Thursday, February 13, 2014


india_withoutmakeup continueing as no.125 - India`s present educational system is all wrong. It is what late rulers, the British, imposed on India for various reasons. It reminds Indians of a Chinese tailor who made a suit for a ship-wreched American, he id his job so well that he preserved all the holes and tearsin the garment he copied. Well, Indian has not only preserved all the rents in the British system of education, but the system that was foisted upon us was never truly British. It was designed, as Lord Macuallay admitted, to produce a race of obeient monkeys. Indians are today such successful monkeys that Indians imitate without thinking no only the British but alos the Russians and the Americans. If by any chance the pygmies of Africa were to become important, Indian would, quickly copy them too. Inf fact, as Dr.G.g.Goulton, the medieval historian, used to say: 'Indian are mosty copy-cats." A proud title Indian have earned for themselves, haven`t they? The Buddha and Patanjali of men with the largest minds have become rubber-stamps. Kind Regards!. Sunder T - next will continue as no. 126