Tuesday, February 9, 2016

sunderblogger, blogspot, NotToBeProudIndian

NotProudToBeIndian: Those who have not understood a deep weakness of Indians have called it Indian spirituality. And this foreign applause has further weakened Indians. Indians themselves have come to believe in the nonsense in which Indians are in the habit of indulging. Indians are a self-deceived people. The practical aspects of this delusion are many. In business and productions it increases cost beyond the average in any other country, and in matters of social and political policy it leads to endless dilatoriness. Indians suffer from an incurable disease; verbalism. For an Indian, words easily replace action. If he discusses a problem till foam gathers at the corners of his mouth e is satisfied. Has he not thrashed it out with Tim, dick and Harry? What more is there to do? And he gets so many diverse counsels that he is more lost than ever. So doing nothing seems to him the best way of achieving an objective. Regards. Sunder T - 20160209