Monday, October 3, 2016


Mumbai, India. Entire city is coming under camera surveillance to go live, better policing and traffic management and will act as third eye. Mumbai police will never take a break or never complain of being tired. CCTV will be the city cops` best friend.
* The system will generate alert if it finds any stranded object at a public place, and als if it finds a
   person moving around suspiciously.
* Automatic number plate recognition system integrated with e-Challan for traffic violation will
   make chalan reach the offender even before he/she reaches home.
* The unique face recognition feature will enable to catch wanted criminal, whose photo is in the
   the system whenever he/she comes under the lens of the installed camera.
1,510 camera locations
^ 4,717 IP cameras.
^ 5 mobile video surveillance vans.
^ 3 command control centers.
^ 120 plus police stations for viewing of feeds to police stations.
Project aim.
- Support Mumbai police to maintain law and order.
- Act as an aid to investigation.
- Improve traffic management.
- Help in deterring, detecting and dealing with criminal activities.
- Assist local municipality in improving civic amenities.
Your views, comments and suggestions are most welcome. Mumbai is your city.
Sunder Thadani. 20161003.