Friday, October 2, 2015


Right to Services (RTS) Maharashtra Government promises to be at your service from October 02, 2015. It will be time-bound services: Details are as under: 224 services from 12 departments have been identified to be included under the Act. Services from departments like urban development, home, forest and revenue will be include. >Designated officers will provide services in stipulated time. >Applicants will be provided with unique number to follow up application >First appeal has to be heard in 30 days. >Second appeal can be filled in 30 days, and has to be heard in 45 days. >Penalty of up to INR. 5,000 can be imposed by first appellate authority. To be collected from officer, within, 30 days of order. For more details please visit the following site. Website: Sunder T. 20151002


sunderblogger: blogpost.india4u

sunderblogger: blogpost.india4u: India is the fastest growing air travel market globally: IATA domestic air travel growth in August 2015 over August 2014 India 18.3%, Chin...


India is the fastest growing air travel market globally: IATA domestic air travel growth in August 2015 over August 2014 India 18.3%, China 13.6%, Russian 10.9%, US 5.1%, Australia 1.7%, Brazil -0.9%, Japan -2.1% India, I love U Sunder T 20151002

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses are so popular in India that 90 per cent people are turning to this benefit. This virtual classroom has response of more than 51,954 in 212 countries and the age group is between 26-35. Females are about 41 percent, and 57.6 percent are fully employed. Out of US, China, India, and Brazil. When it comes to Career building and Education seekers, the Indian stand at 53% and 35% respectively. A recent survey shown in the Times News Networ is as under: Parameters India Global. Career builders benefited 90% 87% Career builders improved candidacy 50% 43% Education seekers benefited 91% 88% Education seekers improved admissions 30% 17% Edu. seekers fulfiled 33% 18% This is reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle" and your views, or comments are most welcome. Regards. Sunder T - 20150930


On Tuesday, the 29th September, 2015, CM Maharashtra launched Microsoft India`s local cloud services (LCS) from the company`s stat-of-art data center in Mumbai, Pune, and Chennai. Maharatra state will host a range of digital services on Microsoft`s local cloud, includeing citizen services, applications, and other people oriented government intiative to enhance economic productivity, prosperityand overall efficienct in governance to meet the objective of digital Maharashtra. Microsoft Cloud in India will transform the way computing is done in the country. They hyper-scale cloud will empower governemens businesses and user with better computing power to support their workloads. Facilities such as digital lockers to safely store soft copies of property education and personal documents that make digital identity widely applicable and ensure quick servie are some of the objectives of the LCS, besides academic, business and professional usage. Storing large amounts of data or accessesing a bigger set of data with proper analysis will get cheaper and faster: Cheaper servers can thus be hired locally to offer better speed to entrepreneurs, students and corporates with accuracy, security and transprency. Regards! Sunder T 2015-09-30

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Modi in Silicon Valley in Sept.2015- Looks like PM Modi has shown remarkable salesmanship while he was in the Silicon valley of the US. His talk on India and its needs has proved very useful and he has cleared all the doubs on India`s development and its roll in global arena.He got all the encouragement from the big companies like Google(WI-Fi at 500 railway stations), Microsoft(broadband in 5 lakh villages), and Qualcomm ($150 million startup fund). PM Modi has given a slogan to the West that 21st century belogs to India, and Digital India is the vision. Very few people know that in 18th century India contibuted 22.6% of the world`s GDP.Modi`s 3D has not only Demographic dividend, democracy and demand and also a forth one ie. deregulation. Modi`s plan D1 is of quality of education, which need radical overhaul. This also includes urgernt deregulation and allowing the best education providers and universities of the world to come in. The D2 is vital and intimately linked to India`s growth propsects. India needs new envoirment a new culture. Today India stands 142nd in the World Bank`s ease of doing business ranking. So new mindset is required in the new world of technology and innovation which will permit a genuinely open ecosystem of ideas. Kind Regards. Sunder T. 20150929.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Once a seminar was going on, suddenly the speaker stopped and started giving each one a balloon. Each one was asked to write his/her name on it using a marker pen. Then all the balloons were collected and put in another room. Now these delegates were let in that room and asked to find the balloon which had their name written, within 5 minutes. Everyone was frantically searching for their name, colliding with each Other, pushing around others and there was utter chaos. At the end of 5 minutes no one could find their own balloon. Now each one was asked to randomly select a balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it. Within minutes everyone had their own balloon. The speaker began--- This is exactly what's happening in our lives. Everyone is frantically looking for happiness all around, not knowing where it is. Our happiness lies in the happiness of other people... Give them their happiness and you will get your own happiness. And this is the purpose of human life. Kind Regards Sunder T. 20150927 _________________________________________________________.

Friday, September 25, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: Ecology-vs.-Economics The greatest lunacy that has taken over mankind, and now sweeping the whole specie, is Economics. It is the ultima...


Ecology-vs.-Economics The greatest lunacy that has taken over mankind, and now sweeping the whole specie, is Economics. It is the ultimate mass lunacy. We the Homo sapiens have long back become the homo in-sapiens, the most anti ecological and ego centric or lunatic specie. This anti nature or anti ecological cult is supposed to be development. At one go without batting an eye lid, we assert that the entire Universe is just a resource for the use of only mankind! “Life is not merely a murderous game in which cheating and killing insure the injection of the rogue’s genes into the next generation, but it is also a symbiotic, cooperative venture in which partners triumph. Indeed, despite the belittling of humanity that naturally occurs when one looks at “Homo sapiens sapiens “from a planetary perspective of billions of years of cell evolution, we can rescue for ourselves some of our old evolutionary grandeur when we recognize our specie not as lords but as partners: we are in mute, incontrovertible partnership with the photosynthetic organisms that feed us, the gas producers that provide oxygen, and the heterotrophic bacteria and fungi that remove and convert our waste. No political will or technological advance can dissolve that partnership.”(Lynn Margulis and Dorian Sagan in Microcosmos). Well, we are actually attempting to dissolve the partnership and also destroy the partners, viz., the rest of the biosphere and that attempt is what is called economics. Let us for some time leave the human perspective and adopt the perspective of bacteria, to study nature and our cult-the economics. “From the microcosmic perspective, plant life and animal life, including the evolution of humanity, are recent, passing phenomena within a far older and more fundamental microbial world. Feeding, moving, mutating, sexually recombining, photosynthesizing, reproducing, overgrowing, predacious, and energy expending symbiotic microorganisms preceded all animals and all plants by at least two billion years.” There is an urgent need to leave the anthropocentric (or ego centric) perspective and adopt the perspective of bacteria which are still the architects and administrators of evolution. You are now living because; every single micro second of your life is due to the activity of the bacteria in you. Economics is the flower of ignorance and absolute stupidity. We are fundamentally and foundationally bacterial based organisms. “People are neither fundamentally in conflict with nor essential to the global ecosystem. Even if we accomplish the extraterrestrial expansion of life, it will not be to the credit of humanity as humanity. Rather it will be to the credit of humanity as a symbiotically evolving, globally interconnected, technologically enhanced, and microbially based system.”(Lynn Margulis and Dorian Sagan). We need to urgently change our perspective. It has to be the ecological and more importantly from the perspective of the microorganisms. Nature is not the usable and consumable wealth. You are part of nature as one symbiotic organism. The very concept of consumption boils down to self consumption-tuberculosis. Economics as it is taught today is outrageous. Kind Regards. Sunder T. 20150925 __._,_.___

Saturday, September 19, 2015

sunderblogger.blogspot.NotProudToBeIndian NotProudToBeIndian: Is there such a creature as an Indian? There may be, but I have not found it. An Indian pure and simple is rare as griffin or an Assyrian bull. How should it be otherwise? The Indian is not a person, but a patchwork. Indeed, he remindes me of Ibsen`s famous onion-one layer, then another, then another, and finally, nothing. It is the peeling of the various layers that causes much trouble. Each layer tells its own tale and, what is unbelievable, is not part of an organic whole. The result is tht the so-called Indian is the most contradictory of persons. He is perpetually at ware with himself. Will continue ...Kind Regards. Sunder T -20150918
