Monday, April 27, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: What you perceive through your senses in your waking state, all these impressions give rise to specific thoughts and emotions. A spiritual...


What you perceive through your senses in your waking state, all these impressions give rise to specific thoughts and emotions. A spiritual aspirant needs to be constantly alert; aware, all the times of every thought, every emotion arising in his/her mind - Anandmurti Gurumaa, Spiritualist. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani 20150427.

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blopspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blopspot: Sunderblogger.051 India is emerging as managerial number one in the world. In 2009 Indian companies have raised billions from global marke...


Sunderblogger.051 India is emerging as managerial number one in the world. In 2009 Indian companies have raised billions from global markets, to finance foreign takeovers, and internal expansion. This far exceeded the inflow of foreign direct investment [around $10 billion]. This is the real revolution of 2006, India as left behind the stage of being seen as global suppliers of soft ware, generic drugs and auto components. It is now seen as a global managerial power, one that can take over multinationals across the world and improve their performance. So, global financiers are tripping over one another to fund foreign acquisitions by Indian companies. The world now believes that Indian are excellent managers, better than those in several American and European countries Hundreds of Indian companies have become MNCs with growing empires. Day is not far, when ICIC Bank takes over Citibank, when Infosys acquired IBM, when Reliance takes over Exxon; and Tata Motors take over General Motors, and of course Times of India should take over the New York Times. Best Wishes, sunder.thadani 20150427.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Sunderblogger.050 According to Akamai Technologies’ latest State of the Internet report, India has currently 2.1 million unique IPs, whi...


Sunderblogger.050 According to Akamai Technologies’ latest State of the Internet report, India has currently 2.1 million unique IPs, which means the country has 0.002 IPs per capita or two unique IP addresses per 1,000 people. An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique 32-bit number, which identifies a computer in an IP network. The State of the Internet report also reveals that the percentage of broadband connections from India with speeds above 5 Mbps (high broadband) and 2 Mbps (broadband) are 0.6 per cent and 4.6 per cent respectively. The percentage of connections with speeds less than 256 Kbps from India is 26 per cent. Sanjay Singh, vice president, Global Services and Support, Akamai Technologies, has said, “Our global network of 36,000 servers across 70 countries enables us to offer unique insight into how the internet is being leveraged around the world. While the report notes that India has just two unique IPs per 1,000 people on average, we believe India’s internet penetration will significantly increase in the coming years, thanks in part to the economic boom and increasing IT adoption.” Best Wishes, Sunder Thadani. 20150426

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Thoughts are Powerful: The way you think is crucial to the development of your soul. You are the sum of your thoughts, words and deeds. Thoughts come first, and words and deeds arise out of thought- positive or negative thinking. That is why it is very important to think positively. Eventually all thoughts create energy, so be aware of what energy you are creating. Negativity can be a soul characteristic or a result of bad training in this life. But mainly human beings get negative when they do not get what they want. Negativity is an outcome of wrong understanding and a weak, uncontrolled, untrained mind. It is up to you to think positively to combat this because your thoughts eventually manifest in the form of emotions. This is why thoughts are powerful. They manifest physically and emotionally and they shape your soul. Negativity becomes a habit, a way of living for many people. Even though there is nothing wrong with their lives, they are so used to being hopeless, cynical, and bitter and defeated that they are constantly putting out their energy. Like attracts like. Therefore negative people attract negative people and situations towards them, and pattern is very harmful (for their lives) - Khorshed Bavnagri. This message appeared in a local paper and is now reproduce for the information and benefit of the members of “sundercircle”. Your comment will be appreciated. Thanks for your attention and time. Sunder Thadani 20150425 – sunderkt at gmail dot com

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Sunderblogger.050 According to Akamai Technologies’ latest State of the Internet report, India has currently 2.1 million unique IPs, whic...


Sunderblogger.050 According to Akamai Technologies’ latest State of the Internet report, India has currently 2.1 million unique IPs, which means the country has 0.002 IPs per capita or two unique IP addresses per 1,000 people. An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique 32-bit number, which identifies a computer in an IP network. The State of the Internet report also reveals that the percentage of broadband connections from India with speeds above 5 Mbps (high broadband) and 2 Mbps (broadband) are 0.6 per cent and 4.6 per cent respectively. The percentage of connections with speeds less than 256 Kbps from India is 26 per cent. Sanjay Singh, vice president, Global Services and Support, Akamai Technologies, has said, “Our global network of 36,000 servers across 70 countries enables us to offer unique insight into how the internet is being leveraged around the world. While the report notes that India has just two unique IPs per 1,000 people on average, we believe India’s internet penetration will significantly increase in the coming years, thanks in part to the economic boom and increasing IT adoption.” Best Wishes, Sunder Thadani. 20150425


Sunderblogger.049 In the ICE (information, communication, and entertainment) age, life is characterized by stiff competition. The anxiety to keep ahead in the rat race and the urge to garner material benefits is ripping us apart. Relationships have taken a beating and marriage is losing its sheen. From a marriage of convenience it has now transformed into a game of compromises. Giving each other space, understanding work cultures and the pressure that comes along, sharing domestic responsibilities top the list. Partners need to have faith in each other, shed their egos and be ready to talk things out instead of fighting. Practicality is the word. Along with an easy-going attitude, there should be the zeal to support their respective families. It is necessary to draw the demarcating line between personal and professional lives. Being supportive of each other regarding professional decisions, coming up with suggestion but not imposing upon the partner are important for a successful marriage. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani. 20150425

Friday, April 24, 2015


<1DOCTYPE html> <sunderblogger.index.html
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.048 It is feeding the inner world wherein in each one us a `sage` dwells. Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within and we no longer need approval of others. A peaceful life is essentially a simple one and hence effortless. The sheer simplicity of peaceful life is a magnet that attracts, for deep within we identify with it. To be simple is not something external; we have to become simple and natural from within, be open to our own internal self1, and perform actions knowing where they are leading to. One has to consciously bring about this change, as “to change externally is just a cosmetic change; it is feeding the inner world wherein in each one us a `sage` dwells. Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within and we no longer need approval of others. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani 20150424


Sunderblogger.044 Destroy those envying roots and enjoy lasting peace. Just be aware when the feeling of jealousy arises, and you will be surprise, it simply disappears. Jealousy cannot be overcome either by escaping from it or hating the object of jealousy. Understand the way out of jealousy is not be surprising it or denying its existence. Expressing and encouraging it is also not the way because then you are not ready to face he jealousy with awareness. Just watch how jealousy arise in you, how it develops into hatred for the object of jealousy, how it creates restlessness and frustration inside you and make you lose all of your peace and calm. Do not condemn the object of jealousy. The object has not generated the emotions from outside. The jealousy is happening inside you. The fire of jealousy can just consume you completely if you don’t control it with the fire extinguisher of you awareness. Once you witness your jealousy with awareness, you will realize that it does not have a basis for existence at all. When this happens jealously will drop automatically. You won`t have to drop it. Best Wishes! sunder.thadani 20150424

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Mumbai, India: Government Railway Police (GRP) is introducing a new scheme for city stations to have "police mitra".

What is the scheme? It is a compiled database of food stall workers, shoeshine boys, coolies, and cabbies, present at every station, to act as "eyes and ears" of the police. The cops will train them on how to gather intelligence and spot suspicious activities as well as help the commuters trying to locate a police station. The tricky part will be to differentiate rogue cabbies from the others

Areas to be covered


At lease 3 to 4 mitras will be present on each of the 471 railway platform in the city. The have been armed with the GRP`s helpline Numbers

Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: <sunder.thadani.index.html Mumaikars-information


<sunder.thadani.index.html Mumaikars-information

Monday, April 20, 2015


Saved by Diversity There is a couplet in Sanskrit that says, "It is because lions are lazy, snakes are scared, and intellectuals have difference of opinions, that there is happiness on the planet". Just imagine if lions were very active, they would have finished all the animals in the forest in no time. So the laziness of the lion is a boon to the forest. Similarly, serpents are so scared and because of their fear we are saved. In the same way, the differing opinions of intellectuals makes the world a better place. We would have no diversity on the planet if everyone thought the same thing.Imagine, if everyone goes to a restaurant and eats only one thing, there will be no variety in the restaurant. Diverse viewpoints make the world a better place to live in. What the world needs is celebration in diversity- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (author)- This appeared in a local paper and is now reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani - sunderkt at gmail dot com -

Sunday, April 19, 2015

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: Sunderblogger.041 Religion seeks to give a sense of meaning and direction to human existence, providing us with understanding of whom and...


Sunderblogger.041 Religion seeks to give a sense of meaning and direction to human existence, providing us with understanding of whom and what we are. Accordingly, it is inextricably bound up with the different components of our human identity-as individuals, spouses, members of families, communities and nations. These are the expanding circles of our human identity, each of which has its place and value. Sociological analysis indicates that much of problems of alienation and disorientation within modern society are the result of a loss of traditional components of human identity. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani. 20150419