Sunday, April 5, 2015


Mumbaikars: It seems that we, as a city, do not deserve the god things we get. Needing less than a month to reduce these trains to this state qualifies us for a half-of-shame entry. Officials should look at increasing the penalty for this crime- for this is nothing short of a crime -but we need to behave more responsibly and take pride in what we get to use. New Western Railway local coach cost= 42 crores per rake. Introduced on track - March 18, 2015. In service 2 -Expected in future =70. Within 15 days of introduction of these new rakes, one finds paan stains and trash on outside and inside of the coaches. Even Hand-Grips go missing. and trash is piling up. Shame to Mumbaikars, we have zero civil sense or nil national spirit or lack of culture. . Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani. 20150405

Friday, April 3, 2015


God`s gifts God has reserved the best for those who delight in his word.God has give us so many beautiful delight in life: Caring Parents, Guiding Teachers, Trustworthy Friends. Why not value and respect them? Nothing is more precious than these gifts. - Lakshmi R. Nair -Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani 20150403.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Humility is Godliness What does it mean to be humble? All the knowledge you possess, the skills that you have and the goodness that exists within you flows through you Your mind, body and spirit are fortunate to be a channel for that flow of goodness. According to spiritual law, that flow will be drawn to humility. As channels you are servers and thus co-creators. But the moment you feel proud, you choose to operate alone and disconnect yourself from God, and you will be left with your mind and body which are extremely limited- Khorshed Bhavnagri (this article appeared in a local paper DNA, and now is reproduced for the information and benefit of the members of "sundercircle". You are welcome to suggest/comment, if any. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani -

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Enter Text Here Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani. 20150401


Trappings of Power

Power can be measured. Its volume, its weight, its momentum can all be brought within the purview of mathematics. So it is the endeavour of those who hold power to be supreme, to increase in bulk. They would repeatedly multiply numbers- the number of men, the number of coins, the number of appliances. What they strive for success they sacrifice others` wealth, others` rights, others` lives; for sacrifice is the essence of the cult of Power; and the earth is running red with the blood of that sacrifice- Rabindranath Tagore. This appeared in a local paper, and is now reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani


Your Kid in the family:- Violence as a tool to discipline kids at home does more harem than good. So making children feel guilty about their behaviour or teaching them to keep secrets.In India a survey revealed that using these methods may render a child prey for peadophiles and strangers Q: what do you offer as bribe? Toys or chocolates? 60%, Nod to watch TV or gadgets 31%, Money 9% Q: Do you threaten your child? 76% yes, 13% sometimes, and 11% no. Q: How you scare your kid? 36% "I shall kill you", 23% "Will send you to boarding school" 21% "Mummy or daddy will go away", 12% "Someone like bogeyman will take you away" 13% "I won`t give you what you want", Q: Do you bribe your child? 67% "All the time", 23% "Never", 10% "sometimes" Survey shows: 64% leave the kid with servants/driver/neighbour/friend or dance or some other class while at work. 98% don`t check the mobile phone of person taking care of the kid 84% never check the background of such person 82% don`t teach male child about good touch and bad touch as they feel boys can`t be abused. This article appeared in a local paper 'DNA" and was written by Kanti Vibhute@kantivibuhute9 and now is reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.031 Boredom is a state of mind in that state, nothing appeals to us, nothing excites us, and nothing interests us. Boredom is not something that hits us from outside; It`s nothing external. It is not like day and night or like the seasons that are inevitable. Boredom is the mind, though it might be related to the presence or absence of people, events or material elements that are outside the person The most common reason for boredom is when one does not have anything worthwhile to do. Take up a hobby, call up old friends or relatives, start writing a journal, learn a new art like drawing, painting, or music, remember all the things you wanted to do, but could not do due to a genuine lack of time. Like everything, boredom too has its benefits if you use the time effectively and creatively. Otherwise, you can keep complaining that you are bored, and waste the one and only life that God has given you, in a bored, mundane fashion. Feeling bored is also a choice- no one is stopping you from going ahead and doing all those things that could make your life interesting or exciting, except yourself. Best Wishes: sunder. Thadani 250401

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Take the Correct Path Self-realisation is the easiest thing. It is not difficult. What difficult things to do you have to do to experience what is within you? It is just that you are willing and unwilling at the same time. The struggle is yours. You have just chosen a path like this. Suppose you wanted to go to the room next door; If you knew the geography of the building, you would simply turn the right way and walk into the room. But if all you have is enthusiasm and have n o clue how to get to the room, you might go around the world and come in through the window. You can get to the room that way too. Yet, it is a foolish thing to do. And who knows what impediments may eat you up during this round-the world trip. A few centuries ago, out of many thousands of people who set off on expeditions from Europe to find India, most of them got wiped out on the oceans. Only one Vasco Da Gama made it. So if you go around the world to get to the next room, the chances of you getting there are remote - Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani 20150331

Monday, March 30, 2015

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot

sunderblogger: sundercircle.blogspot: India at bottom of e-comm readiness pile India has been ranked low on a new index compiled by the UN trade body, UNCTD for assessing the re...


India at bottom of e-comm readiness pile
India has been ranked low on a new index compiled by the UN trade body, UNCTD for assessing the readiness of countries for electronic commerce and it has the fourth largest number of complaints made against companies selling online.
83rd        India`s rank of the UNCTAD
40.6        score of India on the Index
63           rank of Chine on the index though it is world`s largest B2C market
130         countries surveyed on indicators of internet use, secure servers, credit card penetration
India stats
1.8%       individuals over 15 years owing a credit cards
12.6%     use the internet
48.2        secure servers per million people
100%      people have mail delivered home
50-80%  Online transactions are settled with cash on delivery
Note: Top four countries with highest readiness for electronic commerce are Luxembourg, followed
          by Norway, Finland and Canad
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani. 20150330


Hope is the spring board of all activity. A new hour, a new dawn and a new year,
all hold out hope. Hope can also spring forth in a manner that is unconnected with us.
A good turn of events for someone else can kindle hope in us. However,
hope could turn out to be a double-edged sword. Unfulfilled hope can be devastating, as in business, love and competitive situations. Grief might blur one`s vision but the flicker of hope helps us navigate the darkness of despair.
Unified mind is the key to peace, happiness and fullness. It can help us see t
he whole picture rather than get trapped in ephemeral details.
Not everyone might turn out «GreetingLine»to be a Beethoven or Stephen Hawking.
However, by not getting disheartened by setbacks and by finding ways to overcome difficulties, we can learn to appreciated and enjoy whatever we have instead of calling it quits.

Best Wishes!

Sunday, March 29, 2015


As in life, the only certainty in stock market is the uncertainty and unpredictability. Every morning, although we have broad idea of how our day is likely to be, we cannot predict with surety about evens that might or not happen during the day. This is true of our lives too, where life flows moment to moment; we can only live in the present.
Life is enmeshed in duality, with its ups and downs, victories and losses. The same is true of stock markets, where investors move from happiness to sorrow and from ecstasy to dejection, with cyclical regularity. As in life, with stocks too, no one is a permanent winner or loser. Change is the only constant. Life is all about putting in our best efforts and then surrendering to a higher authority or power. This letting go is often required in investing too where, after having made a decision, one should not continuously be thinking about it. Having gone our job, we must let go and let existence take over, and give us whatever returns or rewards…. Learn to accept that which you cannot change. At the same time, one cannot afford to be callous or careless, as these qualities always lead to trouble.
Life moves in cycles and good times are followed by not-so-good times. On the stock market there are winners, there are losers and often roles are reversed. The qualities that make our life joyous, balanced and harmonious-awareness, presence of mind, maturity, patience, truthfulness to oneself, acceptance, and an ability to forgive and forget, resilience, and trust and faith in a higher power –are the very traits that will hold any trader in good stead, through buoyancies and crashes, and will ensure that he does not lose his peace of mind and become a victim of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Saturday, March 28, 2015


the fact that society is a very densely connected network in which we are nods, and links represent our numerous social, professional, or family relationships. The most important revelation about networks- the one that is exciting scientists from all disciplines-has little to do with small worlds. Rather it is the realization that networks appearing in all different segments of nature and society are indistinguishable. We now understand that real networks are far from being a bunch of nodes randomly linked to each other. Instead, a few hubs, nodes with an exceptionally large number of connections, keep most networks together. A few individuals with an extraordinary ability make friends keep society together.
Best Wishes!

the fact that, society is a very densely connected network, in which we are nods, and links represent our numerous social, professional, or family relationships. The most important revelation about networks- the one that is exciting scientists from all disciplines-has little to do with small worlds. Rather it is the realization that networks appearing in all different segments of nature and society are indistinguishable. We now understand that real networks are far from being a bunch of nodes randomly linked to each other. Instead, a few hubs, nodes with an exceptionally large number of connections, keep most networks together. A few individuals with an extraordinary ability make friends keep society together.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Friday, March 27, 2015


Compassion: In Buddhism, one of the cardinal principals Lord Buddha taught is ahimsa, which means non-violence, respecting the integrity of the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. of all living beings, regardless of their race, religion, sect, economic or educational background or even their species- to compassionate towards others. To give in charity to get your name exalted is good, but it doesn't touch your heart. But to give in charity because you actually feel for the suffering of someone else and out of love you really want to help that person, that is real charity.- Radhanath Swami. This article is meant for the members of "sundercircle" for information and benefit. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani -20150327- -


Top Indian-American investors in Forbes magazine`s annual list of 100 best venture capitalist.
This information is for the benefit of the members of “sundercircle”. You are welcome to suggest, or comment or add your useful information for the members. We value your attention and time. Kind Regards.  Sunder Thadani. – sunderkt at Gmail dot com-
Name:                               Description                                                                           Rank 
01. Aneel Bhusri               CEO and co-founder of Workday, a cloud-based company     17
02. Salil Deshpande          MD of Bain Capital Ventures                                                   24
03. Promod Haque            Senior MD, Norwest Ventures                                                 26
04. Asheem Chandna        Partner, Greylock                                                                     36       
05. Sameer Gandhi           Partner, Accel                                                                           37
06. Gaurav Garg               Founding partner at Wing Venture Partners                            38
07. Navin Chaddha           Managing Director                                                                   42
08. Deven Parekh             Managing Director, Insight Venture Partner                            57
09. Neeraj Agrawal          General Partner, Battery Ventures                                            58
10. Venky Ganesan          Managing Director at Menio Ventures                                     86
11. Satish Dharmaraj       Managing Director at Redpoint Ventures                                 90
This information is for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". You are welcome
to suggest/comment. You are also requested to send any useful information of public
interest and we shall appreciate your attention and time. Kind Regards. Sunder Thadani.
sunderkt at Gmail dot com -

Thursday, March 26, 2015


you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyses mental skills.
If you find it difficult to look at your negative thoughts objectively, imagine that you are your best friend or a respected coach or mentor.
Negative thinking has been an early warning system showing where you need to direct your attention. Thought awareness helps you to understand the negative thinking, unpleasant memories and misinterpretation of situation that may interfere with your performance and damage yourself-confidence. Rational thinking is the technique that helps you to challenge these negative thoughts and either learn from them or refute them as incorrect. Positive affirmations that you can use to counter negative thought. These affirmations neutralize negative thought and build self-confidence. It is also used to find the opportunities, almost always present to some degree in a difficult situation.

Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Attaining the Way: "O brother! when I was forgetful, my true Guru showed me the
                                                way. I do not ring the temple bell: I do not set the idol on its
                                                throne. I do not worship the image with flowers. It is not the
                                                austerities the flesh which are pleasing to the Lord. When you
                                                you leave off your clothes and kill your senses, you do not
                                                please the Lord: The man who is kind and who practices
                                                righteousness, who considers all creatures on earth as his
                                                own self. He attains the Immortal Being, the true God is ever
                                                with him. Kabir says: "He attains the true Name whose words
                                                are pure, and who is free from pride and conceit- Kabir".
                                                Kind Regards.
                                                Sunder Thadani