This is a platform for light minded people, who wish to express their opinion suggest, or comment on any public issue. Everyone is welcome abroad. No bar for caste, creed, color, or belief. You may share your experience, adventure to all, and make this planet a worth living place, without any tension, voilence, and respect to other regions and human beings. Kind Regards! Sunder T - sunderkt at gmail dot com -
Monday, March 17, 2014
In India, the problem is that o selection. Indians have rarely culivated this faculty. Indian thinking has generally been diffuse and diffusive. Now is the time for India to develop a gift for choosing out Indian experience. The whole world has before s; Indian have only to stretch out Indian hands to grasp what Indian seeks. India has continue to fmble. Wherefore? BecauseIndian has lost her innocence of eye. Names hypnotize Indians; Indians do not perceive what lies behind them. Indian must be, if Indian is to progress, free enough to be couragous and courageous enough to be free. India has to understand that knowledge is an arc that no one has yet completed; there is much still that awaits the enterprising explorer
Once again we must say to Indians; "Aham asti Brahma" (I am Brahma). If each Indina comes to believe in that "idee-force" of his race, there will be an unsurge of new confidence, leading to a fresh dawn
India has not yet discovered its true Indianess. An Indian goes about in borrowed plumes, cuttinga queer figure for the delight of all. Poor unfortunate being
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
In India, acting on the stage or for the screen is incredibly bad; it moves from clowing to swooning. The hero indulges in childish antics and the heroine, watching him in dazzled amazement, falls into his arms with a yell or a sob. Happilly, one producer of orignal vision has appeared on the scene; he is the Bengali Satyajit Ray, who is likely to astonish the worldmore and more. This is something to be grateful for to the gods; but one swallow, does not make summer.
India`s spiritual imprisonment continues. How Indian are going to get out of it? Not by dropping Westernism; not by going for illuminatin to the Red Paradise; not by rushing hither and thither, picking up unconsidered trifles, but simple by being Indians. Indians have a deplorable tendency to carry the bags of other peoples and races
Kind Regards
India taint of otherness is unable to move. Indians are wearing caps that do not fit them. A singular exception was Aurobindo, who, having browsed in many fields of thought, never suffered from spiritual eructation. He assimilated everything and then uttered forth from a fuller mentality. But he was alone; he has left behind no heir to his light. The rest in philosophy is not silence, but an idle repetition of idle pomposities
India has had only two critics; the Buddha and Patanjali, bot of whom lived ages ago. Since those happy days the breed seems to have died out. Indian contemporary pedagoues and professors are truly pathetic figures, mouting with lofty airs the openions of other people. When they try to think for themselves, as somettimes happen, they give us nothing but learned squawks and squeaks
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Friday, March 14, 2014
This blog is continueing as # 135
In India, the music and dancing begins with boredome with its sickening monotony. It is the copy of the copy. What little newness is to be found in it comes from Europe, particularly Russia. Indian best exponents of the art are still the pioneers: Udhay Shankar, Ram Gopal, and Mrinanli Sarabhai, who have had the courage to put new life into the old forms
There is little freshness in our painting too: most of our artists are mere cameras, reporuding something from this or that land. Two painters, however, stand out: Amrita Sher Gil and Elizabeth Brunner, both miles ahead of ther contemporaries; but they are not Indians-one is half-Ungaraian and the ohter totally so. There is only on master: Jamini Roy, who is fast becoming a factory
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
india_withoutmakeup is continueing as # 134-
Indian practitioner of the art follows the work of Russian proletarian craftsmen, another, at this distance date, has discovered James Joyce, a third take the path of Thomas Hardly, localizeing himself to a particular district, without having the genius of the author of jude the Obscurea forth, a fifth, a sixth-all of them have their models. What Indians authors are getting are not organic growths, springing from the deep roots of life, but pasted oddities
No Indian piece of music is geniune expression of Indian present-day temper. Indians still play and replay the melodies that once enchanted their ancestors. The more the modern Indian changes the more he seems to remain the same. At least musicians like Ravi Shanker and Ali Akhbar Khan continue to reveal to us and the West the power and sweetness of Indian music
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.india_withoutmakeup.132
Who left India two years older than we were? The British. They gave India almost the status of being the children of the oldest civilization of the earth. Who discovered the wonders of Ajanta caves? Again, the British. From whom did we get an inkling of the Upanishads? It fell to the lot of a Frenchman, Anquetil Duperron. And who gave these masterpieces, then available in crude translations, world-wide importance? a German. Schopenhauer
Most of us were as;eep. A few, like Ram Mohan roy, were aware of the deeper realities, but they were voices in the widlerness. Even now, despite the laudable efforts of Dr. Radhakrishanan, we do not know properly our own past. The glories of the Aryan period lie buried, but the glories of the Draidian Age remain almost unsuspected, yet they are, as Steiner suggested, light-and life-bringing. So low India has fallen that instead of continueing alon the immemorial lines or breaking paths of India`s own, India, like little children, pick up anything glittering that foreigners flign at India. [next will continue as # 133]
Kind Regards!Sunder T
Thursday, March 6, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.131
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Let us come to concrete realities. We should learn to select all those ingredients in Westernism which can blend with our being and serve our requirements
We cannot experct much from our present educators and political guides. As we have sen, exceptions apart, they are themselves but distorted images of conflicting and contradictory isms.
What shall we do? to begin with, we have to study afresh the old discipline; then, without undue delay, we have to consider as to how much of it will suit us to-day; finally, a through investigatin has to be made of the educational systems of the great countries of the world. Japan has some feautures that we might wellassimilate; the same applies to Germany, Russia, America and France. Britain, of course, we willinstictively follow.
[next will follow as no. 129]
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
Thursday, February 20, 2014
India knows the world well, Some of India`s old and ntn-so-old politicians still view the planet as British bureaucract painted it for them
Nescience this might be called, not knowledge. It must be scracped. India cannot progress if India keep marching amid imaginary phantoms
Surely India need an educational system which is attuned to its sprit. India have not for to look. India has what she wants, only she must bring it out
It is not suffested the rejection of Westernism; indeed not; it is, looked at properly,an aspect of Vedism. It stresses the glory of life here and now. Indian has to understand that. But India has to include what the West has forgotten-the waking state and its experiences are nto the only conitions of existance known ot man. Other and higher levels have to be explored. [next will continue as no. 128]Kind Regards!
Sunder T
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Thursday, February 6, 2014
In Indian, as long as stict rules were applied to the bringing up of the yourng, especially in the various forest schools of ancient days, India produced an ideal home life, a co-ordinated individual and a co-oridnated society. It was during these periods that the greatness of India was displayed itself in its planitude.
After the Age of the Guptas (400-800 A.D), when India filled the world with emblems of beauty and power, decay set in and the cause of it was that this tried and tested system of education was neglected and then abandoned.
Not only the individual fell, but- and this is far worse- the cohesive principle of Indianism, which kept India united from Samarkand to Ceylon, began to give way. Indian spiritual oneness, which had defied all conquests, now split up into unco-related fragments
Kind Regards
Sunder T
[next will continue as no. 124