

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

Dropbox Tutorial 2015 - Quick Start

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: DigiEdu (Unit of Sunder Foundation to groom a netizen into a good human being, to live well, with confidence). Managing Trustee: Sunder ...


(Unit of Sunder Foundation to groom a netizen into a good human being, to live well, with confidence).
Managing Trustee: Sunder T – Mailto: –,
Phone: +91 2445 88752 – Mobile: +91 99672 19240, +91 986721 01030.
Smoking can cost you Rs. 1 crore.
A cigarette cost Rs.12. If you smoke five cigarettes a day, that`s Rs60 spent every day, or Rs.1800 per month. This cost will keep rising every year as prices of cigarettes and taxes go up.
Monthly Cost
Yearly increase
Cost in 30 years
If invested at 9%
Rs. 1800
24.47 lakh
69.23 Lakh
Rising Medical Expenses

Monthly Cost
Yearly increase
Cost in 30 years
If invested at 9%
1.65 lakh
7.5 lakh
Higher Insurance Costs

Monthly Cost
Yearly increase
Cost in 30 years
If invested at 9%
1.65 lakh
7.52 lakh

Kind Regards
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: India driving global internet growth. The internet growth is stalling globally, but is skyrocketing in India, which is now the second-large...

Friday, June 3, 2016


India driving global internet growth.
The internet growth is stalling globally, but is skyrocketing in India, which is now the second-largest behind China, passing the U.S, with over 277 million users, says the internet trends report by acclaimed analyst Mary Meeker.
>40% rise in internet usage this year
>33% the figure last year.
>9% global users growth year on year
>3 billion of 7 billion people on the planet are now online
>80% of users` mobile time is spent in three apps, and the average global mobile user user accesses    > The most commonly used apps in 2016 globally are Facebook, WhatsApp and Chrome.
>Messaging will shift from being simple social interactions to expensive over time and will include
   more business-related.interactions>Millennials communicate with text, but Generation Z prefers to
   communicate with images.
>Messaging apps are moving from simple but tools to communicate with friends to platforms for
>Generation Y is the first generation to prefer chatting over the web or social media to talk to
   businesses, rather than over the phone.
>Commuter recognition of speech has gone from about 70% to 90% accuracy in the last 5 years.
>About 65% of US smartphones owners now use a voice assistant.
>By 2020, at least 50% of all searches online will be through voice or image search.
>71% of the time spent on mobile in China is divided  between properties owned by three companies
   Tencent, Alibaba, and Baidu.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T

Sunday, May 29, 2016

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: Mumbai's evident cultural history is more than 2,000 years old and the existence of its rivers, the Dahisar, Poisar, Oshiwara and Mithi...


Mumbai's evident cultural history is more than 2,000 years old and the existence of its rivers, the Dahisar, Poisar, Oshiwara and Mithi (on Salsette Island along) along with the smaller streams and rivulets, is ever older. The island city then described as ` the city of seven islands` with hills, had its fair share of these natural monsoon water flows.
Worrying numbers: 504,000,000 liters - Estimated total volume of waste water polluting our rivers.
                                 600 to 800 MT Daily - Estimated total solid waste finding its way into rivers.

Kind Regards!
Sunder Thadani

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Bappi Da Ke Gaane Ka Nasha! - 91.9 FM (Mumbai)


Subject: Single women in India
India has 73 mn single women. Single women, include divorces, and widows form 21% of India`s population. Latest Indian government is to empower women. The women and child development (WCD) ministry comes under Maneka Gandhi.
It is common knowledge that taboos, that surround single women include social ostracization and institutional indifference.
2011 census date, found single women form 21% of India`s population and are close to 73 million in number. In the US single women outnumbered married ones.
In India, single women face multiple problems due to lack of social acceptace. WCD minster has receive many complaints where single women have struggled to rent an apartment, get passports, or register their children in schools.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani