Monday, June 16, 2014


What is important to me in my life is respect and self-esteem.
In order to get through life, I feel that a person has to have
respect for others and themselves.  By respecting what others say and do,
even though I may not agree with them, I still respect their point of view.
This has helped me carry on in life without letting what they say or do
affect me physically or emotionally.  Realizing that everyone has their
own personal view of something or someone is important to me.
Self-esteem is something that I feel can carry a person through life.
Always having high self-esteem about you puts up a shield from put-downs
and abuse from other people.  This high self-esteem will help a person
stay strong and let the remarks go in one ear and out the other.  
Following this philosophy will help me live a happy and successful life.
By not letting other people bring me down, but at the same respect them;
I will have a better understanding of individuals and life in general.
Best wishes!
Sunder T.


Stress and Egoism are very much related to each other. Egoism implies that we think we are more important than others, and that what we believe, is the truth. Ego means our point of view is more important than that of others, more important than even truth. So we are trapped within our point of view. No only we are arrogant about our point of view, we believe in our infallibility. Arrogance and stubbornness create stress.
When self-interest or ego prevails in our mind, we begin to compete with everyone for everything, no matter what the cost. We do not see beyond our self-gratification.
Drop the “I” and “mine” and live in the “we”. The universe is one. Without the ego, we experience a beautiful connectedness with everything else in the great chain of being; with the birds, stars, sky and trees. It is this connectedness that is know as `Nirvana`. Reality is unity, and illusion is division.
We have to trust the universe with its own ways of opening and closing windows of opportunity and doors to happiness and prosperity. Impatience is a result of lack of trust. We trust our ego and not the miracle of life.
Best Wishes


The fact, that society is a very densely connected network in which we are nods, and links represent our numerous social, professional, or family relationships. The most important revelation about networks- the one that is exciting scientists from all disciplines-has little to do with small worlds. Rather it is the realization that networks appearing in all different segments of nature and society are indistinguishable. We now understand that real networks are far from being a bunch of nodes randomly linked to each other. Instead, a few hubs, nodes with an exceptionally large number of connections, keep most networks together. A few individuals with an extraordinary ability make friends keep society together.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T.


Manners make the middle class in any country.
Catching up with the west begins with good manners; not cars, stereos or even blue jeans. It is simply a matter of putting the horse before the cart. Manners are all about how we treat others whom we don`t know personally, and probably never will. As early as 1873, Professor Thomas E Hill wrote a book “Essential Handbook of Victorian Etiquette”. He mentioned:
01. Do not always commence a conversation by an allusion to wealth,
02. Do not call upon a person in reduced circumstances with a display of wealth, dress and equipage.
03. Do no make a parade of being acquainted with distinguished or wealthy people or visiting foreign lands.
04. Never be over-boastful in praise of one`s country
best wishes
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.093

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.093: I has always been a big question –how to control the mind? It is not so easy to do this. The Sufi way is not to control the mind but to si...


I has always been a big question –how to control the mind? It is not so easy to do this.
The Sufi way is not to control the mind but to silence its constant chatter and find peace through stillness. This method is called Gibberish medication, which appears to be very strange, but it is the most effective one.
The conception of mind is nothing but gibberish. Put it aside and you will have a taste of your own being. Simply allow whatever comes, without bothering whether it meaningful or reasonable. Just throw whatever comes, without bothering whether it s meaningful or reasonable. Now after the cyclone has subsided, you can, experience the absolute silence and witness the body, the mind and anything that is happening.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Face your fears with self-respect.
A person whom we call courageous is not one without fear, but one who has learnt to face fear without fear. Fear is the fight between faith, and belief in oneself on one hand, versus the negative idea or expectation you have about your future on the other hand. You are literally fighting with your own positive and negative energies.
The fear that you have about your life, be it fear of failure, fear of losing your near and dear ones, fear of losing your wealth, fear of the unknown and every fear can be used as a door to enlightenment.
Fearlessness means taking a quantum jump into the consciousness where you will never experience fear of losing anything! Fearlessness doe not mean non-existence of fear. It means fear is there, but you have tremendous energy or courage to live with it and face it. Fearlessness means having the energy or the courage to live even with the maximum fear. It is going beyond that fear and being neither attached to nor detached from the fear.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Face your fears with self-respect.
A person whom we call courageous is not one without fear, but one who has learnt to face fear without fear. Fear is the fight between faith, and belief in oneself on one hand, versus the negative idea or expectation you have about your future on the other hand. You are literally fighting with your own positive and negative energies.
The fear that you have about your life, be it fear of failure, fear of losing your near and dear ones, fear of losing your wealth, fear of the unknown and every fear can be used as a door to enlightenment.
Fearlessness means taking a quantum jump into the consciousness where you will never experience fear of losing anything! Fearlessness doe not mean non-existence of fear. It means fear is there, but you have tremendous energy or courage to live with it and face it. Fearlessness means having the energy or the courage to live even with the maximum fear. It is going beyond that fear and being neither attached to nor detached from the fear.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyses mental skills.
If you find it difficult to look at your negative thoughts objectively, imagine that you are your best friend or a respected coach or mentor.
Negative thinking has been an early warning system showing where you need to direct your attention. Thought awareness helps you to understand the negative thinking, unpleasant memories and misinterpretation of situation that may interfere with your performance and damage yourself-confidence. Rational thinking is the technique that helps you to challenge these negative thoughts and either learn from them or refute them as incorrect. Positive affirmations that you can use to counter negative thought. These affirmations neutralize negative thought and build self-confidence. It is also used to find the opportunities, almost always present to some degree in a difficult situation.

Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.


Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues o the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office – a “work spouse,” if you will.
Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide emotional support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair.

Your comments are most welcome.
Sunder T


Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues o the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office – a “work spouse,” if you will.
Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide emotional support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair.

Your comments are most welcome.
Sunder T

Happiness depends on balance. If our external and internal lifestyles are balanced the, assuming we have the potential to get well, all the conditions necessary for healing are in place. How to establish external balance? We should develop a good diet, drink plenty of water, get enough rest and sleep, have regular exercise within our capacity and we need to have an enjoyable or purpose in life or learn to enjoy it. Also it helps to live in a clean and healthy environment. We also need supportive and healthy relationships and should avoid substance abuse…
Happiness or fulfillment is just a state of mind – it comes from within so it is impossible to find lasting peace of mind in only the external world. Sometimes illness could be a blessing in disguise because it can help to start us on that inner journey towards wholeness and ultimate healing…
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.087

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.087: Multidimensional Life Though most of us operate from our periphery, often saying and doing things spontaneously, witho...

Multidimensional Life
Though most of us operate from our periphery, often saying and doing things spontaneously, without thinking or planning, we are all eventually guided by our center. What s our center? It is usually that core collection of feelings, beliefs, conditioning, thoughts, biases, prejudices, ideas, perceptions, points of vies and opinions- basically whatever we think we are. This center is often mind based, not being or soul-based, for those things always operate out of silence and love. The soul or being is our real center, as opposed to the mind or ego-based. `Pseudo-center` from where we frequently and unknowingly operate.
Very few of us operate from pure love. Invariably, we tend to operate from fear, or
its subsidiaries, like hate, greed, envy, avarice, mistrust, anger, competition and frustration.
Any truth is relative to the perceptive from which is known. Reality is comprise of innumerable
substances, both material and spiritual, and these too are constantly changing and in a state
of flux.
The well-known story about 6 blind men asked to touch and describe an elephant.
All of them came with different answers, calling the elephant a rope, fan, snake or wall.
All of us see the world from our limited perspective.
Your views, and comments are most welcome on above.
Best Wishes


The principles of love, compassion and respect for all life are familiar to the western mind but in recent centuries, we have restricted them to human only. 
Our birth and existence is dependent on causes outside ourselves, inextricably linking us with the world and denying us any autonomous existence. Indeed when we think deeply enough, the borders between ourselves and the world wash away like water in water. 
We and all of nature are inseparable, entwined, one.  Compassion for others should be as natural and instinctive as compassion for us and our own bodies.
We must develop a sense of universal responsibility not only in the geographic sense, but also in respect to the different issues that confront our planet. Responsibility does only lie with the leaders of our countries or with those who have been appointed or elected to do a particular job. It lies with each of us individually.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani

Liberation can never be an acquisition of the individual. Because liberation is not a person,
liberation is from a person. It is often said by sages that the search or efforts to seek
liberation will end only when the seeker ends.
All attempts made in this direction only further crystallize the identity and discreteness
of the seeker. Desire for liberation is an oxymoron, because liberation is absence of all
desires. Does it mean that all endeavors like medication, devotion, and prayer are
superfluous? It is said that Liberations is merely a blink away. It need no involve any
form of penance; it need not involve any form penance, effort or endeavor.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

in our lives we encounter people who harm us, insult us, plot against us, whose actions seem calculated to thwart the successful achievement of our goals. Sometimes these are obvious acts, such as a co-worker who continually steals out ideas or speaks badly of us to our boss. Sometimes, these acts are subtle- a friend, relative or a colleague who unexpectedly betrays us or who we find has been surreptitiously speaking negatively about us behind our back.
Slowly we find that our own actions, words and thoughts become driven by anger and pain. We find ourselves engaged in cunning thoughts of revenge. Before we realize it, we are injuring ourselves by allowing negative emotions dominate us. The insulted us or plotted against us or sabotaged a well-deserved achievement at work. But we injure ourselves more deeply and more gravely by allowing our hearts and minds to darken.
 Best Wishes,
Sunder Thadani

Liberation can never be an acquisition of the individual. Because liberation is not a person,
liberation is from a person. It is often said by sages that the search or efforts to seek
liberation will end only when the seeker ends.
All attempts made in this direction only further crystallize the identity and discreteness
of the seeker. Desire for liberation is an oxymoron, because liberation is absence of all
desires. Does it mean that all endeavors like medication, devotion, and prayer are
superfluous? It is said that Liberation is merely a blink away. It need no involve any
form of penance; it need not involve any form penance, effort or endeavor.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.083

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.084: Sunderblogger.084 While the body is transitory and has a normal curve of birth, growth, maturity, decay and death and ...

While the body is transitory and has a normal curve of birth, growth, maturity, decay and death and the mind that is encased in the body also goes along the same route, the soul is beyond death and destruction and joins the cosmic pool when it leaves the body. But God who created all living beings on this universe embedded humans with a special characteristic –that of an intelligent capable of knowing his non-being also! We live in the past with our memories, we live in the present with our pains and pleasures and we live in the future with vague guess work
Just as the physical body is vulnerable to injury and disease the mind, too, suffers as a result of what we say and do. Medical help is available for bringing the body back to good health. But when the mind suffers an aberration owing to traumatic events the consequences can be tragic for all those who are close to the person so affected and of course, the concerned individual. Treatment for disturbed minds is not so easily accessible. Moreover, seeking psychiatric help is viewed as something only `mad` people do, and so there is a stigma attached.
Hence there is need for counseling centers and openness to encourage people to come forward to seek help. This will help reduce the anxiety and stress levels, leading to a better quality of life for individuals and families and by extension, friends, colleagues and society as a whole. The more depressed you get, the more anxiously you seek isolation that only deepens the depression.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani