Saturday, February 13, 2016



NoProudToBeIndian: (being continued) Now consider the case of an average Indian. He speculates about his job, dream of it, talks of it, goes round and round it, but does not bring himself to accomplish it. Result: he has not time for anything else. Spirituality thus, remains for him not a form of activity but an empty formula. An active ethic, which makes a man do the right thing just because it is right, is neither grasped not appreciated by other Indians. He does everything with a motive, and that motive is always material in origin. "What can I get out of it?" - that is the one thing that concerns him. This vast impercipience leads to absurd conclusion in the moral domain. Again and again, you will be astonished to find in India, even among the so called cultured, a topsy-turvydom of values. A man goes out with a woman, and immediately the judgement is made that it must be a sex relation. This bedroom view of life is most depressing, but it is omnipresent. Friendship, platonic affection, or intellectual affinities are talked about but not believed in. This makes social life stagnant, sterile, malodorous. [will continue]. Regards. Sunder T 20160213.

Friday, February 12, 2016


NotProudToBeIndia.20160212 [continued from the previous post on Feb.09, 2016] Almost everything is afflicted with will-lessness. Indian businessmen and industrials are by no means an exception; they are anxious to progress but unwilling The time s to experiment. What is good enough for my father is good enough for me- such is Indian attitude. They do not pause to examine the credentials of the father. Howe dare they? The very idea is impious. Because action is repugnant to an Indian, he has a poor sense of time. The time when a thing is to be done is of no consequence to him. This has created abroad the impression that the Indian is rooted in Eternity and in everlasting values. It is a pity that an Indian is bogged down in his own fat or the lack of it. That time is money is not understood by most of the Indians. An Indian will stay that somebody is teaching him materialism. But he should realize his spirituality, or at least the path to it. When a man achieves in a given time certain definite results he has not need to be obsessed with things. Having done his job in the shortest possible time and with a minimum of effort, he can afford to invest his leisure and energy in the pursuit of ideas and ideals, which alone can lead to the higher life. Regards. Sunder T

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

sunderblogger, blogspot, NotToBeProudIndian

NotProudToBeIndian: Those who have not understood a deep weakness of Indians have called it Indian spirituality. And this foreign applause has further weakened Indians. Indians themselves have come to believe in the nonsense in which Indians are in the habit of indulging. Indians are a self-deceived people. The practical aspects of this delusion are many. In business and productions it increases cost beyond the average in any other country, and in matters of social and political policy it leads to endless dilatoriness. Indians suffer from an incurable disease; verbalism. For an Indian, words easily replace action. If he discusses a problem till foam gathers at the corners of his mouth e is satisfied. Has he not thrashed it out with Tim, dick and Harry? What more is there to do? And he gets so many diverse counsels that he is more lost than ever. So doing nothing seems to him the best way of achieving an objective. Regards. Sunder T - 20160209

Friday, February 5, 2016





NotProudToBeIndian.20160205 For any Indian, the inability to think for himself or reliance not on the self but on the outside agency leads him to believe in astrology, necromancy, and goodness knows what other absurdities. You must have seen many of Indian Ministers, provincial and central, rarely undertake anything without consulting their favourite Brahmin (Priest). Actual incident was quoted for the guest of some Governors. These learned men and acute politicians, who had one time crossed swords with British functionaries, postponed well-planned tours, and thereby upset all the arrangements, because their private spiritual detective, the palmist and horoscope reader, had told them that the day chosen for departure were inauspicious. Believe it or not, a famous Secretary, running a big government department, refused to attend a meeting because, on his leaving the house, a donkey had brayed on the left-hand side. This was an evil omen! There was a woman Governor for whom, as a special treat, a peacock had been killed. When she heard that she was to eat it she threw up her hands in disgust, "You wicked man" she told her host. "How could you destroy such a beautiful bird?" Later on, when she was offered a fan made of the feathers of the same sacrificed creature, she accepted it with a broad smile. Sunder T.