Saturday, February 11, 2017


Subject: Coffin homes: Mumbaikars know the value of space. With hardly land space of 437 square miles radius, Mumbai has very small land for its population of 2,00,00,000+ (growing at the rate of 50o every day since 1947). Mumbaikars have learnt the hard way how to live with less, Less clutter, less money, less space. The day has come when he has no choice, but to compromise with "coffin homes", 20 square-foot cages that offer just enough space to lie down and hang a few shirts and pairs of pants. His monthly rent of Rs. 2000 would be enough to a roomy one-bedroom apartment in Mumbai.Instead, his living space measuring just 4`x6`. Mumbai housing prices are currently an all-time high, with the average price per square foot now hovering around Rs. 25000. Housing crisis is "the gravest potential hazard" to society, as only small land is zoned for housing. Regards. Sunder Thadani. 20170211