Thursday, February 20, 2014


India knows the world well, Some of India`s old and ntn-so-old politicians still view the planet as British bureaucract painted it for them

Nescience this might be called, not knowledge. It must be scracped. India cannot progress if India keep marching amid imaginary phantoms

Surely India need an educational system which is attuned to its sprit. India have not for to look. India has what she wants, only she must bring it out

It is not suffested the rejection of Westernism; indeed not; it is, looked at properly,an aspect of Vedism. It stresses the glory of life here and now. Indian has to understand that. But India has to include what the West has forgotten-the waking state and its experiences are nto the only conitions of existance known ot man. Other and higher levels have to be explored. [next will continue as no. 128]

Kind Regards!

Sunder T